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Everything posted by krs

  1. you are so right. and it is really sad whenever i see couples with signs at the no prop 8 rallies that say things like, "together for 24 years and finally able to get married." i cant imagine being with someone for that long and not have the same rights and benefits as married couples do. why cant people see that this is just pure discrimination.
  2. hahahaha yeah. people who oppose gay marriage cant think of any other valid reason as to why same sex couples cant get married, which is why they come up with stupid and ridiculous statements such as the "sanctity of marriage" and "people wanting to marry their dogs" people should just worry about what affects them personally. i dont see how same sex couples getting married will be so catastrophic for society.
  3. lol, because 2 men and 2 women getting married will ruin the "sanctity" of marriage katie! dont you get it? (hahaha) but getting divorced and having a 55 hour marriage totally justifies the importance of marriage! also we need to protect the kids! think about the children katie! (lol.) also, did i mention that my econ teacher yesterday after reading the news report to the class compared gay/lesbians to a dog? and that my friends believe that people turn gay. oh what is the world coming to?!
  4. omg yes! i have been searching EVERYWHERE for a job! hopefully i can get one this summer, how i desperately need the money. especially since i will be starting college soon! ahh!
  5. HAHAHA, i know! I've been having so many frustrating conversations that relate to homosexuality...that at the end of the day i would just unconsciously put on a tegan and sara song or video and it'll just put me in a better mood. lol gotta love those girls. =)
  6. lol i know that not all Christians are bigoted, which is why i didnt generalize the whole Christian people/faith. I know that there are plenty of Christians out there that are open minded about this very controversial issue. I mean I myself come from a very conservative catholic family. and you're right, prop eight isn't going to stop people from loving who they want to love, and it shouldn't. =) ahaha, if only the rest of california were as smart as you. =) honestly, if californians spent HALF their time and effort into more important issues such as the screwed up economy....we'd be the richest state in the nation. instead they are more worried about two gay people getting married, believing that it is a more destructive issue than the recession. makes me ashamed of living here. i mean seriously...its 2009, i cant believe equal rights is still being put into question.
  7. yep. and it is just so ironic how a lot of these hate crimes are committed from bigoted christians who preach their "love" for God, yet turn around and commit these hate crimes against gays, bisexuals, lesbians, and transgendered people. and also the fact that today, the supreme court in california decided to uphold the proposition eight just adds to my frustration.
  8. yeahh! totally. i mean a man (if he can even be called that) beating up on a woman just because of her sexuality? and the sad part is that these type of things happens all the time yet we don't hear about these situations in the news or media. but yeah, my heart goes out to her and anyone who was affected by this hate crime.
  9. augh. this is just sickening. stories like these just truly reduce me to tears. it just goes to show that we still have a long way to go as far as prejudice, discrimination, and hate.
  10. i wish people weren't so damn judgemental.
  11. ok. so yesterday i was hanging out with a few of my close friends and two other guys that i didnt really know. and we somehow got on the topic of sexuality and how people "turn" gay. at the time i was playing foosball, so i didnt really get the first part of the conversation, but once i heard that, i sorta laughed and said, "no one can turn you gay. you're born into your sexuality." and then everyone sorta looked at me like i was crazy for saying that. and one of my close friends replied, "what are you talking about? lots of people turn gay." and then i laughed some more and just shook my head. and then one of the guys added that he learned it in bio, that its 50% nature, 50% nurture and that it was a "personal choice & preference". and so i asked him, "ok, well then tell me the exact moment when you decided to be straight." and he just gave me a stupid answer. i really wanted to say more about the topic, but i knew that if i kept going it would turn into a huge argument because i get really heated when people say that gay, lesbian, and bi people were once straight but then their environment "turned" them into their sexuality. but yeah anyways, that was my little rant. =) (oh and im really surprised that everyone was ganging up on me. would have thought forsure that someone else would have agreed with me. oh well.)
  12. yess. definitely. that was the year i fell in love with their music. ahh, what i would give to go back. =) and sam, thats wayy cool! im totally jealous that you got a personal message from them.
  13. yeah! i would definitely love to see him take more mature movie roles. like maybe in a drama or horror film. lol i think im gonna watch the movie again just to see zac lookin incredibly sexy, hahaha and i think this is the first time i have been jealous of vanessa hudgens. =P
  14. so i saw some videos of the bamboozle road show on youtube, but i couldnt really tell what was exactly happening since the video was really shaky and it was hard to differentiate what people were doing. can someone fill me in?
  15. i want the tegan and sara macbeth nolans!
  16. YES! i would love to see her duet with patrick!
  17. i really want to watch the con dvd, but unfortunately i'm too broke to buy it. =(
  18. i really want their new album! i couldnt stop listening to it when they had it on their myspace. btw, they're black wedding video was incredible! meg&dia looked gorgeous!
  19. hahahahaha i saw it today! it was really funny. my favorite part was when zac kept getting slapped. i've come to realize that i like zac efron more when he does movies outside of hsm/disney. and i think he's a better actor as well, probably because it doesnt have cheesy storylines. lol oh, and yes zac was frickin HOTTTT!!! omg! i couldnt get over it. haha
  20. i wish prom wasnt so hyped up....that way my friends wouldnt care if i didnt go. (prom can suck it. augh.) =[
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