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Everything posted by redwiine

  1. haha. yea. it's pretty much my favorite comic of all time. :]
  2. wow. those are all really good pictures. and yes. hayley's make-up is pretty darn cute.
  3. eeek. i could never pull off blue for some reason. but yea. i have to admit, my choice of make-up is defenitely inspired by hayley. i just love the bright colors, and that's pretty much all i wear. and like everyone says, hayley is beautiful either way.
  4. aww. that was really good. you have a sweet voice. :]
  5. aww. poor hayley. she's in pain and she's still singing her heart out. she still sounds good, though. :]
  6. eee. i want to be a part of this. :] i'm going to start on mine right now. and i'll send it in as soon as i'm done. this is a really good idea. suuper glad your doing this. :]
  7. yes, hayley's dresses are adorable. :] i think i might go out and buy one.
  8. Hayley, your an amazing person. going through all of this and still putting on amazing shows for your fans. i hope you feel better real soon. :] your in my prayers. -Danielle
  9. i have to agree with everyone else and say that josh did a reallllly good job. i love this song. :]
  10. haha. yeah. i'd have to agree with the no gay clubs. they're annoying and some people take them too seriously.
  11. yay. i joined too. and i decided to be original too, so my name is daniielle.
  12. haha. me too. i was at my friends house and they were like "yeah. danielle. nobody cares." but it was funny because i had been talking about paramore all night.
  13. whoa. that girl does look like hayley. and cool little animal. ha.
  14. ha. i love these guys. they defenitely put on a good show. they were probably one of the best bands i saw at warped. other than paramore, of course. i was so amped. they defenitely got the crowd going.
  15. their pretty good. i got really into them last summer. their poster is still up in my room. haha.
  16. ok. cool. =] i just didn't want to sound really rude or anything.
  17. gah. that hate site is a joke. it's so lame. and whoever made it should get a life. seriously. go waste your time doing something a little more productive than bashing a band you supposedly hate so much. but that's just my opinion.
  18. awww. that was really good. thanks for sharing it with us. i really like your voice.
  19. hi sarah. i'm danielle. haha. and i like that little thing in parenthesis. =]
  20. aw. that's awesome. i wish i could see them live.
  21. ohhh. so do i. i want one. ha.
  22. gah. first myspace. now the aar boards. that sucks. i hope this site doesn't go down too.
  23. haha. i love this thread. maybe i can come up with some words. let me just get my creativity going.
  24. hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. yeah. random, i know. but aar is amazing. so yeah. and i love how everyone is so gangsta in this thread.
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