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Everything posted by herewegoagain**

  1. http://buzzworthy.mtv.com/2008/09/07/hayley-williams-vma-aspirations-i-just-want-to-shake-britneys-hand/
  2. They won't play in the actual VMA's but will it still be televised?
  3. I'm sure the competition Paramore has in their category are the Foo Fighters and FOB It's between the three of them
  4. First time in a while I'm going to watch mtv, just to watch Paramore perform, and hopefully win an award
  5. Anyone else excited about it? It should be the funniest movie of the year http://www.traileraddict.com/trailer/zack-miri-make-porno/red-band-trailer
  6. hhhmmmm.... I sure would love to be the one that gets it I wonder what's in there
  7. Coffee Shop Soundtrack - All Time Low Still the best song they've ever made
  8. She's been singing for four years now, there has to be some bad days
  9. at least she didn't get a tramp stamp nice sig, especially the second pic so smexy
  10. I agree with you When recommending screamo bands, all I can say is to stay away from bands that wear all black, a ton of eyeliner and ironed hair ie Alesana, Escape the fate, a skylit drive, on the last day, blah blah blah they're all the same At the same time, don't judge a band by how they look
  11. so this probably means no one else watches the show?
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