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Everything posted by st.brittney

  1. having my drama director (who's directing the musical next year) tell me and a group of people that i'm a very good singer
  2. lmao that's would be an interesting twist
  3. haha no, idt he can. ahhhh :] the man in my sig is BEAUTIFUL. <3
  4. idk what its called but its COUNTRY music. aaagggggghhhhhhhhhhh
  5. ah ha i knew he produced my chem! i'm excited, this is sweet
  6. hahaha wow scared me for a second
  7. who is she performing with in those pictures?
  8. if this is all true that's really bad.
  9. recess!!! :hyper: i saw the trailer in the movie theatre last night, and no one laughed. it was a buzz kill for myself also. haha
  10. awww i love taylor! this was a really good post, it made me think too haha
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