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Everything posted by Trevor

  1. this is what im talkin bout, its been like 15minutes & 4people already voted. <3 u guys
  2. So we got picked to be one of 3 bands to get voted on to play san francisco warped on AP magazines website. Check the offtopic thread! http://paramorefans.com/boards/showthread.php?t=12095 or go straight there http://altpress.com/surveys/95.htm WE NEED EVERYONES HELP!
  3. Alternative Press is having a contest for bands that have been in their unsigned section. They chose us out of a slew of bands to be 1 out of 3 up on their polls for the sanfrancisco warped date! I have faith in the paramorefans community, you guys do the impossible on the daily. HELP US PURSUE OUR DREAM!! VOTE FOR US! http://altpress.com/surveys/95.htm She Screams Remedy. :hug::hug:
  4. we're playing at the same festival as escape the fate @ may 2nd. =)) EVERYONE go to the ssr thread and help us get on warped! http://paramorefans.com/boards/showthread.php?t=9231&page=12&highlight=screams+remedy ps- i like everyones pictures sexbeasts up in here
  5. I NEED YOUR GUYS HELP!! We're trying to get on warped for the pomona date but need to recruit new spammers to the SSR warped battle of the bands spamfest. Here's the bulletin we've been posting, it has directions to help out. DOOO IT! I'll love you longgg time You too can prevent forest fires... I mean, HELP US PLAY WARPED. Follow these easy steps to get in on the action; http://warped.battleofthebands.com/backstage/artist.php?artist_id=42528 Firstly, click the link ^ above. Look to the TOP LEFT of the page and click 'Join'. Create your login and go BACK to that link! Then, click on "Pomona" under the Vote for us section on the right side of the player! Then click the "VOTE" button on the left side of the player on the next page! IMPORTANT: You can do this EVERY 24 HOURS! Help make our dreams a reality by voting for us daily. We love you guys and know you can do it, we have the freaking coolest listeners on the planet.
  6. if things go well we could be playing bamboozle left as well! =)) We're also set to record a few more songs that are exponentially better too, should be interesting.
  7. duuuude i LOVE rise of science!! When I saw them on the same page I flipped out. I saw them at the knitting factory last year and they were soooo freaking gooood. THANKS so much for all the congrats, means a lot. I hope this thing goes so I can start the life I've dreamed of. Can't wait to get interviewed and tell them that it was the pf.com crew that originally told me we were going somewhere. :crybad:
  8. are you kidding me? AP MAGAZINE?!!?
  9. amazing! even better is that the rise of science is above us on the same page!!! :rotfl:
  10. most recent show! If we're one of the 3 out of 7 bands chosen at the final show april1st we'll play bamboozle!
  11. made it to finalist show! 3 of the 7 bands playing get to play BAMBOOZLE. if youre in or are around anaheim california (chain reaction) come out! April 1st.
  12. if he doesnt have a hand in any mixing or mastering then it really doesnt matter too much who's "producing" as that term is kind of misleading. all he's gonna do is push the record button and say "do it again" over and over. he's probably stoked considering he'll probably get a few points on the record and paramore has die hard fans. & besides, from what ive read over the years in interviews and what not, they sound like nitpicking perfectionists. i dont really think they'd let something slide that they didnt like. whether the album will be good or not will be entirely on them. real question is who's mixing it and who's mastering it? my guess is bendeth will mix it.. even though ive lost a lot of respect for him in that field after the new UO album... how so many vocal artifacts made it through to final print makes no sense. the arguments between some of the engineers that worked on the album, mctague and beau from saosin on the digidesign boards were awesome. degradingly awesome
  13. haaa, dammmit. I have no natural vibrato, it BLOWS! one day! -shakes fist-
  14. hah! that is freakin awesome! you rullleee in case you haven't seen it yet, here's the most recent video update tooo. we have another show at chain reaction on the 18th if anyone is in socal! =)
  15. when are they going to kill her already... jeez. talk about STRUNG ALONG.
  16. bears beats ba... you know the rest.
  17. Nope, thats the venue. It's she screams remedy here: http://www.myspace.com/shescreamsremedy
  18. these guys could be our label mates if we go w/ Rise O_O
  19. from our show @ chain the other night... we have another one on March 18th. If you're local you should come! mee (cousin it?) boys n girl! praying to the god of rock
  20. it honestly sounds like if I took sierra & the nightmare before christmas and put them in a blender and turned it on.
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