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Everything posted by Christine

  1. I missed it when they were #1. I was watching it when they were #3 though But my sister was being annoying and interrupting it because she thinks paramore = lame.
  2. When your friend is working on the school newspaper and someone wrote a review of riot. and you see it on the computer screen and yell out "paramore is awesome" and then the class goes quiet When you see "business of beauty" on a paper and the first thing you think is misery business
  3. I think there's only a few people at my school who know about paramore. I saw this girl wearing a riot shirt a few weeks ago and today I saw this girl with a riot button. But I think most people don't know who they are. I'm cutting out a picture of them for graphic arts to make into a shirt and no one in my class knew who the people were/what riot is.
  4. good costume idea if you think you might be too cold, you could wear jeans, maybe red or yellow skinny jeans.
  5. I know what you mean about the fake fans, it's so annoying. "omfg i luv paramore and lyk misery business is mah fav song!!!!11 mah new fave band l0lz!1" I agree
  6. I got all excited when i saw mb was #3 LOL I tried to vote but the page wouldn't load
  7. - When you're in health class and you have to answer these lame questions about yourself. one of them is "what 3 people would you invite to dinner, dead or alive" and when it's your turn you yell out paramore even though thats more than 3 people. - when you get annoyed that no one in your health class seems to know what paramore is.
  8. lol I made a boohbah one when I got bored earlier with that same pic boohbahs are so freaky, i've never seen the show but the website scares me
  9. wow what a hard question.. i'd enter but i live in the us
  10. - when you see paramount on tv and you think it says paramore - you got all excited when they were on trl and ran to the couch to watch it, and your sister thinks you're on crack.
  11. I know what you mean about it being happy and sad at the same time. it's a great song
  12. that's really good, it looks so realistic.
  13. ofdih oranges fight dinosaurs in helicopters
  14. Christine


    welcome i like your av too
  15. lol i heard it on tv before mb was on some other commercial too...idk which one though because i wasn't paying attention
  16. it's really hard to pick just one since i like them all but my favorites are probably let the flames begin (from riot!) and emergency or here we go again (from AWKIF) for a while my favorite song was breathe because it reminded me of someone.
  17. that's very well written and I agree with it 100%. we don't have kerrang here so I haven't read the articles, but it's ridiculous that they're so sexist.
  18. idk, I always make my mom do that wwtlty ate an apple?
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