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Everything posted by Tineke

  1. The Epic Battle Of Jude And His Monkey in my pants golly, that would be uncomfortable.
  2. "I act excited sometimes!"
  3. A Man And A Woman during sex
  4. Thanks for the feedback! This is sort of a sequel to the first noe I posted. Written about six months later if that explains the attitude change, hehe. Grace. I’m sorry but now I just can’t help but hate her. She hurt you. She hurt you and I can’t forgive her for it. And now she’s coming crawling back, Tail between her legs, Saying that we should be full of… Grace. Claiming she’s better now. Watching from afar, I find this harder to trust than you do, And I didn’t even know her. I used to have… Grace. I told my self I was fine. Back when I could deal with it. Anyone else is fine, Just please don’t turn to… Grace. I can’t help it. I don’t have enough… Grace.
  5. Grow faster, stupid hair, I want to tie you up And legs/body another gorwth sprurt would be nice but I don't think it's likely. So at last tkank you for making me taller than Joyia.
  6. Post the title of whatever song you are listening to then 'durng sex' It's basically the same as the 'in my pants' game. We palyed it on another forum I go on and got some hilarious ones. Let It Die during sex
  7. A little bit of bass (if I practiced more i could but I don't really) Guitar and I sing. I want a band but everyone I know who also wants one already has one
  8. Oh and I also say "wicked hot" "It's a date/plan" and "I'm awesome" a lot. "I'm awesome" is usually when I've just done something smart/cool/really dumb.
  9. We're cool in some ways but I bit psycho in others... People say we're not human I read the first when I was about seven or so.... So yeah I've been into it for about nine years
  10. Oh wow. Yeah a couple of stores are selling them at below cost price so they're losing money.
  11. Yeah I had work so my mum got mine for me. Yay for woolworths?
  12. The Skriker by Caryl Churchill. Literally the WEIRDEST play I've ever read. But in an awesome way and I'm probably getting a lead
  13. When the 6th one came out there was five of us, in our lonuge in comeplete silence all reading seperate copies.
  14. My whole family is obsessed with Harry Potter.
  15. Feel the man love in the room... Thanks guys!
  16. The 'Pirate' shirt is winging it's way towards me sometime soon
  17. Oh, I forgot, in front of my entire class, plus several teacehrs and parents on school camp once, I was running from one car to the other and my foot hit a guy rope and a faceplanted SO badly. And once again I jsut got up and kept running.
  18. Haha, I love the one of Taylor upsidedown.
  19. If you name your kid something that's rare make sure it's pronounced at least sort of like it's spelt. Because I can tell you ifd it doesn't it sucks. For a boy I like: Shannon Will Josh James Stephen Girl: Elizabeth Jessica Emily
  20. Yeah it looks soooo wicked. A coupld of local bands I listen to (not all of them are local to my town but they're all awesome): Sunburn Dance Academy False Start 4manbob The Chase Neil Robinson
  21. Yeah, my mum overspent last year so no holidays this year That's totally fair enough, Misery Business is playing on the radio here, sure, but I haven't found either of their albums in any CD stores so... Yeah.
  22. Two points last year in drama, one where we were testing the lights for or play so I had to run around the room to see how they looked on people. I forgot that running on lino in socks doesn't work very wall, tried to turn to fast and slid straight over sideways, then got up and kept running while everyone else in the room was laughing at me. The other tim,e we were in one of the other romms, I'd been sitting in a weird position and my foot was numb, but like to the point where I didn't realise it was numb, so I tried to get up, and because it was numb I didn't realise it wasn't at the point that I could stand up yet, because the sole of my foot was at an angle to the ground. I tried to put my weight on it and fell straight back down on the ground, then flopped like a fish for a moment while I tried to work out what had happened.
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