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Everything posted by ItsOnlyLife

  1. That kind of reminds me of a video i saw of the dead crowd during paramore's performance on the No Doubt tour. I really hope that doesn't happen to any of the opening acts during my show. Although I haven't heard any of the other bands aside from NFG, I'm sure they all sound great and it will be an EPIC show from start to finish.
  2. ^AHHH OMG I can not wait until september 18th! I'm kinda mad at myself for spoilering myself but i'm sure i'll still enjoy it seeing as how i've never seen them live before so i'll still savor the moments. LOL
  3. ahh the tour is so close now! I remember when I bought my ticket back in march or was it april? LOL Anyway, can't wait till September 18th!!
  4. Just preordered my copy! I can't wait to have it in my hands!! LOL
  5. mine is nowhere near as long as most on here but Good Charlotte & New Found Glory (HCT 2003) (First concert back in the 6th grade) Blink 182 & No Doubt Kate Voegele x3 Angel Taylor Amy Kuney x3 RBD x5 Upcoming Paramore (HCT 2010)
  6. I love this already. I can't wait to listen to the whole thing!
  7. gahh only 2 more months till i see them for the first time! I'm kind of bummed i don't have a GA floor ticket especially since i'll be living so close to the arena and can actually be probably the first one in line. LOL but whatever. And wow really only like an hour before the show? I guess i'm so used to going to events where I have to be there hours sometimes even days before the actual event. LOL
  8. OMG i REALLY want this. I will get it somehow. When they say it will be released at Hot Topic does it mean there will be copies in every hot topic or only online through hot topic?
  9. This girl is seriously amazing and the nicest and coolest person! I've met her 4 times and she is just incredible! And when i saw her on saturday she was talking about her third album and that it should be released early 2011. Maybe even as early as january. I can't wait.
  10. i REALLY want to see this video!! ahh i found a working link http://www.youclubvideo.com/video/112514/b-o-b-airplanes-official-video
  11. idk if this is the place to post this question. If not I'm sorry, but does anyone who has the PFC shirt that you get know about the sizes? I don't know which shirt to order when i sign up. I don't want to get a shirt that's too big or too small.
  12. Yes! They know how to put on a show. I loved the final riot! so i know i'll love all the other ones they release in the future.
  13. ^there's something wierd looking about it around her waist ha? LOL She still looks amazing though. Its not their best performance but I think its just cuz i'm so used to them playing upbeat songs, but it was still a great performance. I love ellen! LOL can't wait to watch this on tv. Their performance will be at the end of the show right?
  14. I'm not sure if I posted my story here or not, but it was back in 07. I want to say May or June of 2007. I was bored one night and was on a OTH fansite and i saw someone's banner and it was of paramore. Fortunately for me I was in the mood of discovering new music. I LOVE discovering new music. One of the main reasons why I want to own my own label. LOL anyway i looked them up on youtube and i saw their video for misery business and then started searching through all their videos and I really loved "emergency" and "pressure" and instantly fell in love with them. They suddenly became my favorite band. I still like to thank OTH for allowing me to discover new artists even when a paramore song has not even been featured on the show. I didn't have cable at the time either so i know a lot of people discovered them through MTV. So yeah that's how I discovered paramore.
  15. wow now all of a sudden I'm hearing this song everywhere. So glad to know I was one of the ones in this dorm that first heard this song before it was released. LOL ahh just read hayleys tweet! Can't wait to see the vid!
  16. I'm still pretty new around here so I guess that's why I don't really know where everyone is from. LOL
  17. Cool. And really? I thought there was more people around here from Cali. LOL
  18. Scott! I'm going to the one in San Diego! I'm soo excited! and I really have to join the PFC. I've been wanting to I just haven't invested the time in actually joining. LOL
  19. ok can someone please tell me when they are performing on ellen? On facebook the honda civic tour updated their status saying they'll be on today but then i read somewhere that they'll be on thursday and then i read somewhere else that it isn't until may 14. i'm really confused. LOL
  20. I LOVED this performance. They sounded freaking amazing! Hayley's voice did sound a little off, but still she did great. I loved her outfit too.
  21. ^AH yay! And I'll try my best. I can't wait for the ellen performance. When I'll have a better chance at being awake when it airs. LOL
  22. Is anyone on the east coast still awake? They just aired it about 10 minutes ago. I still got 3 hours to wait. I don't know if I'll be able to hang till then. LOL
  23. AHH i'm so psyched for this tour! I can't wait for Sept. 18th. Its going to be such an EPIC night! My first paramore concert. Gahh i get chills just thinking about it. Just 5 months to go. LOL
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