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Everything posted by SuperJess

  1. Neither did I haha I was quite surprised when I got the e-mail!
  2. I actually purchased the regular fan club pre-sale tix and won m&g.
  3. ^It's only 8:15 in Nevada right now, the show isn't over.
  4. I ordered it for $3.98 on Amazon. You just need to search for the album and then where it say "New & used starting at (whatever price)" you click there and find a cheap one from a seller with a good score. That's how I buy all my CDs.
  5. No, it's just people who got pre-sale fan club tix who are up for m&g.
  6. ^Haha he looks so awkward.
  7. You won tickets for Reno or Vegas? I got m&g for Vegas, I'm stoked mostly because I didn't think they were going to continue doing m&g. I just hope these ones aren't as crazy as the fall tour m&g was.
  8. I'm going to the Vegas date 7/29
  9. Oh my gosh no, the boys are so greasy lately it is not cute at all.
  10. I can't find one anywhere, so I figure by the time I have the money for it I'll be able to find one, hopefully. haha
  11. I love Kezia, I prefer it over Fortress.
  12. I have ridic amounts of merch, for some reason I used to think I needed to buy something at every show I went to. I'm trying to sell everything I own though and buy a new TV & wii haha.
  13. I'm selling a few older Cute items here. If you don't have an LJ but want anything, just e-mail me @ jess_0080@hotmail.com I really need to get rid of all this stuff!
  14. I found this and this (I'm selling) on LJ and thought somebody here might be interested. They're selling some merch that isn't available anymore.
  15. Make sure you guys buy the CD on Tuesday! And keep up with the guys on tour on their Buzznet.
  16. And keffiyeh scarves are usually only red & white and are worn on the head in a certain way.
  17. "This Is The End" and "You Left Me" are my favorite songs.
  18. This guy is selling a few dresses Hayley has worn.
  19. They were done with school in December, but they didn't have their graduation ceremony until May. Graduating early is easy, you just take summer school or do classes by mail or online.
  20. Pretty sure this isn't being released, considering we heard about it last summer. Maybe the project just fell through?
  21. ^That's awesome! Just remember it's a process and it takes steps. My voice coach always asks "How do you eat an elephant?" and the answer is "One bite at a time."
  22. I'm going to hopefully buy a keyboard soon so I can start writing/recording! Once I do I'll get my stuff up for you all to hear!
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