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Everything posted by Renith182

  1. Those pics look awesome man. That would be cool if you could upload them And that goes for all of you haha. Larger pics are my vice. Ren
  2. Well Zac's a big guy. He can probably handle them. I prefer 5A Japanese Oaks by Pro-mark. Good sticks. Last a long time aswell. Ren
  3. I have a feeling its either STudio gear. Or like what they are using on the headlining tour? cause like i know they and alot of other bands have had to mix it up. Especially on Warped tour. Ive seen jeremy using Ampeg SVT heads. ive seen orange cabinets. And i saw in old pics of Josh using a fender telecaster. I dunno how he pulled that off but the sound from that is very different from the album. I saw Josh play on Pearl drums along with Nate and PJ in japan. Alot of bands like Mesa/Boogie dual rectifiers. Its popular on warped. Guitar wise they Hunter and Josh are quite predictable. Drums ive seen Zac play Gretch but tons of other randoms ones aswell (I wonder how hes endorsed?)> Saw him play Paiste and sabians in the studio pics aswell. Im sure the majority of the time Hayley is using the Shure SM58. Thats a real popular mic for live concerts and all. Though im sure she would enjoy using the Audix equivalent of that. Thats just my 2 cents. Ren
  4. Oh really? Aight. You call me up tonight we'll set up a time and a date to do it. But if u want some u gotta have an appointment Ren
  5. Haha. hmmm. IM Ren. RiceBowl is my asian buddy NATE. haha. Sorry dont like taking credit for other people's work. Im not an @$$hole. But yeha just wanted to straighten that out. BUt yeah Nate nice pics man! Haha i know asian guys look the same. But there are differences. For instance im alot more handsome than Nate. and well i guess talking in terms of packages i guess im more underrated. (U know im joking right?) Ren
  6. Suprisingly enough theres a Massive HMV in downtown vancouver. They are quite punctual about it and it goes for about 8 bucks. last issue i got was the one with the CD in it. White cover and all. I cnat wait for the next one especially if its about Paramore's equipment. Kinda strange though they dont do much on that. Ren
  7. lol Cigerette jeans eh? thats probably because smokers are skinny as hell. Well im not but in general. They could be called coke addict jeans aswell. But yeah they do. Skinny jeans. They emphasize(Spelling error) the rear end. Kinda like a GT wing goes to The back of a Skyline Ren
  8. Heya Magalie. Welcome to the boards. Im Ren but my friends call me Jerkoff Jimmy. Im sure there are some Canadians from Quebec her that know how to speak French. Thats cool though your an old school fan. Ren
  9. Its okay. You'll know about it soon enough. Oh yeah Anna u wanna be on the show? haha i got some ideas so AIM me. Ren
  10. Whoa awesome man. Thanks for the video! I love when they talk about Japan. reminds me of the day i saw them there. And BTW that thing Jeremy was saying about Punchline Dropping a pick, i was there for that. Ren
  11. Emily- Yes you are gonna be part of the main cast. Jackie- Yes you are. But you have mastered the art of descruction by non destructive means. Episode 1 is done. 11 more to go Ren
  12. Alright Guys. I might need your help with this Season. So if you have any ideas whatsoever, dont hesitate to PM Me or my good man Jarrod. IF you wanna be added to the cast. Add me or jarrod on MSN or AIM. And talk to us. If your're nice. We might just add ya. For sure. I cant guarantee everyone will get in but i will try my best in the retard department in my head to get you in there. Take care fellas. Ren
  13. haha nice travis. I write The Paramore's, the official reality show. Season 2 will be up sometime. Ren
  14. Yes they did. They toured with October fall and Punchline. October fall played first. THen Paramore and then Punchline since they were headlining. Ren
  15. Wow. Well said Jarrod. Gotta give props to this guy. Ren
  16. Wow thats awesome that shes doin better. Hope she can talk by the 28th. It will be another milestone for jarrod and i, carved into granite with a laser engraver. Ren
  17. yes it is a Gibson SG. pretty sweet guitar. Ive tried the Epiphone equivalent. Its so Angus Young. But for some reason the woodiness of the guitar suits hunter. I guess hes really down to earth lol. Ren
  18. Just sent mine from japan in. Real bloody well sweet pic with the WHOLE of paramore. Ren
  19. Heya guys. Season 2 will be written soon. Dont shit your pants. It aint gonna be THAT great. Well i hope it is. Ren
  20. Awesome Interview. Haha and yeah if i dropped a chicken finger on the floor. I would pick it up and eat it. A Clumsy paramore. haha never saw them that way. But cool nonetheless. So Jarrod what do u think of the pic? Ren
  21. 1. Any plans to tour the west coast of canada? 2. If Paramore had a drinking contest, who would pass out first? 3. If all your instruments were switched to lefty equivalents right before a show, would you be able to pull it off? 4. Who would be the first person in paramore to throw up on a rollercoaster. 5. Who was your favorite band to watch during Warped 2006 and why? Ren I sent this to KF myspace aswell
  22. Sweet Brent thanks for telling us. Im so happy for her. I hope she can get back to doin what she loves. Ren
  23. Heya. My name is Ren. But my friends call me Jerkoff Jimmy. Nice to meet ya. And props to playing guitar. I play aswell. Ren
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