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soo I know no one really knows me...except of course

kristina, kerrie, and suzie...

but I'm jarrod's girlfriend. lol.

and I went to the show as well. =]

thanks to jarrod I got into paramore in like midsummer of '06.

and if it wasn't for my badass photo taking skillz,

we wouldn't have any concert pics to feast our eyes upon. =p












enjoy :]

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ugh man Im still trying to believe it even happened cause we were only together for a short time. (btw im the one floating on the turtle)


IM SORRY PARAMORE I DIDNT GET TO ACTUALLY SEE YOU GUYS, YOU KNOW LIKE SAY HI. I was waving like a b up in the balcony hoping hayley would see me. I woulda went back to the pit but I was watching everyone elses stuff while they went down there. its ok though I had a great time, except almost passing out before TSL ended. I had to crowd surf out, that was the end of it for me. there were too many rough people and people that didnt even belong there. they were just runing everyone elses fun.


but yeah ill be seeing prmr again next week at the winter meltdown. hopefully I can say hi then haha.

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k ummmmm, idk if anyone has seen

kristinas blog she posted earlier in the week

but yea, y'all should check it out.

for real...

link, hopefully she aint private or whatever





cuts deep haha.

especially for us.



dang i miss you guys,

like alot.


but soon again!! we're conspirasizing haha. if thats even a word.


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Current mood: sick



well these past few days have been the most amazing days of my life & I'm about to go into extreme detail because i love every moment of it. 11/23-11/25/07





Friday after noon Jarrod, Drew, & Heather traveled to my house from Maine and we hungout played some guitar hero & jarrod showed his amazing skills lmao. then like we set out on the road to Logan airport because she was flying in from Virginia. well she was in florida on vacation but shes from virgina. we rocked out to a day to remeber & stuff on the way. But we like parked in C and it was in the middle of nowhere right? drew wanted to be captured so we would find him and be like DREWWWW there you are and then he'd be evil and run at us and get us haha. anyways, we couldnt find the terminal but when we got there the room was playing jungle music and heather was like Hm... new england doesn't have a jungle haha. so finally we get inside striking poses going down the thing and are waiting and listening to this annoying spanish talking tv and kerrie arrives but we can't find her and then she walks up behind us and we are like all flipping out bc now we are all almost finally together. So we head back and are listening to AFI. & then we get to my house and unload and play more guitar hero & then we hit up IHOP because thats where it's at & get food. and the waiter hated us and has like a hxc boston accent lol. then we stopped at the big y and got my check & cake stuff to bake and we saw jennieee. then heather baked me and kerrie a yummy cake for our belated bdays. & then we went downstairs and played ping pong & my cousin like kicked ass haha. then we ate cake & watched john tucker must die & talke to suzanne on the phone and chiled then eventually went to sleep and prepared ourseleves for the show the next day.





we woke up early to my umm weak alarm as jarrod would say haha. & ate breakfast and got ready to leave for Worcestor at the palladium for the paramore/the starting line/the almost show. rachel & jen & lauren & jess showed up and we all got in the car and jarrod, heather,drew & kerrie followed us there. so it was freaking cold and we waited in line for 6 hours and like we def all got sick and poor heather's cold just got worse. we all took shifts in line and went to subway and starbucks etc and used the blankets to stay warm haha. And Lauren says to rachel "I LIKE YOU" haha. Oh yes and Suzanne arrived to wait in line with us too and finally we were all together after such a long time of planning to hangout at a show. so 5:30 comes around and me and Lauren go in the meet and greet Line for Paramore because we won tickets. and of course we are first cuz we are BAMFS. ppl tried to cut us but lauren was like BITCH WE BE THE FRONT OF THE LINE. lol well she didn't say it like that but w.e so then Paramore's tour manager comes by and we ditch our jackets and coats to Loretta and Rick and then we get our wrist bracelets and we go in the door and jeremy davis the bassist pops out and me and lauren are like HEY. then we go into paramore dressing room and are chilling. Zac farro the drummer aka laurens boyfriend haha asks who wants to sit on the couch and of course lauren says she does and sits there and i did too. then they were talking and he touched her knee and looked into her eyes and told her to buy the jimmy eat world cd. haha. mean while i was talking to jeremy & he kept hitting himself with a pen and told me about his jacked and we took a pic. then i socialized with josh and took a pic. & then i socialized with hayely & took a pic and a nice video of her saying hi to certain ppl. She told me she remembered me and lauren and everyone we were in line with and she knew we were coming and was pumped to see us because she saw jarrods post online and she was happy we are familliar faces and stil love and suppor thtem. everyone in the meet and greet was shy and quiet except me and lauren haha. then JOsh filmed us asking who our fav paramore members were and lauren said zac and confessed her love. i said jeremy but then i said jk i love you guys equally. then we all took group photos and went back in line. I RAN SOO FAST to the front again and lauren got our jackets bc we wanted to be let in first. so then we waited for doors to open but turns out they let us in the same time as general admission so as soon as we got in we booked it jumped down the stairs literally to the floor/pit and lauren and me were front and center barricade the whole show. ive never felt soo much pushing to the left and right ever and im soo bruised and sore. but it was worth it. and like the almost wasn't as good as ive seen them and starting line was decent i love their last 2 songs. but w/e drew and kerrie crowd surfed. and i believe rachel did by accident haha. the show kicked ass it was soo amazing. i hate crowd surfers i punched all of them lol. lauren caught the almost's guitar pic. show kickeddd asssssssss. then we went outside after and like a hobo talked my sister and ppl and they ran ahah then we got in the car and drove back to my house. then Jarrod me drew and suzanne went to a gas station and got food listened to tenacious D. i haven't listened to them since like idk when haha. then we all showered bc we smelled like men haha. then suzanne, heather, me and kerrie had girl talk and drew and jarrod got locked in the basement playing ping pong. luckly i went downstairs and her drew tapping and unlocked them haha. then we all just talked and eventually went to sleep around 3 in the morning.



DAY 3:


we were all sore and sick and tired. we cleanned and they packed up and we were all gonna get up at 9 and we kinda did but then we all went back to sleep and then i just remember getting jumped on by drew while i was sleeping so then i got up hahaha. we sat around and talked for awhile and eventually it was time for them to go sadly =[ Good byes are the worst. jarrod had to drive suzanne back to her college and kerrie to the airport then the rest had to head back to Maine and reality. ooo and it was funny my grandma was at the door and they were like "shes trying to escape shes like take me with you!" haha but then we all hugged and said our goodbyes =[





basically I couldn't believe it was over... i went back upstairs to an empty room and was soo depressed but at least we plan on doing it all again soon concert or no concert, xmas break anything. i wish they lived closer. it's amazing how music can like affect your life? that sounds stupid but we've all became friends because of one Band and thats Paramore. and we all live in different states and some of us have been to the same shows together but this was the first time we all finally got a chance to go together. I love all of them their all amazing. i wish we all lived closerrrrrr man because we usually only see eachother over several month periods. but im pumped for the next time we hangout. this time we forgot to take pics and i regret it but i know we will do it next time.



This note is basically for all you guys because this weekend was awesome and i wanted to remember it. <3





& these toooools can't forget them..


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