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Everything posted by neverment2brag

  1. haha thats so cute. they all seem really chill
  2. okay HA this just came to my head...yeah i dont know. it took forEVER to think up the last line though thats why its soo cheesey haha im sitting here confused. feeling a little used. i just got the news. and im crushed... im feeling a little blue. i just might sue. because you broke my heart in two. who knew, one could feel so much pain? no ones around. not one sound. and im bound, to do anything to feel a release. so i lay in my bed. thoughts running through my head. i need some sort of med...ication, to get through all this safely. breathing deep, hands shaking. i begin to weep, i feel an awakening... i can live without you. ill live my life to the fullest. i feel brand new and unwined, i always knew you'd go out all stylish.
  3. haha the ink ones so cheesey...im thinking of writing another one, i dunno if now or not. its 3am and im tired so i could write anything hahah
  4. paolo nutini, riot (kinda still...it stopped for a few days, then i listened to it again and got obsessed again haha), and forever the sickest kids. i dont know, i have so many random obsessions it like hurts my brain.
  5. paolo nutini, riot (kinda still...it stopped for a few days, then i listened to it again and got obsessed again haha), and forever the sickest kids. i dont know, i have so many random obsessions it like hurts my brain.
  6. hey! found a poem i wrote like a year ago about my friend i was just talking about hahah because she was trying to be friends with me again and yeah. i know its cheesey and it sucks yeah, it was a year ago, i was weird back then haha You thought you ruled me, You thought you controled me, You thought you owned me, But you didnt. You thought that i was you friend, You thought that i wouldnt bend You thought that it would never end But it did. And now its over and you regret everything you said. But you know what I dont care! You suck. You ruined my life and im not gunna cry. Thought i was gunna die Well you thought wrong. Now you wanna take back it all But i dont wanna! Cuz it was the start of a new day. The days that i rise and you fall. You fell, and you fell hard. Just like a deck of cards! You were all over the floor And i didnt care that you were there Cuz i was there too. But i got back up and lived my life And thats what you should do. Because it was that bad It made me sad But i got over it. It was kind of a fad Just like your dad It got really really old. And i finally got tired You were fired And that was that. But in the end you felt bad, You wanna go back up to bat But ill NEVER be friends with you again, And yes i will stick with it. And this is why i am using a pen But now im out of ink....SH!T. ill use this pencil now and take a bow beacause i let my feelings out I dont know how to say this now But, i love to see you pout Yes its mean, I dont mean to be green But thats just me. but it just trips me out that you wanna take back it all But i dont wanna! Cuz it was the start of a new day. a BRAND NEW DAY! The day that i rise and you fall. And that is all.
  7. ah thank you jana!! everyones thats read it has said liek "eh" im like DUDE i like spilled my heart and soul out and all you gotta say it "eh" haha. i love the song too, i LOVE the last part of it. Aoife, i love the...the chours of it i guess ill call it. it reminds me of my ex BFF in middle school HAHA she like tried to control me and mold me into like a mini me of her then one day i told her im sick of your lies and all that stuff haha okay im done.
  8. ah that sounds so political....or whatever the word is haha okay, like 3 weeks ago, my friend from school killed himself and it hit me heard and im still coping with it. so last night, i was just liek "screw it" and i wrote this. this poem means alot to me. its basicly all my feelings frok the past few weeks. so please comment on it. Confused. Hurt. Empty. Depressed. That is how i feel. Did you WANT me to feel this way?? Is this shit for real? I dont know what else to say. So many emotions running through my veins. Somedays i want to blame you. Other days i feel sorry for you. But at the same time i dont get why you would do this. Yes, you were hurting i suppose. Yes, youve had a rough life. And yes, i should of been more open, And opened up my eyes and saw you hurting. But no, i was too selfish and paraniod at the time. But still...why? I know i shouldnt blame myself, because it has nothing to do with me really. And yes, i didnt really know you well and didnt know what you were feeling. But... I dont know. My head is spinning and in a knot. I just wish that you could of had just ONE more shot, To change or just let it all out. Just NOT ike this... NOT like this. But i cant worry about it anymore. What was done is done and i cant change that. But sometimes... I just wanna go outside and scream at the sky. And just ask God "Why?!" But, its okay i guess. This all happend for for the best. Your out of your misery, Your resting in peace. But you left me here with so much greif. You left me here alone with no one really... But maybe this is a sign for me to ACTUALLY start growing up, And STOP just WAITING for shit to just COME to me. Yes thats one of my MANY problems today. But hey, WHO DOESNT HAVE PROBLEMS NOW A DAYS!? Its a hard cold shallow world. And all you can do is take it as it comes. And grow up, and just..deal with it. Who am iiii to be judging you. I didnt know you. So...i cant say anything really. But ill always have this hurt inside just for you. thats basicly all i can do. But now all i have is little memories. And i just have to live my life day by day. and STOP bringing myself down. Yes its a tragedy. But whats done is done. The memories are fading quickly... Im forgetting your face... but what i will never forget.. Is that this all is just one big discrace. One person that was misunderstood i guess? But i cant speak on that. Cuz i didnt know you well... But what im going throuhg right now is fucking HELL. okay. then i wrote this like a month ago...it seriusly has no meaning. its disturbing kinda, but i dont know. i seriusly dont get how i thought it up ha i wake up in the morning in my bed and thoughts run through my head saying... "dont get up." but i ignore it and stood up and get in a better frame of mind but i go down stairs and what do i find... my mother on the kitchen floor. i check her pulse and nothing is there and then my heart goes into a panic scare shes got a stab in her back and a stab in her arm. whoever did this ment to cause harm. i call 911 and they come and take here away i should of listen to that voice inside my head, i never ever should of gotten out of bed. thoughts running through my head over and over again. i felt lost and paralized. so i get a sheet of paper and pen. because my mother always told me "let it on on paper, no one cries". so i let all my feelings and tears out on that paper, and id never show it anyone, im not a chance taker. the next day was her funeral. i walked up to the cascet and put what i wrote on that paper with her in there and that was the end. and it wasnt fair.
  9. yeah i bet it'll be on MTV like all the......other MTV Live's haha i dont get why it wouldnt be.
  10. ah wow! that was so personal. but maybe like..she haaad to do it. maybe she was scared like, some fans would like start hating the band cuz of the word God? i dont know really, i aint really that religious but i DO beleive in god and i DO pray and all that.
  11. i know a week passed but dont they got charts like every week. haha
  12. i thought they were against the higher and the jonas brothers hah
  13. he so does sounds friggen beastly. god HAHA ugh i love the drum parts in riot
  14. id like cry my eyes out haha i hate that song HAH no i love it but yeah. i ball like a baby eveyrtime i hear it.
  15. haha i dont know i was lookin through my cd's and i saw it..i seirusly want her to do that song now please. haha
  16. haha i love that song...i think she'd do bater with when your gone or keep holding on though but um... i dont know ha samson by regina spektor maybe? i think she'd d good with that. OH MY GOD MY IMMORTAL evenesense haha thatd be kick ass id TOTALLY friggen cry
  17. i used to get that magazine, then my subscriptin ran out and i wqs too lazy to re-subscribe haha i highly doubt a big thing would be in it though..maybe nothing
  18. the almost...i love underoath. but yeah i cant help it, some screamo stuff makes my ears bleed and thats one of them, haha even though i love thoes dudes.
  19. uh check the audio section....if its not there then. i dont know. i know a site.....but i aint gunna post it here cuz i got yelled at last time. and i dont wanna get banned or something lol
  20. yeah imagin how kick ass he'll be in like....5 years haha
  21. HAHA seriusly. but seriusly...who doesnt like that stuff.
  22. yeah i love that. and i love that she braught that up cuz thats what we all were fighting abut like all last week HAHA
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