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Everything posted by HarlequinGerhl

  1. wow havent been on here for a while! hello http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=320348005355 i'm pimping my item ahah
  2. it guessed Agnyess Deyn after 27 questions haha that is pretty cool though
  3. i have a new discovered love for the californian accent so hot omg
  4. WHY DID THEY HAVE TO GIVE ELINA THAT BIG RED WEAVE?!??!?! i don't understand it
  5. i got my scaffold piercing done today it hurt so bad but i laavv it
  6. ^ you don't really need to tell your grandparents unless they are a big part of your life im not telling mine cos it's none of their business and they grew up in a time were it was REALLY not accepted so it seems a bit pointless haha but its up to you who you want to tell my mum told my aunt and she cried all "ELAIIIINEE (my mum) GRANDCHILDREN!!!!!!" i was a bit offended! i still have a womb :S and a sister hahaha im sure my cousins know they have m on facebook aha but im not going out my way to tell them they will figure it out!
  7. i guess we will have to wait til thursday! well wednesday for you lucky american citizen! okay last one for luck them imma go to bed
  8. me and my friend think its gonna be a mullet and i think i'll cry if it is! though having said that they could shave her head and she would still be stunning
  9. ^ yeah thats cos miss jay is telling her that her particular makeover is "the first in top model history" D: im scared for her!
  10. awwhh marjorie is so cute! bless her she literally look like shes about to scream and run away when she faces panel hahaha i can't wait for the makeovers!
  11. pride is SO much fun i went to my first one this year and it was like the whole of london went gay for the day rainbow flags everywhere thousands of people parties really great you do feel very proud to be who you are when you are there i found
  12. Piazza, New York Catcher - Belle & Sebastian such a pretty song juno soundtrack ftw!
  13. ahaha cheers ill give it a shot! edit: naw no joy thanks anyway though
  14. america's next top model cycle 11 and elina from america's next top model cycle 11 srsly. it's weird D:
  15. i couldnt have put it any better myself! i love being gay too i kinda like being part of a minority and when you go to pride parades and stuff you feel part of this huge, global community and it's just really uniting
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