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Everything posted by Parawhore914

  1. Whoa, I need to think about this for a couple minutes... No-I have no idea who it is.
  2. Hey Jenny, I'm Kayla. Hope you have fun here!
  3. ^^Yeah, I didn't get to meet them at Warped either which is why I'm hoping I can send this in and get it back in time or else I won't get it until December.
  4. can i have the originals Stephanie? for the last seven?
  5. Yea--that's what I've been thinking...I'm sure they'll do a LJ or something announcing the tour and the dates'll probably come in mid to late August. That's jsut my reasoning though so who knows...
  6. Yea--I probably won't send mine in until around late August. Hopefully I'll get it back in time for my birthday in late September. I doubt it but hey, anything's possible right?
  7. I hope when they come it's not when I have fall break. That'd so suck.
  8. True but my friends and I would have to drag along one of our parents. We got in the pit at Warped Tour this year [[which was so fun]] but guess who came along--my friends dad.
  9. Yes--I do love you. I've been trying to find those glasses for hours now. Thank you!
  10. Okay--thank you! [[i would have looked myself but our internet has been acting weird lately]] Sorry to ask but, how much would it be for shipping?
  11. Club dates FTW. I mean, I liked hearing them at Warped Tour because it sounds more open and all but club dates are just more...You don't have as many people && most of you are there to see the band, not to act crazy and mosh like at Warped Tour. I mean, I know that's expected at a big arena event like Warped Tour but...a club date is just different. I can't explain it but the whole overall feel is so different. Does that make sense?
  12. Yeah---I'd much rather seem them headlining. But since this is just a rumor all is good. I'm freaking out as much as I would have because if they end up playing at a arena they is no way my parents would let me go. I mean, they'd let me go but I'd probably the very top row--never in the pit.
  13. What interview is this? I do agree with you though, people who compare Avril to Hayley are just...I don't know--sick in the head maybe? If I were Hayley though, that video would make me feel so angry.
  14. That tour of the bus vid is so hilarious-- "I swear, that body lotion is soo not mine."
  15. yes--hopefully it's shane drake. but even if it's not I'm sure it'll be a wonderful video I'll watch constantly.
  16. You just heard them on XM again. This time I semi-crontroled myself so I'm proud ;]
  17. i finally got it to work. lol. that guy is so funny. && bily rae cyrus' mullet does rock. ;]
  18. My name means pure and beloved... Hmm...For some reason that doesn't describe me very well.
  19. Thankies--I didn't have enough sense to take pictures since I got pushed to the front.
  20. Grr. I was about to go there. Then where are they from?
  21. lol. Hayley wasn't feeling well when she came here which kind of sucked but they were still good so who can complain?
  22. ^lol, That MTV vid of them giving a tour of the bus is hilarious. The evil gnome is in Taylor's bunk. ha.
  23. Not that I don't like FOB--okayI'mkindofadedicatedfan but--I don't think I'd want to see them live. Hopefully this is all just a rumor and they tour with TSL. I'd much rather see Paramore and TSL then FOB, GCH AND Paramore. Not that I'm saying I don't like GCH, it'd just be to much for me.
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