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Everything posted by bellamuerte606

  1. Wasn't it fun?!?! xD I think I recruited like 20 people at the least =] I'm pretty sure this has been posted, but... Whenever you hear someone say "that's what you get", you start singing "that's what you get when you let your heart win...WHOA!" xD
  2. Haha in those pictures it's pretty cool, actually. I'm liking it xD
  3. Hahahaha When you and a huge group of your friends parade around town wearing shirts that you write "RIOT!" on and carry those Hot Topic lim. edition posters. Man, that's hardcore. xD
  4. I don't really get it haha. I feel inferior. xD
  5. Ehh. I'm likin' the change but the blond layer thing going on is kinda weird. I'm sure it'll grow on me though ;]
  6. Pretty Handsome Awkward - The Used the song's pretty good (one of the best of the new album haha) but this video is SO BAD haha
  7. Haha I had one like 3 days ago xDDD Hayley and Brendon Urie from Panic were like dating and making out in a corner (oh my god wouldn't they be so cute together? haha) and Josh was like throwing stuff at the wall and i woke up and I was like "awwwww" lol
  8. awkif: franklin (<3 favorite by them) riot!: miracle (or if you're counting b-sides, then decoy <3)
  9. Oh my God that's great <3 I love how High School Musical 2 is number 1 xDDDDDDD
  10. Um I hate to tell you this, but the question was "would you do it?" Therefore, we're all entitled to share our opinions. =]
  11. haha agreed. I was watching Room 401 (lmao it's so bad) in between Criss Angel commercials, and like every commercial from 401, like 4 in a row had Misery Business in it...I was like "YOU'RE GONNA MAKE THEM HAVE FANGIRLS WHO LIKE ONE SONG! STOPPPPPPPP" haha
  12. I love them =D New album's awesome xD
  13. Aww it's cute xD Hayley's eyes look kinda strange, but cute =D
  14. XD I was about to make this thread. I FREAKIN LOVE THEM! *shuts up* Yeah I'm going to see them on the 19th =D How long did they play for/how long was the concert? idk I haven't really listened to Suburban Legends, Patent Pending, and Jet Lag Gemini much, so if I get bored I'll probably just leave lol
  15. Ha yeah my brother accuses me of only obsessing over them 'cause Josh is hot like alllll the time 'cause I've got pictures of him all over my room, but that's just a bonus Yeah though I still don't really know why I'm so obsessed w/ them, (besides the music obviously), I think it has something to do w/ their connection to their fans and how funny they are xD
  16. *interrupts argument thing* Meh I'm kinda p/o'd that they weren't nominated, but then again if they did get nominated and won, there would be like all the little fangirls who think they like them from like 2 songs, and I really don't want that for them...I didn't want it for MCR and it happened, so I REAAAAAAALLLLLLYYYYYY don't want it for Paramore.
  17. "First you've gotta get a huge keychain, like the size of your face, then you've gotta get a pig. A pig with a heart on it, and what does the nose do? It lights up." (or something like that) -Jeremy
  18. wtf? XDD I love how it's like "SAY ANYTHING and some awesome people" Can't wait for Hayley, Gerard, Anthony, Adam and Fred <3
  19. Pfft of course I'd still love them xD I mean it wouldn't be the same w/o her voice and her energy, but I'd still support the guys
  20. "Remember kids: Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! *poster-girl smile*" -Hayley
  21. Oh my GOD yes. Rachel Minton from Zolof The Rock and Roll Destroyer sang that w/ them and it was like *spasms*
  22. Mean old coot during sex .......xD
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