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Everything posted by FeRo

  1. well, its about people letting them down, not nescesarily Jeremy, but maybe they decided it was going to be about goodbyes, breakups, etc, bc Jeremy left
  2. woooooa i neeed that!!! I will definetly be ordering that!!!!!
  3. hey, brent, did you ask the mexican tour question?? Cause Alyssa was going to, and that would mean a lot.
  4. jaja i know what you mean, i just got it like a month ago bc they dont sell it here
  5. woa, i have no idea...but i can tell you, over here in Mexico I started finding AWKIF like a year after it came out. I already had it, of course, but bc i ordered it form FBR, and it wasn't cheap. Im seeing it more often now, tho, so maybe it will be more available now that they are with atlantic.
  6. Glo, i know you sometimes act rash, but you are a good person, dont worry, im so happy everyone's coming clean
  7. Pressure I bumped into their purevolume, and just skipped to Pressure, cause it sounded cooler than Here We Go Again. Then i listened to HWGA and i was in love
  8. Its Fernando, but everyone calls me Fero, so thats ok. Its ok Brent, the attitude over here has always been very possitive, and we can work things out.
  9. Hey Brent; I understand and completely take your apoligies, and thanks for coming clean about it. However, i still have to say that i was really dissapointed, especially because I always had your back over at AP.net, where we were both talking against bashing other people. I felt really bad when i saw this, hence my conduct on the other thread, but hopefully everyone can build a stonger foundation from what happened here.
  10. well, some people also do that too, u know?
  11. whatever....im not going to look for trouble
  12. I just have to say that im really dissapointed....
  13. shiiiiit!!!!!!!!!!!! i can't see it cause i dont live there!!!! plus, they mispelled RIOT!
  14. Woa....i had abasolutely no idea about this, at all. It just seems so sudden...Im so sorry things had to go the way they went, and i wish there was an alternative,sadly, there doesnt seem to be one. Diego, eres poka madre wey, q chingón ha sido que hayas sido tan importante para tantas personas, muchisimas gracias por invitarme al sitio cuando había como 3 personas, siempre has contribuido muchisimo con el sitio y no te mereces todas las cosas que han pasado, t deseo lo mejor, y seguimos en contacto cabrón. Alyssa, im really sorry about all this.... I mean i talked to you a couple of times, but you gave so much to this site as well, i wish you the best
  15. i remember when you posted that.......it sucked
  16. wooa, ash, that one is sooo cool!!!!!!!
  17. Please, alyssa, please, i BEG you, there are rumours about a Mexican Tour, could you ask them, if those rumors are true, or if they plan on coming to mexico anytime soon?????? please
  18. woa, i love this song, and this rip is awsome, thnks !!!
  19. ohh right.... well hopefully it will be then, cause it is awsome
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