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Everything posted by polaris

  1. i'll be there. although i haven't figured out how i'm getting downtown that day... i seem to always figure out these things at the last minute.
  2. ^ that just randomly reminded me of a roadtrip i went on back in like october.. and there was a sign at some general store in the middle of nowhere that said "live turkeys for sale". it was around canadian thanksgiving. now for a random fact.. penguins either waddle or slide on their bellies on snow, that motion is called "tobogganing".
  3. ^ that just randomly reminded me of a roadtrip i went on back in like october.. and there was a sign at some general store in the middle of nowhere that said "live turkeys for sale". it was around canadian thanksgiving. now for a random fact.. penguins either waddle or slide on their bellies on snow, that motion is called "tobogganing".
  4. those would've made some cool cd covers. haha, but i just love that top right one. but i love the one they decided on.
  5. those would've made some cool cd covers. haha, but i just love that top right one. but i love the one they decided on.
  6. polaris


    Stephen is amazing and he is so inspirational. I am seeing them in... 5 days! Anyone who doesn't have the Cities album should really go get it. It's an amazing album.
  7. I like the new album but I think I love 'Almost Here' better. It takes some time to get used to, sort of like the latest Fall Out Boy album. The songs are growing on me. I love LAX to O'Hare and You May Have Noticed.
  8. 2011 is a pretty good expiration date compared to the others. they won't expire for me anytime soon for sure. haha!
  9. I love that interview. I hate how people are so disrespectful to others.
  10. LOL! I love this thread. haha, it's cute how they communicate/interact with one another on stage.
  11. I actually don't know a couple of things on that list... What is a chesterfield?! ^ your sig made me laugh too.
  12. No problem. I can't wait for it. I just know it's going to be great!!
  13. I can't wait to hear their CD. Anyone seen their video for Hero/Heroine? And for those who didn't know, there's going to be a phone interview with them tonight on idobi Radio with DJ Rossstar at 10PM-11PM EST. http://www.idobi.com/radio/
  14. that part just made me laugh. i can't wait to see the pics either.
  15. Yep, every song off the album, plus Hallelujah and My Hero. I was very happy when Hayley said they were going to play the whole album. Cuz I was dying to hear Franklin live. They played My Hero acoustically, with just Josh and Hayley on stage. Then halfway through Franklin, Zac, Hunter and Jeremy joined back in.
  16. Ooh, thanks!! Yeah, Josh's hair is getting back to as long as it used to be.
  17. I was added. haha! Thank you. When I got the friend request, I was like, ooo... PARAMOREFANSdotCOM.
  18. they didn't have a lot of things in toronto... i want a carnation!!!
  19. haha, that was my friend. it was actually her allergies acting up, and my other friend was making a joke of it.
  20. LOL!! yea, i heard about that. the hit the lights guys are funny.
  21. lucky!! i wanted to go to warped. no one was willing to drive me though. are you okay? ah, protest the hero. my friend knows arif. something like her second cousin, i think? i love their music though.
  22. haha! yes, yes you are very observant. well, my 2 friends wore panic! shirts. and we brought the pipecleaner flowers too. AND the one Shaant had in his pocket, but I think he lost sometime during his set. we actually baked cupcakes t for them too, and if you saw the brownies and cupcakes that were left on stage, those were ours. well, shaant took one whole tray when we met him, but we didn't get to give the other tray to paramore because the lady wouldn'allow food in! man, you have an awfully good memory.
  23. um, sometime around 12:30pm, 1ish? i'm chinese, so i think my friends and i probably stood out. XD who were you talking to about skittles gum?!
  24. um, sometime around 12:30pm, 1ish? i'm chinese, so i think my friends and i probably stood out. XD who were you talking to about skittles gum?!
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