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You are Chocolate Syrup!


You are generous and warm. You love people, trying new things, and you are lively and fun. You like to be the center of attention, and like excitement and drama in your life. Since you make decisions by using your personal values, you are usually very sympathetic and concerned for other people's well-being. You are compatible with Ice Cream, and Tires.





i took a quiz...what object are you. lol

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1. what is chromosome symbol for men and woman?

2. explain the rule of sex chromosome in men in relation with the gender make up of an individual

3. what is estrogen? why is it important for the development of human sex

4. what is androgen. whats the differents and imiliarities between androgen and testosterone

5. explain the role of testosteron in the devlopment of human sex

6. explain why testosteron and estrogen are catagorized as steroid hormone



my homework...

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