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Everything posted by schmacko

  1. I confess my friend fooled me today and I was upset cause i never get fooled
  2. thats so awesome! its funny cause today I was just reading that!
  3. ^ I know roughly where it is, but I wouldn't be able to find it on a map... < is looking up finland on a map v owns a nintendo ds?
  4. yesterday before i went to bed When was the last time you went to the toilet?
  5. I thought I would try to play the piano blindfolded, so I went to my room to put the blindfold on. Then I realised that I had to walk back to the piano, so i thought instead of taking the blindfold off, I thought I would just find my way to the piano cause I know my own house so well. Well, I don't, cause after two steps I walked into a table, tripped and fell on my poor dog. My dog's alright but I have a huge bruise on my leg. Major fail.
  6. On one of Hayley's more recent jornal entries, she said that one of the titles is "Playing God". I dunno if thats a working title, but it sounds good
  7. brighter, cause its about the death of a loved one
  8. Paramore and lately I've become really artsy, so I've been doing a lot of artwork
  9. I confess that I am at school right now supposed to be researching, but am too lazy
  10. I failed at not getting enough studying done for tomorrow's test
  11. I wish that I will end up doing my english essay and I wish that my goldfish gets better
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