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White Night

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Everything posted by White Night

  1. oh man it's so hard to write on white boards cause if i write like normal my hand goes over and erases what i just wrote so i gotta lift my hand or something lol if that makes sense so my already chicken scratch writing is even worse
  2. so, i'm thinking about going to the tour with forever the sickest kids but i only know about 3 cobra songs (i'd go cause i really like FTSK) are they good enough live that i'll have a great time without knowing their songs?
  3. maybe cause then you would write the right way i can write with my right hand decently but it isn't as good as my left and takes a really long time
  4. really! apparently i learned to write wrong like, i hold the pencil the wrong way or something it's really horrible
  5. katie your handwriting is 20 times better than mine, don't worry
  6. On another forum I have 243,106. Does that count at all?
  7. 400 POSTS! BAM! it only took me a year and a half XD
  8. that's what i'm afraid of if they're just chilling somewhere around me it doesn't scare me at all but when they start moving really fast or get really close to me i freak out cause i don't want them crawling on me i'm TERRIFIEEEED of bees
  9. there are 2 concerts i want to go to and they're BOTH on THURSDAYS which means i can't go this year i have been STRIKING OUT when it comes to concerts it SUCKS i hate school
  10. nah, i don't think so number one i'm not positive she's bi or gay or anything, number 2 there's no way i'd have a chance with her sucks
  11. I survived the first day of school yay I have NO ONE I know during lunch though so i sat there like a complete dweeb with no friends. I have to get up at 5:30 in the morning. Insane. BUT, the girl I like is in my math class .
  12. uuuuugh, i have to start school tomorrow you have NO idea how much i'm dreading it i've gotta make new friends and such and i'm really shy i'm also probably going to get hopelessly lost in the school
  13. i got sims 2 for the gamecube and on the radio it had pressure as one of the songs you could listen to and i fell in love with it, listened to it over and over and over again. then everybody on another forum i went to started talking about them so i decided i would properly check them out, listened to hallelujah acoustic and was blown away by hayley's voice. then i bought awkif and there ya go. this was in april 06
  14. there's nothing scandalous about me
  15. *cough* it doesn't that's why i said it was random XD yeah it looks good i like it uhhh, to stay on topic my love life has been dead all summer like, i haven't even seen anybody i've thought was good looking
  16. *random* i got my hair cut today it was down to my butt and now it's almost to my shoulders, a little longer it's feels REALLY weird i used to always play with it or comb my fingers through it and now i can't
  17. iiiii got my copy of breaking dawn i would start reading but it's 1 AM the thing at barnes and noble was really kinda boring me and my friend did a trvia thing and got 36 out of 60 right XD
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