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Everything posted by my_sundown

  1. Ja, mach das. Vielleicht geht's dir dann später besser. Und zu deinen Avatar: Woooho! The little mermaid!
  2. Yeah, I know. Maybe you can go home after you finished writing the test?
  3. Aaw, how crappy from your mom, hehe. Is the test really important? And, when you're going to school tomorrow...good luck at that test! Hey, good luck! You'll make it!
  4. Haha, it's pretty typical. your mom won't let you, or what? Doesn't she see that you're not feeling well? Stay at home again tomorrow, franny.
  5. Ohje, also geht's dir wieder schlechter? Das muss endlich besser werden! Kopfschmerzen sind wirklich verdammt fürchterlich! Ich hab auch immer viel mit Rücken + Kopfschmerzen zutun...
  6. Aaaaw... I hope you get well soon! no... you have to!
  7. Nothing much. Just the same ol' stuffy stuff, haha. There? I'm okay. But I got a little backache, 'cause we had to take a part of our school books back home. It was pretty heavy.
  8. I'm taken, I am yours I'm up and doing circles
  9. *runs in a dark, dark corner to hid herself and tries to ignore this question* Well, I'd like to think that you're not meaning this seriously, do ya? And I never thought, someone would come up with a question like that! haha...
  10. I must confess that I love it here xD
  11. Mein Terror-Krümel? :hyper: Aaaw, das klingt lustig, Nüsschen und Terror-Krümel, haha.
  12. I gotta go But, see ya'll next time on here! Bye everyone!
  13. Yaay! I really have to do that with you, too!
  14. Franny, you're not! You're just funny, in a good way.
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