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Everything posted by Jorgi

  1. that would be a sick tattoo, my friend has recently got a feather that he drew himself tattoo on the inside of his upper arm, it looks amazing. i love the idea of a feather tattoo - there's just something about feathers i'm down with - i just don't know where it'd go !
  2. yeah truly doesn't hurt at all afterwards ! apparently it itches when it's healing, but that's just like any cut or graze that scabs over so i'm not worried. definitely going to start planning my next one, gonna have to man up for anything bigger though haha !
  3. too lazy to get a better pic but yeah i'm not a wuss when it comes to pain, truly, i skateboard it's an occupational hazard - BUT i'm not gonna lie, tattoos hurt. it's just so sharp, like dragging it through. it's fine because you know it's going to end, and it doesn't hurt afterwards or anything it is just literally when they are inking, so it's cool really, i was totally not expecting it to hurt that much though !
  4. who has david cameron been talking to ? - http://www.fridgemagnet.org.uk/toys/dave-met.php relevant.
  5. so after pussyfooting around for like, months on end, i finally got a tattoo today. ...IT FUCKING HURT MAN. like, it's only a little thing on my wrist, and there was this woman next door getting this next back piece and i was sitting there like "man up man up man up it's only tiny" but dude, it hurt, and i am no stranger to pain ! just sayin, i am clearly a tattoo wuss. ...do want another one like, immediately though.
  6. When does the Eminem part drop ? The anticipation might actually kill me.
  7. word to yo mama edit: so i posted the same dianna photo as you. chortle snigger. but i can't be bothered to find another one, deal with it
  8. a woman walked into my work this afternoon who was the literal spit image of katy perry i swear down, so gorgeous. i was so tongue-tied, "would you like any sauces with YOU ...i mean your meal ?"
  9. Alex was fun, Sanguis pissed me the fuck off, like, literally i don't think anyone on the internet has ever actually made me SO ANGRY before but he did it ! i never got the Lee hype, personally, sorry
  11. fo shiznay. i loved it as a video, but as a music video ? naw.
  12. what video is this that you speak of ?
  13. oh, gosh sharesies, pekka ?
  14. remember me when you're rich and famous ? i expect shout outs at gigs, plus lots of merch etc. and high fives on demand
  15. WITH A BITTA EMILY DESCHANEL IN THE MIX FOR GOOD MEASURE I FEEL WE HAVE BEEN THROUGH THIS BEFORE, KAILEY I DON'T KNOW WHY I'M TYPING IN CAPS ....LOUD NOISES i was so pissed that knight rider got cancelled. i mean it was shit but that is so far beside the point.
  16. i confess i am SO BORED, words cannot express
  17. ninja legs, ninja legs, ninja ninja ninja legs peace out
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