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Everything posted by Sophie_*!

  1. Just a few minutes. We tried to tell her straight away but everyone kept exploding into laughter cos it was just so funny. We eventually managed to say it.
  2. You know, I think she does. We told her what it meant in the end. It was really funny.
  3. Haha, Babs doesn't do stupid things. Actually, one day she had her headphones in and Alun said, Barbara has a chode. And we all started laughing. Then she took out her headphones and was all, what? So we told her what we said and she didn't know what a chode was. Aw it was funny.
  4. I actually had no idea anyone was talking to me. I was very confused. Im very sad!
  5. I figured you'd probably work it out. Aw god that was brilliant. I had no idea he was behind me, AH KISSED A MAAAAAN... ah crap.
  6. NEVER happens. Theres no one nice im my school. Well, theres possibly a handful, but nah. To find nice decent guys you'd need to go ages away. Say... fife. Lol.
  7. That really was a giggle! I was like, im gonna go into the cupboard and calm down. -walks back out- Alun: LEMONS! And i start off again.
  8. I did one http://artpad.art.com/?k660lxmws7g
  9. You like the priest and the beast? Aw dude I reeeeeally don't like that one. Rudi and Spider are great characters but that's one shit episode. It has possibly three funny moments in it.
  10. Haha, Jungle your favourite? I really can't decide on which is my fave. ITS TO HARD!
  11. I had that one coming... but did I really have that coming?
  12. Straight or gay he's saying what we're all thinking.
  13. Your hair is so awesome! Looking lovely!
  14. Lol like the time you hugged me in Ali Green after Festers, I was like... "whit ye daaaain?" "Showing you some rare affection!" "Aw okay!"
  15. He'll be siding with Euan. He actually said something to me on Glassford Gala cos I hugged Jack a few too many times and Euan didn't like it apparently... FUCKSAAKE
  16. Hahah, no KEIZER NO! Yeah but I didn't think about it much. It was truth or dare and then I was all, oopsie cos Euan was all sitting there. And Dans not texting me back, think he's pissed too.
  17. Hahahah, yeaah! Joeys like that all the time
  18. Lol just told you Babs ! ^^ Reminds me of, 'why you no like maa pie?' 'i just told yooou!'
  19. ^^ YEAH WITH MEEEE I'm past caring about all that. If he's gives me any shite about it i'll just be all, look man, you don't own me! Aaaargh FFS! Lol I have something to tell you on MSN
  20. Oooh Muse! I love love love them! Just wish they didn't play stadiums and shizz so I could have a chance at seeing them!
  21. It probably is cos you left! Hahah. Mild price as in Euan gubbins? And Daniel siding with him?
  22. Yer I wish I did. I got too involved after you left...
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