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Everything posted by SalsaC

  1. Now that I've finally gotten my message across, I will leave the thread alone, thank you.
  2. Indeed, and what I was trying was to maybe make him come out of that. You know, stop being an ass. It fell on dead ears. But none of you seem bothered by this kind of behavior anyway, so next time, I will try shutting up about it, too. It's not something I'm used to doing, but I can't seem to get along with this community any other way.
  3. Wow, are you guys even talking about me anymore? I tried multiple times to make it clear that I didn't have a problem with anyone's opinion. Pleasepleaseplease stop thinking that I do. Me and my friends argue about music all the time, so I know that people might have different opinions. That's not the issue here. Catie, you said it in one sentence what I failed to say in a dozen paragraphs: "alex can be an ass we all know that even he knows that"
  4. I confess I figured that out on my own.
  5. I confess I stopped playing Mirror's Edge as soon as it started crashing my computer. Such a shame, it looked like a fun game.
  6. I confess that sounded like it came from the loud mouth of some doomsday's prophet. *shivers again* PS Krylon, how on earth did you manage to post 4500 posts in about three months? I just looked at your join date, looked away, "wait, WHAT?" and looked again.
  7. Explosions In The Sky - The Birth And Death Of The Day Goddamn...Gets me every single time! *shivers* Try it!
  8. Thrice - Daedalus Their unique sense of melody... tasteful use of two electric guitars...Just the kind of music where you can let yourself go and slowly fade right in to the eye of the sonic maelstrom.
  9. I don't think I've ever listened to any albums produced by Mr Cavallo. But if Decode was produced by him, then I can definitely see some of the elements he will possibly introduce to Paramore's sound in the new album. I can't decide if that's a good thing, so I will just wait till I hear the album itself. Different producers have never really moved me much one way or another anyway so I'm pretty ":I" about this.
  10. *Bangs his head against the keyboard* *cries of frustration* ...Thank you. I appreciate your ability to argue without spitting insults, but you are still on the wrong track. You are intelligent enough to have a decent argument with, but you are not the reason this started in the first place, so do you understand why I don't want this to go any further? It's already clear that I can't communicate with Defiance, so I decided against doing so.
  11. Please, just stop there, ok? I was trying to get out of this before I say something I regret later. Some of you just refused/failed to see the point I was trying to make, but that's ok now! I give up. Just leave it at that, please?
  12. There's clearly not much I can do anymore, so let's just both get on with our lives, shall we?
  13. My thoughts EXACTLY! *enter commercial girl voice* But that was before I discovered this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HC-y8ULLDz4 Just perfect! The studio version has it's moments, like those badass metal chords in the chorus, but this version beats it hands down. Didn't make me like the original version more, but I appreciate the song itself much more now. ...Did I just talk differential equations again?
  14. Turns out the things that I couldn't see, weren't actually there in the first place. Logical? Yes! So why didn't I think about that earlier? Don't ask, since you won't get an answer. As for the question in hand... 288! Beat that biatch.
  15. What I was referring to, was not his opinion. That's something I said earlier, but like I said, people seemed to skip over that part. I was referring to these comments I already said what I had to say about this. That's not the reason I posted and you would know that if you had read my posts. And that's definitely not what you said in the first place: I'll try this another way. If someone comes and says that, I, and probably a few others as well, take that as another way of saying "You are all wrong, I'm right." That might not be what you meant but it still comes across that way like I said earlier. Now what about this... WTF were you thinking?? If that's not an invitation to a flamewar then I don't know what is. What I was trying all this time was telling you to get off your damn horse and start being nice to people. You can state your opinions without those little bits here and there that provoke people to get arsey. Hey, if you think I'm being arsey, then I guess it worked, but was that what you had in mind? Were you really trying to get someone to "bitch" at you? Do you realize what I'm trying here? Just forget that I happen to like Zac's drumming. (And also forget what I said about reasonable responses )
  16. Tired. TIRED. An hour of football with the privates in a 50cm-100cm snow drift. Ever been so tired that your feet, not only feel like they can't go on, but literally collapse under you? Scary at first, but at least I gave the game everything I got.
  17. Porcupine Tree - Arriving Somewhere But Not Here One of the best songs ever. Wilson just knows how to put simple things together to create something so extraordinary, and cover it all with his unbelievable knack for production.
  18. As for my plans of being a music teacher...I'll deem that... plausible. I think this will be my profession if my dreams won't get in the way. My real dream is to be a recording artist, someone who can get along in life just by playing music. Hopefully, music that touches or affects people on an emotional level. As an aim in life, this is as shaky as it can get, but I haven't ruled it out completely. Ah, the sweet days of youth..."Dad, when I grow up, I'm going to be a pilot!" I still feel lucky that I started thinking about these things now, and not AFTER I had studied mechanical engineering for a few years.
  19. As if it wasn't enough already, you are now bringing up Protest The Hero I'm just in the process of learning Bloodmeat and Blindfolds Aside. Wicked stuff. My eyes can barely keep up with my fingers. It's like the musical equivalent of ADHD. But yeah, Sixpounder is kind of fun to play, and not too hard, except for that solo, which I still can't play properly. That's the only song I learned from that album.
  20. Hah, didn't think this band would come up here. But anyway, I got into them a couple of years ago when I got their album Hatecrew Deathroll. I learned some of their stuff with the guitar, and I think Alexi has some unique compositional skills that bring this band above the rest. Great catch! Try this for some of their more recent/accessible material And this for the technical fireworks
  21. I tried to be reasonable, but looks like you skipped a word or two from my post so don't expect any reasonable answer from me to yourself from now on. Just tell me: why do you have to be so damn provocative? Do you get a kick out of it? Excitement of the day? What is it?
  22. So here it is. This is the thread to pour your heart out. Share your futures, your plans, your dreams, your lives. I'll start with this. I'm at a crossroads of my life. After graduating from senior high school in summer '07, I applied to a finnish university of technology and got in. That was the place I had always had in mind, so it was a natural direction after graduation. This was two years ago. As some of you might know, in Finland, every young man aged around 19 is trained to be a soldier, there is no professional army per se. Military service takes six months usually, sometimes 9 or 12 months. So I had to do it sooner or later, so I figured, why not do it right away. And so I joined the army in January '08. I was supposed to get out six months later, in summer '08 so that I could start my studies at the university right away. Well, that was not what the world had in mind for me... Our unit's captain saw something in me, so he forced me into the squad leader training program, which turned my service time into 12 months. You can't get out of the program once you are in, so I was pretty much f00ked. Well, this decision (not mine ) definitely changed me in a lot of ways. Squad leader training was taxing for both the body and the mind. We were trained to lead a squad under inhuman conditions. Under extreme pressure, hunger and exhaustion, with no sleep for days. It all made me think about myself and my decisions a lot more, maybe even think for myself for a change. I started to realize how I did not have any interest whatsoever towards physics or mathematics, or science in general. I finished my service with flying colors January 2009. But that was not the end of my military career. The schools were starting at the end of the summer, so I had about six months before that, and I had to think about what should I do. That's when I made the decision to stay in the army as a drill sergeant. I made a six month contract, and that's what I'm doing right now. So now we get to the crossroads... I have basically three options: 1. Study at the land warfare school for a year, and work in the army for the rest of my life. Not a bad option, I noticed how rewarding it is to train new people in stuff they have no idea about. Some trainers are keen advocates of the medieval way of shouting and screaming their lungs out, and I admit, I got my share of that too, but there are also those who know that there is the more effective way of taking your time with your students, patiently teaching everyone, and trying to think from their perspective. The latter is what I do, and like I said, it's very rewarding. 2. University of technology. This is basically ruled out by now. I realized that this is not what I want from my life, so I probably won't be going there. 3. Musical education at the university. This is something that I have always dreamed of, since music has been my number one passion for pretty much my entire life, but I only started considering this as serious option a few months ago. I realize that I need a lot of work to get in, but this is the only place in my life where I have the chance to make music the center of my life for the rest of my days as well, so definitely a dream worth pursuing! This is a hard time. I've come to realize how light-heartedly I have been choosing my future so far, and now I'm right at the edge of where I have to make the final decision, for good. Don't be intimidated by that pile of junk above^, what I'm hoping to get out of you guys is a little glimpse of your thoughts for your own future, maybe I will even get someone to start thinking about it seriously for the first time ever. Some of you are much older than me, so out of you, I'd like to hear how you ended up in your current career, and is it what you always dreamed of, or not. Don't think that it should fill up your monitor like mine did, I just felt the need for this, therapeutic perhaps? Kind of like a diary I guess. It's easy to open up to total strangers. Just explore your mind a bit, and write whatever comes up, no matter how much of the stuff there is.
  23. Nope, can't find it! I'll just pretend that I'm not a self-absorbed prick who needs to see his own reputation all the time... I just "repped" you two, so egoboost +1 for you!
  24. I don't really know her, but she is a member of this forum, so this still touches me somehow... This is just horrible, and this makes me feel horrible. I don't know much about anorexia, but I've seen what it does to people and I don't wish it to happen to anybody.Rach, I'll send some warm thoughts your way, and maybe you will somehow, somewhere, find the strength to get over this, and come back stronger than ever. =) Let us know as soon as you feel better, and take care! Becca and Rach, you two seem pretty close so I wish you both all the best.
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