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Everything posted by megan_UK

  1. aw haha the guy just anoys me to death, tbh. but im sure other people like them in here
  2. LOL i know i felt like pure mazing an account over at AP, and just fight with them and stuff. lmao
  3. taking the piss out of what they where wearing
  4. these are my fav pics of paramore, ever so adorable. ahh love! x
  5. i'll ask my dad where he got it form tonight :] a new one comes out each month, so this edition will most deff be in
  6. I never heard of it either, untill my dad bought it in. lol && i doupt it, its basically just about new bands and stuff.
  7. sorry if this has been posted && for the shit quality.. i shud be gettin better pix soon:]
  8. i got adddicted to both their cd's great band :]
  9. ^^ ditto but if i had to pick, my heart or here we go again.
  10. why so? incase they end up like p!atd
  11. they are great, imo i just wish they got recognized more.!
  12. i wanna goto warped one year so bad instead we get gay festivals was shite singers
  13. i looooooooove the way it finishes amazing.
  14. happy birthday!! hope u had a good one x
  15. my thoughts exactly lmao i got pure excited tho seein her in the cover againnnn
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