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Everything posted by Trevor

  1. lol, here ya go http://www.megaupload.com/?d=26FANNX5
  2. was aweeeesome! Walking around in the "backstage" area (its really more of... "backgate"? area?) was sick. Giving friendly nods of "whats up" to bands you've grown up jumping on your bed listening to. Holding in the excitement was almost too much! :
  3. someone managed to get us a clip from our set, check ems
  4. naw, we prolly wont go east coast this summer might only play the very end at LA.
  5. Here's a little sample of our new promos.. =) - - also gave in and started a twitter. follows me! http://www.twitter.com/kochtrevor
  6. We actually have one in the works! Thanks though lara :hug: If anyone cares to read my recap, you can check it at our LJ. http://remedyband.livejournal.com/
  7. It was so fun. We played right before versa emerge. Our crowd was fucking huge. I got pics comin! I think the AP tweet came from Tim Karan, the web editor of AP. So jealous, he interviewed Kyrsten at our merch booth while us dudes were slaving away moving gear. =( hopefully he'll do a podcast with us soon. thxx for the song reviews! It'll prolly get torn down to finish the mixing but there are 3 more songs on the way as well. Hopefully now that we did warped it'll open some doors. <3 u guys
  8. we played 30mins before they did yesterday at sf warped devin came and watched our set from the side =P Ran over and gave him a high five mid song lolll. I got pics comin.
  9. In celebration of warpedness we posted a new song! Might get taken down soon as there might be a more "final" mix. nonetheless, GO CHECK IT! http://www.myspace.com/shescreamsremedy
  10. Would be sick if I play right before them @ warped... MUST MINGLE
  11. Their manager tells me the records almost done.
  12. Is that road rash on hayley's right ankle or a tat? I've been out of the loop for a while.
  13. hehe.... i gotta say it. I'LL BE THERE! We'll probably be playing in los angeles at the end of the tour on top of the confirmed san fran date. I'm told kevin pays attention to the stage we're going to play on. Hopefully he's there and I can offer sexual favors in return for more dates. could work?
  14. I hope so, dream big. :hyper: thanks for the congrats guys, means a bunch
  15. WE WON WE WON!! Come see us in SAN FRAN!!!! =))))))) i love you all! thanks so much!
  16. WE FUCKING WON! YESSSS Come see me in SAN FRAN BABY. Thank you all so much, means a ton!!! :hug:
  17. edit: 2 hours left in voting!
  18. ha! I know right? Would be nuts. 2 hours left!
  19. luls, best wallpaper ever. I apologize in advance as nothing will be even remotely close to being as cool as that. GO VOTE FOR ME http://altpress.com/surveys/95.htm
  20. http://altpress.com/surveys/95.htm go go! You can vote every hour or so. Voting closes at 5pm! she screams remedy, =P
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