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Everything posted by roxchick93

  1. the acting is just.. no. but im probably still gunna see it just about a week after it comes out. its soo annoying when people scream in the the theater
  2. exactly! like this one line she said "he's covered in blood, why is he covered in blood" something about the way she said it made me cringe. she wasnt good at all. but then again its not like her lines were all that great either
  3. ^i think its real.. cuase hayley said she has two tatoos. ones on her ankle im assuming thats the other one
  4. ^ i have to disagree. i dont really like ginny.. she wasnt really good in this film at all
  5. im just pissed off and frustrated. i cant seem to play tennis, like my arm is refusing to work right or something. i cant seem to write a single song or do anything creative for that matter. my 16 bday is in 3 weeks, same day as the first day of school my school is gay.
  6. roxchick93

    Demi Lovato

    twitter... i thought demi was smarter than that. i really need to listen to her new songs, i only have her old album. any suggestion on the best ones?
  7. no ones paved the road to paradise or gaurenteed that it'd b nice
  8. wish granted, but nashville gets blown away by a tornado. i wish i could be in london already
  9. ^yea that was the only bad thing about the movie. the movie would seem great to people who havent read it. its just them leaving all this stuff out is probably gunna mess up the 7th one... and is going to annoy me. they could of left out one ron/lavender scene and showed something actually important.
  10. i bet that is exactly what there gunna do
  11. ^i thought he was in one of them, maybe? im pretty sure i saw him briefly. but yea in the movies they have only like shown him once or twice (if that) so this wedding will come out of know where.
  12. yea thats what im saying. but that would just like come out of kno where. bill is hardly in the movies in general. i just hope they dont leave that whole part out.
  13. maybe im just anti-social. who knows. but as of now people are driving me insane. mostly my family.
  14. TOM FELTON. although i am far to lazy to go find a picture.
  15. ^that would be kind of wierd and dissappointing but it seems like something they will do. they could always have bill and fleurs wedding just to the people who havent read the book they will probably have no idea what that is about.
  16. ^idk about the flash backs i think there were flashbacks... i read it like 6 months ago so i forgot alot of it before i saw it but im re-reeading the book right now. im only on chapter 5 and i dont like what they left out.
  17. considering the movie was called "half blood prince" and they dont explain why was a dumb thing to leave out and the Fleur/Bill thing. Bill and Fluer are kind of crucial in the 7thecause of the wedding, maybe they will some how work it in in the 7th. all in all it was a good movie if you dont compare it to the book.
  18. R.I.P serah. ive seen her posts around on the boards i'll pray for laura and serah's family honestly i dont see how its is disrespectful, some of us knew her on here and would like to know how.
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