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Everything posted by Addie

  1. Oh my gosh... :o:o Wow hay, you know I love you but um... Ew. But hey I mean it's your nose right? If you like it, I'm good with it.
  2. But... he probably took it down because hayley was winning the bid... Maybe he's going to try to do it again and hope she doesn't notice :S That's sick and twisted... and everything else he's put her through. My god, what is wrong with this man? Some people in the world...
  3. We (Paperboy Jack) got in contact with the booking agent for such venues as Dodge Theater (where Paramore is playing) and Cricket Pavillion. He's gonna try to get us a spot as a 2nd or 3rd opening act for any of the major artists coming here Such as... Paramore Avril Lavigne John Mayer And there are more but I can't remember. I was like begging him "PLEASE, PLEASE, PARAMOREEE!!" lol. Not that I wouldn't mind opening for Avril or John, but hey, it's paramore. xD Man, last time they were here I met them and that was crazy enough. But to OPEN for them?! That's just surreal. Wish me luck! Haha PS- Sorry if this is in the wrong place.. I wasn't quite sure where to put this..
  4. I like it, but its sometime hard to keep up with with the split screens and quick scene changes... but its still cool. And they're still focusing on Hayley too much... its getting better, but that scene where she's singing and people are hanging out in the background... good scene, but still, it put so much focus on her. I want to see more Jeremy.
  5. You see a lisence plate that says "PARA" on it, so you take a picture of it with your cell phone and send it to your friend saying "You know you're a parawhore when..." xD
  6. This is the weirdest thing. As I was reading their lj post about it I started to cry. Not because I don't want them to break up (not saying I do of course), but that I don't want them to hurt. I know they can't tell us stuff because they don't want us to worry or speculate, but, I want to help them. I think we should make a card or something and send it to them. What do you think?
  7. First, let me say that posting things like this can easily cause riots (no pun intended) and it's better to avoid them. Now, I don't think Hayley would go solo. If paramore ever broke up, it would most likely be because they missed home. So, she would retire. Or, if for some reason they didn't get along anymore, Hay would most likely do things for other bands, like vocals on their albums and such, and she'd eventually stop. I think all of the members of paramore know that what they have is special, and nothing would ever be the same. Hayley doesn't have the voice for solo work, and she knows it. She is a band's singer, not just any band, but Paramore. However, if she did, somehow defy grafity and make pigs fly to make a solo album, I'd buy it the first second it touched the shelves. Hayley is not Avril or Gwen by any shape or measure. Just putting that out there.
  8. Hmm yeah well I think she might be 5'3'' cause I'm 5'3'' and in my pic with her, we're the same size. So hrmm... =P
  9. Gahh... This is really embarrassing... I had a paramore dream last night and it was... special. Okay so me and hayley were randomly playing video games (the new SSB to be specific, cept it wasnt Brawl, it was called Hyah! for some weird reason) in my dressing room from a gig I did a couple days ago. She was better than me... which is strange, because I dont imagine her to be the video game talented type. Anyways, then zac walks in, sits down next to me and tries kiss me, and I slap him. Then hayley got mad at me for slapping him or something and I was like crying... Okay yeah that was pretty much the weirdest dream I've ever had in my life. xD It wasnt even cool... just... embarrassing. lol
  10. Addie

    Paperboy Jack

    We're performing on the Miss. Caliente beauty pageant which will air Jan 6 on FOX. It's hosted by MTV so it's a pretty big deal.
  11. Definately not hot. Gorgeous is kinda general, but I'm gonna go with cute. She's the kind of person that can just smile and you start giggling. hehe
  12. I don't think they would do Let the Flames Begin because... It has the same tone as crushcrushcrush. For a pessimist is likely, but normally if you're going to make the first song on your record a single, it's the first single. So my guess would be That's What You Get They haven't released an entirely upbeat one yet, and that one is definately catchy.. I highly doubt it's Born For This... But all of them have potential! Hopefully they'll make a third video this time.
  13. That's awesome... how the heck did you do that? xD Edit: nevermind, thanks for the tip
  14. I've known about them for a long time, and played their songs on my radio, but I never really considered making them one of my favorite bands. But yesterday I bought their CD and they're quickly working their way to the top of my list
  15. ^ heck yes I love it, but I love all of her hair color. Probably my least favorite was the brown, but I dunno, I love all of them. I don't think there's a "new" or "old" hayley. They're the same chick, just kinda... expanding her taste. I thought the orange and red/orange hair were extremely out there, and it caught people's attention. Now that the media has kinda settled down and they're touring and all, she can go with a calmer one. A lot of her hair changes were for exposure. Which is great. I'd much rather her sell out her hair (in an awesome way) than her body. xD
  16. Mm I love acapella stuff, but this sounds like High School quality.
  17. lol good job hayley, forgot to sign it. oh and thanks for posting... I'm asking for it for christmas. =D
  18. For Josh and Hayley: When did you write your first song together and what was it called? For all of them: We all know Josh plays guitar, Zac plays drums, Jeremy plays bass, and Hayley plays drums (haha), but what instruments can you play that maybe we don't know about?
  19. Already signed. Yeahhhh lets do this! Help em out!
  20. I think that would be cool once or twice, but, no offence to Josh, he has what I call the "Back up voice" and he sounds best supporting someone else. But totally not against trying it a couple times. I don't think anyone would hate the idea. Haha
  21. Yeah. They shouldn't have opened the fan club until they had the boards ready. At LEAST that. But I haven't even gotten my fan club merch yet and I joined the first day... should I be worried? xD
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