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Everything posted by Harry

  1. That guy knows what he's talking 'bout
  2. I don't listen to Third Eye Blind either. Good luck getting me off my current Southern rock/metal kick I'm on lately
  3. Holy shit, I never noticed you had a pierced nose either Faith. And yeah, you look nothing like Sierra haha
  4. Son, you need to fucking eat, seriously. You're a fucking twig. Get some chick in the sack and they're gonna snap you in half midway through the motions. Or maybe you've just got the world's fastest metabolism, I don't know, cos goddamn son, your Facebook photos. I used to be almost as skinny as that. Does absolutely nothing to help your confidence. Lift weights + eat like a man fucking possessed = more confidence , I shit you not. Every time I go to a shopping mall and see all the obese people and all the twigs, it makes me feel so much better about myself. Feelsgoodman.jpeg. Despite having Social Anxiety Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder (which made even just talking to girls really difficult to me when I was a teenager......hence why I was a virgin until I was 18), I no longer feel as jittery and nervy around girls
  5. ^Geezus son, you look like you've just fucking time warped from the mid 90s Britpop/indie scene and just landed into today And sadly, because I know about the 90s scene and basically jack shit about today's scene, I have no fucking idea who Manchester Orchestra, and had to wikipedia them. Was a little surprised to find out they are an American band, the name sounds like a 90s Britpop revivalist band lol. So does the original song feature vocals that go flat constantly? That being said, I fucking wish I could even sing at least THAT well and play guitar at the same time haha
  6. Nah, I go alone sometimes too, not out of choice, but I'll still have heaps of fun anyway. I find my female friends in particular are quite reluctant to go to extreme metal gigs (I don't hang out with metal chicks, despite being a metalhead, because unless they are actually musicians, they are almost always the most closed minded, complete fucking tools in existence)
  7. Actually yeah, they probably would lol. A different take on their music. I'll show Taylor and Josh the way of the 7 string guitar too
  8. This, although I can't quite figure out what I'd do as a 3rd guitarist on stage haha. I have a tendency to heavy-metalize some of their songs because of my background as a thrash and death metal guitarist, so I wonder how that would go down with the band as I'm heavily palm muting certain riffs that aren't meant to be palm muted
  9. Fucking serious? 6 grand for doing that? She's virtually getting off scott free. Chances are, the little fuck with do it again with such a slap on the wrist of a punishment like that. Fuck this bullshit
  10. Is it bad that I've never heard Stop This Song, Rewind or Temporary? Apart from Decode and Decoy, I've never heard any of Paramore's non album stuff lol. Yeah, When Rains is tolerable and We Are Broken I only really listen to when I'm trying to copy the vocal melodies on electric guitar. Don't really listen to Miracle really. Pressure, Emergency, Brighter and My Heart are honestly the only songs I listen to off AWKIF. The chorus lyrics on Whoa are probably some of the more immature, cringe worthy lyrics I've ever heard in my life lol. BNE is really the only album that I don't feel the need to skip any tracks on. Not to say it's a perfect album, and I'll still rate anything by VersaEmeerge above any Paramore album (Kayla has my back on that too I'm pretty sure haha), but it's their best IMO.
  11. I can believe it, unfortunately : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sadistic_personality_disorder http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisocial_personality_disorder People who have committed animal cruelty often have those personality disorders. Avoid those type of people like the plague, they're completely fucked up and not worth anyone's time.
  12. Can't believe I just watched that. Fuck my life This only just makes me more of a fucking misanthrope than I already am. I fucking love my dog so much, she's the most cute, innocent and sweet thing, and geezus, if that chick even came within 100 feet of my dog, I'd beat the fuck out of her and literally shit on her fucking face. Animal abusers, child sex offenders and rapists.........the most disgusting kind of humans (if you can even call them that) on this earth.
  13. DO NOT put much stock in a long distance relationship, ever. Those things work like, 5 per cent of the time. The odds are very much against you. But heh, congrats. But you should probably be aware that if you're dating a cute blond, pretty much every dude here is gonna wanna see a pic
  14. Most of the reason why I find it funny is because when I read "paedophile" I hear it in my hear as "Pay-dough-file". I just think it makes more sense to spell it like "Pedophile".
  15. Yeah, Kailey and Sophie for equally best two looking girls on this board. And yeah I don't care if you think I'm a cunt and suddenly you're a girl that feels bad for reading this, because I'm honest as shit and never claimed to be otherwise. On that note, I think we should start a "Kayla is actually cute" campaign. I think we should bump the pic of her and Ross every day until she caves in and finally admits she's cute. So sick of her thinking she's an unattractive girl hahaha
  16. I think most humans should be put in captivity. Mammal animals are generally way more awesome and nicer than most people are. And lol @ Kayla spelling pedo as "paedo". I'm not saying that to be a dick, but that seriously makes me laugh every time I see you spell it like that haha.
  17. People bragging about smoking weed? Now that's just fucking retarded. Maybe I just live in a cave or something, but I always assumed it was a drug that was looked down upon by most of society and not perceived to be cool at all to use it. In terms of never fitting in well when I was at school, being a total dork, sorta shy and awkward, and until this year, skinny for my whole life, I'm pretty much the definition of "uncool" yet I still smoke it. Hell, partly what drew me to it was that a lot of the users don't give a fuck about "cool" or not, they're just really open minded people and peaceful, and I loved that aspect about it. There seemed to be no ego about it, no pretentious bullshit. I also used to smoke cigarettes, so certainly throws out the idea only the "in crowd/popular/cool" people smoke. Never understood being proud and loud about a cigarette smoking habit. I wasn't proud of it at all......if anything I was ashamed at the time to smoke and still am ashamed about having been a smoker.
  18. Interestingly enough, I'm going through kinda the same train of thought as her (well, I am basically the same age anyway, heh). I used to drink to fit in and would drink even at times when I didn't feel comfortable doing, and also engaged in sexual activity when I was really wasted that I later regretted and got pushed into doing things I didn't want to do. I did used to smoke cigarettes, but that was my own personal decision (in retrospect, of course a very stupid and money wasting decision). I first quit smoking in late 2008, but continued social smoking (well, cos it didn't cost money cos I just got them off other people), but quit entirely for health reasons and one day just finding it an ultra repulsive thing to do. Kinda over the whole party thing too. Last party I went too, one of my best friends got really wasted and ended up having sex with this really gross chick, which he later regretted and some chick got super wasted and slashed both her wrists. I didn't drink at all that night, so really saw the effects of what alcohol can do to you in binging quantities. Have had 4 beers in the last 2 months, and don't plan to drink for a few months yet. I'm a musician, and of course, like 99 per cent of musicians, I'm fucking broke, so I have a choice of spending my money on booze, or actually using my money for things that will contribute to me having a better life. I chose the latter. I still smoke pot on occasion (key word, occasion, I'm not stoned all day, every day), because unlike alcohol and cigarettes it never ever makes me feel like shit physically, or about myself and I'm just a really peaceful, perceptive person when I'm stoned. Funnily enough, I used to be super anti-pot, but then I actually tried properly for myself, and it made me so much more open minded about it. I like the fact that if I said to Hayley that I smoke pot, she would be cool with it, and just say it's not for her, and I'd be totally cool with the fact it's not for her.
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