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Everything posted by Sylar

  1. LOL Oh wow, thats hilarious!! Hayley musta been funny singing in the mask XD
  2. I say Hayley, and not just for singing. Avril thinks that maturing is filling your lyrics with loads of needless curse words and getting an explicit content sticker on your album. Paramore music is much better. And don't get me wrong, I love Avril's old stuff, but the new stuff (minus when you're gone) is just bad.
  3. Sylar


    Hiya and welcome!
  4. When you rock back and forth on the bus because you forgot your iPod. When you hold your mom's puppy hostage until she confesses that Paramore is cool. When the person who got you into Paramore says "Why did I have to tell her about them? *sigh* When you write Paramore on your knuckles every morning before school And when you stay up till 12:35 to watch them on Conan, even though you're tivo-ing it When you use up the school's printer ink on pics of them When you track down a freshman wearing a Riot! shirt just to say "Cool shirt"
  5. This one's probably been posted already, lol, I'm reading the topic but I really wanna post it Josh: I'm Josh and I play the bagpipes.
  6. Whooo!! Kelly!! I've been to 3 concerts of hers! 4th of July '06 she waved at me! 3rd row, man! I'm seeing her in the ATL 4 days before I see Paramore!!! YEAH!
  7. Aww, haha. I'll take pics. And a guy named James is surely cool! Thanks for the welcome
  8. Haha! Yay! Heroes! Nope, I'm not. But I'm his fangirl You have the same name as my best friend! yay!
  9. Oooh! Georgia Yeah, it sucks they skipped us Thanks all
  10. I'll definitely go see that! Thanks!
  11. Yay! Random and crazy is my style Thanks guys
  12. Whoa, all these pics are awesome! I wish I had some XD
  13. Hey, I'm Britt. I joined in July, when I really started to get into Paramore. I'm from Georgia, and my favorite member of the band is Hayley, but if we're going for the hottest, totally Jeremy My friend got me into them and he's really proud because I'm a HUGE fan now. I know the lyrics to all their songs. Recently when I found out they were touring, I jumped on to see the list, but ATL wasn't there. So I talked my family into taking me down to West Palm (I moved from there 2 years ago) and they agreed! I'm soooo excited! Anyway now that you know my life story, hi!
  14. Dude, I'm new to the boards. But not new to the site here. I just wanted to post that I'm going to this too! Whoo! I'm driving all the way down from Georgia too
  15. I have one more! If the band could make a time capsule to be opened in like 200 years, what would they put in it?
  16. Did they think when they got together that their band was going to be big? What did they want to be when they grew up if their band didn't work out. How do they keep their heads and personalities even though they're famous.
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