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Everything posted by Jammer

  1. AWESOMEEEEE!!!!! Seriously, this was one hell of a tour to be at.
  2. She looks very at ease with that very large machine gun. It worries me slightly. Those pics in general are pretty good. Hayley's outfit = very sparkly.
  3. She looks lovely, of course, but watching the video makes me wary of being invited over to her house for a cup of tea.
  4. Wanted to get the 'needle' Hoodie on Thursday night, but it was £35, which was more than I had in my pocket at the time. *runs off to the online store*
  5. That's actually pretty damn good Rachel. Looks like you put a lot of work and heart into it. Nice one.
  6. Oh cool. The little acoustic set of songs they did in the middle was one of my favourite parts. Well, that and the songs when they were playing stuff on the video screens behind. ...though my friend who was 26 kept saying that he felt old just being there.
  7. Yes, I do remember you, shockingly. Wow...I'm sore all over and my ears are ringing, but I don't care right now. Nice long set from Paramore, some good song choices, and some good crowd banter too. "Welcome to the family...this massive, gorgeous, dysfunctional, family."
  8. I miss you too. Her hair reminds me of candyfloss.
  9. *pinches Hayley's cheeks* ...I've not posted on these boards in a while. >.>
  10. Lol, you say that as though its just an everyday thing. Hayley looks lovely, as always.
  11. aw well good luck with all of that!

    omg congrats! thats great! i'm going to be an Aunt in december!

  12. Tell me about it! I was 14 that time, now I'm turning 18 this year, it's insane. Your bday was 2nd december, wasn't it?

    Pshh, be excited to get a job! do you already have a date for an application talk?

    Omg congrats to her and to you! I love babies ♥ Is it a boy or a girl?

  13. yeah :D

    oh nice! what do you have planned

  14. i missed you much! and the old times, gosh can you remember them? you were one of the first people to talk to me when i joined here, it was so awesome! =)

    That sounds good! what kind of stuff is it?

  15. aw james! Kind of missed you! :/

    It's all fine over here so far, doing well in school, gonna see ymas next week and get my 2nd tattoo in december, can't really complain :)

    aw good luck with that! it's so hard to find work lately, i really hold my thumbs for you to get it all done! =)

  16. hey!

    things are gonig well! theres been ALOT going on. lots of new things.

    awww good luck finding a job! i hope everything's going great for you!

  17. Happy Birthday beautiful! Hope you had a good day. xxx
  18. Nice to meet you.(◎^U^◎)ノ

  19. Oh hai there beautiful. *goes all mushy*
  20. Haro there, gorgeous. I have not posted a pic of myself in ages, I've realised, so let's start again! Me and a headless new friend outside the Tower of London. And another one of me standing in front of an art thing made up of hundreds of different types of material, in the Science Museum. (please ignore my hairy legs >_>)
  21. Oh, wow. Hi there. Liking the redhead look Tyalor.
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