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The Confession Thread Part 7

arrrrr x matey

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I confess: Franny,yeah,I know : ( Took German classes like... 4 years ago,I was in the 6th grade. I loved it,but our teachers decided to "throw out" the German classes. And they made us learn French -.- And now,I can only say "hi","how are you" and other stuff like that in German : (

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I confess: Franny,yeah,I know : ( Took German classes like... 4 years ago,I was in the 6th grade. I loved it,but our teachers decided to "throw out" the German classes. And they made us learn French -.- And now,I can only say "hi","how are you" and other stuff like that in German : (

Aw that sucks. :( But believe me, we native speakers aren't even perfect at it cuz it has such a diffucult grammar. But I confess you really have my respect for having the courage (?) to try to learn it.

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Aw that sucks. :( But believe me, we native speakers aren't even perfect at it cuz it has such a diffucult grammar. But I confess you really have my respect for having the courage (?) to try to learn it.


German grammar can't be harder than French grammar : D

Thanks :hug:

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