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Everything posted by Jake

  1. Jake


    Well thanks! She's pretty awesome, right? You know, I've never actually watched Bones!..Is it worth watching?
  2. I confess I get snow about once every two years. And that's pretty awesome because it gets us off school for a week. And the hailstorms...they're scary because people just bleed.
  3. Yeh....I got crushcrushcrush down, but I confess it then all went pear-shaped when I tried the other songs.
  4. Jake


    ....I think I like you.
  5. I confess it never snows here, it's England. Mainly just rain, and maybe a bit of snow once every few years... I also confess I'm attempting to learn all Paramore songs on Drums. Not as easy as hoped...
  6. [Jake returns the high-five. All is awesome in the world of...this] Who needs a hug/kiss smilie - we want high-fives!
  7. Someones been having a good time recently!
  8. I confess best. avatar. ever. (yours)
  9. Jake


    ...It makes me think of Scott Mills. Am I the only one?!
  10. Jake

    New Moon!

    ...Bella bit her lip far too much throughout the movie! XD
  11. Jake


    Sid and Chris were always my favourites! ....And then I didn't like the new one so much, it just didn't seem the same - the stereotypes got even less subtle!
  12. Poor Kayla! ...Tommorow might be better. Possibly.
  13. That's incredible! (You can't exactly "confess" to that!)
  14. ...They got some hard competition, I have to admit. :\
  15. Jake


    Yeh...sorry about that. I'm not really used to the forums that work like this one.
  16. Things I've done this week. Helped someone in need. Hung out with a significant other. Slept next to someone. Cooked for myself. Cooked for someone else. Laundry. Cried. Played Monopoly. Driven. Had sex. Took at least 2 tests. Freaked out. Cleaned my room. Made plans Created a Tumblr account. Told someone "Happy Birthday". Held an animal. Had a headache. Did homework. Watched more than 4 movies. (Exactly 4) Painted my nails. Talked to someone I haven't seen in a long time. Exercised. Fought with a parent. Took a picture. Watched a sports game. Had a case of road rage. Gave somebody the finger. Went to school. Paid attention during an entire class. Slept during class. Texted during class. Gave somebody a ride home. Went to a friend's house. Visited somebody at work. Spent time with my family. Ate fast food. Crashed a friend's class. Met somebody new. Hung out with friends. Studied for a test. Worked on an essay. Went to a casino. Laughed until my sides hurt. (And I hit my head ) Ate at a buffet. Bought something. Wore flip flops. Wore make up. Took a lot of pictures. Took pictures with friends. Took care of a sick sibling. Heard somebody speak in another language. Myself in Deutsch? Took a nap in a car. Took a nap on a sofa. Gotten into an argument. (Non-serious) Made a list of some sort. Blogged. Changed my Myspace background. Created a survey. Cussed. Lied to my parents. Fought with a significant other. Apologized to somebody. Hugged somebody. Bit somebody. Felt guilty. Spent nearly an entire day with friends. Drove somebody else's car. Backed my car up into something. Filled my gas tank. Wore multiple bracelets. Texted somebody. Talked to my best friend. Told somebody a secret. Learned something new. (Don't make new threads here, at least not for a while...) Talked to someone on webcam. Used an instant messenger. Flirted shamelessly. Updated my iPod. Sort of, it was mp3 player. Felt confused. HUGELY confused. Talked to my crush. Saw my significant other. Kissed someone. Went somewhere new. Introduced somebody to a new food. Danced in the car. Sang obnoxiously. Talked on the phone for over an hour. Lost something down the drain. Felt hopeless/useless. Read a text book. Listened to a mix CD. Uploaded pictures onto my computer. Skipped class. Talked to an ex. Had somebody describe a dream they had about me. Took a funny picture. Told somebody that I love them
  17. I only just found this thread! I appear to be slightly related to this too. Anyway, sorry firstly for making my mistake - I would have been better off if I never asked the question before. For those of you who are interested (ie. I doubt anyone ) I went for Ready Salted. It's just I'm used to smaller forums where there are posts about all sorts of stuff. Anyway, sorry again. But before I go, can someone explain this: Apparently I fail "especially for a n00b". But surely "n00bs" are going to be more likely to make mistakes?
  18. Dear paramorefans (both this site and literally all Paramore fans) You are awesome. That is all. Jake (Let's hope I got this right...)
  19. Jake


    ...I'm going to curl up into a ball and never make a new thread. Sorry all members of the forum. xD I'm all used to small forums where it's all crazy everywhere.
  20. I'd be really interested to know what you love the most about Paramore! Obviously, a major theme would be "I like the sound of their music" - but does anyone like them for slightly...deeper reasons. I know a lot of people who feel Paramore writes about stuff they know about, so they like all that. What is it for you? For me, it's Hayley's hair. PS. I'm really really sorry if this thread has already been made. I looked just in case there was already one and I couldn't find one - but I may have missed it. I'm scared...XD
  21. Jake


    Also, can anyone link me to the threads that they personally think are the best threads here?!
  22. Jake


    Please tell me that's your real name!
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