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Everything posted by indabisofmisery

  1. dad got remarried last year, and i've heard that the whole "3rd" side of the fam smokes pretty much. they're some of the coolest people i know. and it's realllllly funny when the kids catch them in the act. one time my uncle claimed he had just taken a huge dump and tried to air it out...
  2. harry, your post count has shot through the roof with this thread
  3. problem is a lot of people don't know how to argue civilly and resort to name-calling and shit like that and it's totally irrelevant. XD but this is good. a giant leap forward. XD
  4. it really is. brought a tear to my eye.
  5. this is the most civil controversial thread i think i've ever seen on pf. i'm impressed, give yourselves a hand. i personally don't do it. but i don't rule anything out. i'm in college, shit happens.
  6. things most people could do. [x] I can ride a bike. [x] I can tie my shoes. [x] I can swim. [x] I can count to ten in a different language. [x] I can cross my eyes. [x] I can sit "indian style". [x] I can swallow with my mouth open. [x] I can gargle. [x] I can floss properly. [x] I can write in cursive. [x] I can successfully shuffle a deck of cards. [x] I can play hopscotch right. [x] I can walk in heels. things some people could do. [x] I can snap my fingers. [x] I can shoot a basketball into the basket from five feet away. [ ] I can properly write a sonnet. [x] I can easily find the square root of numbers. [x] I can say at least ten sentences in another language. [x] I can skateboard. [x] I can keep up a hulahoop for at least a minute. [x] I can play poker. [x] I can do at least five pull-ups. [x] I can keep a straight face while lying. [ ] I can type in 1337. [ ] I can make a webpage with basic HTML. [x] I can cook eggs without burning them. [x] I can not study for a test and still pass it. [x] I can somewhat play a musical instrument(s). [x] I can make a "butterfly knot" with my shoelaces. [x] I can easily interpret certain vocabulary words I don't know after seeing them in text. [ ] I can draw anime/manga characters. [x] I can drive. [ ] I can disco. things not a lot of people can do. [x] I can juggle more than two objects. [ ] I can make a webpage with FTP, CSS or another programming language. [ ] I can program a computer game. [ ] I can tie a knot in cherry stem with my tongue. [ ] I can speak another language fluently. [x] I can play ten or more different card games. [x] I can parallel park. [x] I can play a musical instrument well. [x] I can keep myself completely focused in class. [x] I can easily find the cube root of numbers. [ ] I can draw a portrait of someone and have it look realistic. [x] I can speak/write some of another language that uses a different alphabet. [ ] I can play lacrosse. [x] I can cook an entire meal without directions or help. [x] I can easily memorize what my teacher is saying and don't need to take notes. [ ] I can hack into someone else's account without previously knowing their password. [ ] I can easily log-on to a proxy server and bypass my school's parental controls. [x] I can successfully run a one-man band. (if we're talking on a computer) [x] I can easily figure out tough math problems without a calculator.
  7. I'm doing this bolding survey because I’m bored. More like, because I’m procrastinating. I’ve read the dictionary before, just for fun. Pharrell Williams is soooooo hot. I’m more of a Pete Wentz fan. Ashlee Simpson is the luckiest bitch ever. I hate bolding surveys. I’ve been called a ‘slut’ by a guy before. I’m currently giving one of my friends the ‘silent treatment’. Some of my friends have never been kissed. I am of mixed descent, and proud! I’ve been to more than five different countries. I’ve never been on a plane in my life. My favorite song right now is ‘Take a Bow’ by Rihanna. I think Rihanna is a talentless whore. But damn, you gotta love her hair. - T-Pain’s voice really annoys me. I think it’s sickkkkkk (in a good way). I have heard of ‘nickasaur’. (Apparently you've never heard of grammar...) I have more than two pets. I want a pitbull. Mondays are the worst days of the week. I love Fridays. I'd pick MySpace over Facebook anyday. I'd pick Facebook over MySpace anyday. They’re both shit, I’m a Bebo user! I *gasp* don’t own an iPod. I’ve thought of making my own survey before. But gave up coz I can’t think of any questions. The length of my hair is past my shoulders. I have fake nails on right now. I watch Gossip Girl. Georgina Sparks – I effing hate her. I have a thing for Zach Braff. I loveeeeeee screamo music. I wish Sonny Moore was still in FFTL … the band is nothing without him! My favourite Disney movie is Aladdin. I would leave my soul mate for a night of hot sex with Justin Timberlake. Justin Timberlake is soooo not worth it. I have read the book, 'Wuthering Heights'. Photography is my saviour. I live for music. I love country music. eBay saves my lazy ass from buying stuff in real stores. I’ve never used eBay in my life. I have subscriptions to my favourite magazines. Essays are the worst form of homework ever. I hate wasting ink from my printer. Shakespeare is fun to read. I’ve been to Broadway before. I’ve lied on a survey before. Teacher’s pets make me cringe. I’ve been a teacher’s pet before … it was awesome. Brokeback Mountain is one of my favourite movies. *drools* ahhhhh Jake Gyllenhaal! R.I.P. Heath Ledger. I know who Andy Goldsworthy is. I’ve been to a Wolfgang Puck restaurant. My fashion sense differs from everyone else. (at least in the community i live in it is) I’ve been called ‘scene’ before. I own a fake I.D. Kanye West is a musical genius. But, he’s also a conceited prick. I love that American Boy song though. He's had better. Daniel Radcliffe is sexy as hell. Ew. I can’t wait for the new Harry Potter movie to come out! I’ve read all seven books. I’ve drawn a scar shaped as a lightening bolt of my forehead before. Hermione is a nice name. Wtf is with all this Harry Potter shit? I read Perez Hilton on a daily basis. Media Takeout is also on the agenda everyday. I’ve uploaded a video of my singing on YouTube before. I’m hopeless at HTML. HTM- what? My parents have a nickname for me and hardly use my real name. I call my parents something other than ‘Mom’ or ‘Dad’. My car is my everything. I photoshop all my pictures before I put them on MySpace. I post a lottttt of bulletins. I’ve been told I have a good singing voice before. I know who Charice Pempengco is. Travis Barker remixes are hotttttttttt. Indie music makes my heart beat. Juno is the best movie everrrrrr. I know who Justin Long is. He looks half-Asian to me. I’ve made out at school before. And got caught by a teacher. (it's not really illegal or anything...) One of my friends has had an overdose before. I know somone who hustles weed. My top friends are in order of who I'm closest to. Mine aren't in any order. I've been caught up in drama because of top friends before. I watch 'A Shot of Love with Tila Tequila'. Season One's cast were soooo much better! I would never have gotten a tattoo for Tila. I collect perfume. Paparazzi shots are addictive to look at. I own something Juicy Couture, and it's authentic too. I only buy brand name clothing. Karaoke is one of my favourite pasttimes. I'm currently in college. I've been told I talk really fast. I add random people all the time on MySpace. I have more than 1000 friends. My birthday has already passed for this year. I had a party for my last birthday. Anberlin was one of my favourite bands. I loved Alexisonfire. At night, I run up the stairs in case something might grab me. Cassie cannot sing for shit. (who's that...) But she's one of the prettiest girls I've seen. She should've stuck to being a model. I actually love her music! I smile with teeth most of the time. I'm more of a speaker than a writer. I'm more of a writer than a speaker. (I'm in the middle I guess) Multitasking is one of my talents. I need to have coffee everyday. Ew, I hate the taste. I've fished for compliments before. (I try not to... it drives me crazy) Apparently I snore. I've eaten in a bathroom before. Being food poisoned is the worst feeling in the world. I recently had a fallout with a friend. (but I've only known her for about 3 months so it's all good.)
  8. PART ONE Honestly, how many people have you ever had strong feelings for? one, and it was a sort of 'in the moment' type thing Honestly, what colour is your underwear? i can't remember lol Honestly, what's on your mind? this person. Honestly, are you jealous of someone right now? nope Honestly, what makes you happy most of the time? a lot of things, but mostly companionship. from anyone that i like. Honestly, do you want to see someone this very minute? i'd like to yes Honestly, do you have deep secrets? eh Honestly, where would you rather be right now? home (takin a train tomorrow!!) Honestly, have you gone out of your way to make a new friend? all the time Honestly, are you desperate? no Honestly, who was last say good night to you? jasmine Honestly, did you ever lie to someone you loved? to my family, yes. but everyone lies, so anyone who says no is lying. Honestly, when was the last time you REALLY cried your heart out? last april i think... Honestly, do you think its right to cheat if your boy/girlfriend cheated on you? no Honestly, what makes you mad? it's hard to pinpoint one thing Honestly, does being with your friends make you happy? yes Honestly, do you believe in yourself? yup Honestly, who can you go to for anything? my mom Honestly, have you hugged a girl this week? yeah Honestly, have you had a kiss on the cheek this week? forehead, close enough Honestly, are you a relationship person? i am but usually i'm not attracted to the people who are attracted to me PART TWO Have you ever walked in on anyone making out? no thank god Do you remember all the people you kissed? yes Are looks important? they are important, but they're not the first thing i look for in a person Do you have any friends that you've known for 10 years or more? yeah Have you ever made a mistake? well that's a pretty retarded question Hair colour you like on someone you're dating? anything, don't really care What do you do as soon as you walk in the house? i hand my swipe to a DA and have them swipe me in... then walk up 3 flights of stairs and open my door and trip over all my crap in my room. Who is the person you can count on the most? mom If you could date any celebrity past or present, who would it be? josh farro What did you dream last night? i don't remember Have you ever been in love? no PART THREE Are you in a relationship? no Do you believe in love at first sight? no What about true love? sure Would you kiss on the first date? yeah, and i have. i've done other things as well... but idk if it really qualifies as a "date..." PART FOUR Have a valentine planned out? no? Do you like having a valentine? surely Are you even worried about the upcoming holiday? nah What would you do if you find out your bf/gf likes someone else? that would suck balls PART FIVE What's bothering you right now? i'm barely packed and i'm leaving tomorrow Would you share a drink with a stranger? no way... that's how people end up in the hospital Next time you will hug someone? probably tomorrow What is the last thing you ate today? pie! What do you smell like? my new shampoo. it smells epic. Have you hit someone today? no What is one thing you'd really like to do right now? idk... have all my work done magically? Who do you miss? my mom and my dogs What are you going to do after this? sleep What was the last text message you sent? “np!" Who was the last person to call you and why did they call? my mom to talk for the day What was ONE funny thing that happened yesterday? my friend was laughing about something and she bent over and let one rip... How do you express yourself best? just by talking. i don't hide myself. Who was the last girl you talked to? jasmine Who was the last guy you talked to? mike Who was the last person you talked to in person? jasmine Do you have any plans for tomorrow? class, then going home Recently done anything you regret? no i dno't think so How do you handle/let go of stress? i just kinda go into a sort of meditative state. it works. Do you think best friends can be replaced? people can't be replaced. Is there anyone holding a grudge against you? without a doubt Who was the last person to call you? maybe you should be writing down what you're typing Who will you be with Saturday night? my family for once How many speeding tickets do you have? none *knock on wood* When did you last cry? no idea Do you plan on moving this year? technically i'm moving once a year for the next 4 What does the last message in your inbox say? i have a lot of inboxes. please specify. Who have you texted in the last 24 hours? mike, stef, mom, dad, gianna, grete, etc. How many people made you smile today? quite a few Single or taken right now? single Can you name a quote from the song you are listening to? i'm watching tv right now Whats the closest thing to you thats liquid? hair product Describe this year of school in 4 words?. best i've had in years Something you want to know? when people are annoyed with me lol Something you're happy about? that i'm going home tomorrow Last movie you watched with who? not another teen movie with jasmine and elissa Burger King or Wendy's? gross and grosser What time is it? 12:31 AM Where are you right now? my dorm What are you doing right now? watching tv, talking on ichat Where is your best friend right now? house Would you rather go to Tokyo or Paris? paris Do you wish you were somewhere else right now? home How long can you go without your mobile phone? no longer than ten minutes. lol What's the one song that always cheers you up? anything by paramore. Do you like your middle name? sure. it's generic but i don't ever use it so who cares? What do you do when you're bored? i don't even know now... i have way more of a life in college lol Do you agree Superbad was a fantastic movie? it was so-so Do you get excited when you receive texts? depends on who it's from Any awkward moments lately? not a ton Have you ever seen Juno? many many times Have you ever been to Mexico? no Have you ever been to Europe? no Do people think you smoke weed? no Do you swear a lot? oh yes. What's your favourite thing to buy when you're shopping for clothes? tshirts? Do you like your smile? yeah Do you like cheese? yes Do you think smoking is gross? yes Do you like your hair? yeah Do you say "fo sho" a lot? no When you hear BUMCRACK what do you think? hobo's butt? Do you have a lot of sunglasses? no What are you feeling right now? tired If you could have any name in the world instead of yours what would it be, and don't say your name say something else. never thought about it, not about to start now. Do you like shoes? sure Are you jealous of some people's relationships with their bf/gfs'? nah cuz most of them are extremely sappy Do you like your school? mhm Do you know anyone that looks like you? no Are you on msn a lot? nope Ever stayed up really late waiting for someone to come online? not super late Do you find anyone in your life really stupid? yes
  9. 1. Your Appearance. I have blonde hair. I have brown/black hair. I have red hair. I have a different color of hair. I have highlights. They are natural. I think I’m pretty. I think I am ugly. I think I am okay looking or in the middle of pretty and ugly. there's some grey area here... i feel like i look natural. i don't play with words like "pretty" and "ugly" I am comfortable with my appearance. I would change something to do with my appearance. My teeth are bright white. I wear lots and lots of make-up. I wear an average amount of make-up. I don’t wear make-up. I am stereotyped. I hate being stereotyped. I’m tall. I’m short. I’m medium. I have blue eyes. I have green eyes. I have brown eyes. I have hazel eyes. My hair is naturally straight. My hair is naturally wavy. I like my hair. I hate my hair. I have large feet. My feet are small. My hands are big. My hands aren’t big. I never get pimples. 2. Relationships. I have a boyfriend. I am single. I like being single. I hate being single. It is hard for me not to flirt. I have never cheated on a guy before. I have cheated on a guy 1+ times. I would take a bullet for my boyfriend. My boyfriend would take a bullet for me. My boyfriend is hott. I see my boyfriend at least once a day. If I had a boyfriend i would be much happier. I like being known as “His Girlfriend.” I would pick a guy/my boyfriend over all of my friend. 3. Friends. I have more than 1 best friend. If I had to choose my very very best friend, I couldn’t do it. If I had to choose my very very best friend, I could do it, but it would be very very hard. I have one good friend I can tell everything to. Sometimes my friends make me feel left out. I like being around new people. My best friend lives close to me. I hate it when my best friend and I get in a big fight over the stupidest things. (we don't.) I believe that all true friends must have fights in order to make it work. My friends are not stuck up and open to new people. My friends are known as the popular or preppy group. I think they are just ordinary people. I would take a bullet for my friends. I love partying with my friends. My house is the place to be. My friends and I always hang out. I would never pick a guy over my friends. My friends sometimes make fun of me but they are just joking. My friends are good at sports. My friends and I are pretty close. 4. Family. I have a brother. (step) I have a sister. (1 real and 1 step) I have no brothers or sisters. I have 2+ brothers. I have 2+ sisters. My parents are not divorced My parents are divorced My parents fight a lot/used to fight a lot. I’m kind of happy my parents are divorced because now i don’t have to hear them fight. (they still do and i've become the middle-man) I hate the fact my parents are divorced. I have clothes at my mom’s and my dad’s house. I live with my mom. I live with my dad. I live with both my parents. All of my siblings live with me. I am the oldest child in my household. I am the middle child in my household. I am the youngest child in my household. I have stepbrothers. I have stepsisters. I have living grandparents. I have living great-grandparents. I have more than 2 aunts and 2 uncles. I have A LOT of cousins. (sono italiana!) 5. Make-up, Clothes, & Shoes. MAKEUP I USE: perfume kohl (what the hell is that?) mascara foundation blush concealer. CLOTHES I WEAR: baggy jeans. tight jeans. in-the-middle jeans. designer jeans. khakis. mini skirts. mini shorts. capris. skirts. shorts. sweat pants. flannel/pajama pants. blue jean shorts. khaki shorts. soft/loose shorts. Tank tops. camisoles. shrugs. loose tee shirts. tight tee shirts. big tee shirts. band tee shirts. beaters. Two piece swim suits. 1 piece swim suits. Bikinis. SHOES I WEAR: tennis shoes. air jordans. shox. adidas shox. high top running/basketball shoes other types of running/basketball shoes. track spikes. cleats. flip flops. high heels. pumps. slippers. flats.
  10. I use my digital camera everyday I recently ate an apple I have horrible skin right now I have many self help books Reading, wtf? I’m taking anti-depressants I have heard of the band Type O Negative My mother is a bitch I rarely go to the movies I have been a really bad girlfriend in the past If I could, I would eat spaghetti daily I’m health conscious I’m a great speller (most of the time ) Most of my friends suck Skinniness annoys me to hell, what is the big deal? I’m fat and I like it - deal with it I’ve been to Las Vegas I loved it I thought it was tacky My favourite animal is a Lion My mobile phone is so old I have strict parents My hair is in bad condition I have mugs/cups in my bedroom I know most of the people in my friends list on myspace I am big-time self conscious I’m too shy to get a job I’m a vegetarian and I rarely eat fruit or vegetables I think fish are scary Marilyn Manson is so overrated I appreciate good art when I see it I have a mouth ulcer I hate anime My mother does everything for me I refuse to do my own laundry I don’t iron my clothes I hate shopping I’m a sell out I listen to Goth metal My Chemical Romance are shitty I am currently attempting to write my own novel I have read Wuthering Heights The sun is shining I dig fudge I want to go to England I despise internet slang with every fibre of my being Baked beans are yum I desperately want a baby with my boyfriend I loved the movie ‘Thirteen’ What was all the fuss about? Emo haircuts… hahahah. Kelly Clarkson can’t sing live I knew somebody who was murdered I eat a lot of kit kats My dog got hit by a car I once had a hamster I love all things fantasy I wish sometimes I was a faerie All these repetitive surveys drive me nuts yet i still do 'em! I’m a dedicated christian I respect religion but I don’t follow anything I’m pro-life I’m pro-choice (it's a situational thing, i don't go either way all the way) My parents only let me online at certain times I don’t have a TV in my room I’m poor (i'm independent now... college student!) My family own more than two cars I’ve been beaten up before Why are teenage girls so bitchy? When I get nervous I stammer Napoleon Dynamite is one of the funniest movies ever I personally don’t believe Jesus ever existed I have been to Italy I often take naps in the late afternoon I love musicals I love sex Hilary Duff has gotten too skinny I live on a main road I like to take walks in meadows in the summer I’m scared of horses I’m squeamish I used to own a Sega mega drive I have sent someone hate email before I admit I’m a slob I know someone with bad ear wax I can speak Welsh WHy pPl hAvE tO tYpE lIkE tHiS iS bEyOnD mE I am over the age of 18 (i am the age of 18.) Chat shows are so cheesy I watch British TV Shows I have never heard of the famous British ‘fish and chips’ delicacy My brother wanted to be a cowboy when he was little Girl power! I always have to get my own way, or I throw a fit I have made fun of someone with ginger/red hair before Harry Potter = Gorgeous! I am Latino I am Japanese, or partly I have a deep voice (for a girl, yeah i guess i do) I find it hard to tell the truth sometimes I have seen a ghost I think my house is haunted, it makes a lot of odd noises I have a lot of love handles I am taller than 5ft 8 I hate it when people say ‘stfu’ Strawberry milk is better than chocolate milk My birthday is in October I prefer the term ‘Autumn’ to ‘Fall’ MSN is so much better than AIM I have my own cat I love castles! The Beatles SUCKED Abba, however… they were so cool Ben and Jerry’s Ice cream = I could eat it daily I am often more concerned over the welfare of animals, not humans The biggest bitch at school thinks I’m cool I love Kevin Smith movies I’m in a choir I often think I’m a useless waste of space I had a boyfriend who told me I was ugly I want to be an actress I DON’T support gay marriage, but I’m not homophobic I hate being bored I say ‘ugh’ a lot I drink coke daily I have a really crude sense of humour I sometimes act like a baby around my boyfriend so he thinks I’m cute I love sheep. Baaaa. I have an electronic thesaurus RAWR I’m too lazy to tidy my room I am diabetic I dislike the Simpsons I’m a fool and everyone knows it I have often thought about writing a book about dreams I’ve had I love going to the zoo My handwriting gets complimented a lot I have heard of Oxfordshire in England I knew that it was where Tolkien wrote LOTR and is buried I also knew that Lewis Carroll wrote Alice of Wonderland there And… C.S.S Lewis wrote Narnia I drink tea with two sugars I have a personalised calendar Whenever I go to the beach I always seem to get sand everywhere I’m a water baby I wish I had super long hair, but it just won’t grow! I wish my hair wasn’t so straight I have an underactive thyroid I don’t even know what a thyroid is I need a job I’m not going to go to college I don’t know what a synopsis is The elderly scare me I will happily go out of my way to help someone I don’t wear deodorant everyday I like most things mythical I rarely get comments on myspace I’m at the top of my English class I love Doritos I was born before 1990 I’ve had sex with more than two people I like to get drunk Bold the things you have/own A survey by Beccy at DarkestStar_Surveys [do not remove please] 1. A spaniel 2. A tabby cat 3. A hamster 4. Red socks 5. An ipod nano 6. A celebrities autograph 7. A Disney movie on DVD 8. A copy of Lord of the Rings (the book) 9. Over 200 survey xanga subscriptions 10. A fruit bowl in the kitchen 11. Over 20 books 12. A VCR 13. A DVD player 14. Purple eye shadow 15. Condoms 16. A grandmother over 80 17. Old Valentines day cards 18. Over 5 pillows 19. Hoop earrings 20. A studded belt 21. A silver pen 22. Converse 23. Asthma 24. Hidden photographs 25. Postcards 26. Mugs 27. Pills 28. Body lotion 29. A mobile phone 30. A drum set 31. Handcuffs 32. Ice cream 33. A clock 34. Over 5 purses/bags 35. A boyfriend 36. A karaoke machine 37. A tie 38. A Metallica CD 39. Over 3 xangas 40. A silver bracelet 41. A minor medical condition 42. Tangled hair 43. A stomach ache 44. A broken window 45. A football 46. Deodorant 47. Posters 48. A nightlight 49. A BEBO profile 50. Glasses 51. A widescreen TV 52. A bad memory 53. A birthday on a holiday 54. No friends 55. More than 1 survey xanga 56. Porno magazines 57. Stencils 58. An 80s compilation 59. A jewellery box 60. A small house 61. No life 62. A tiara (i think i have 5+ tiaras... my mom keeps buying them for my birthdays...) 63. Lipstick 64. AOL 65. MSN 66. Yahoo 67. Creativity 68. A niece or nephew 69. No cousins 70. Broadband 71. A good singing voice 72. A pin board 72. A corset 73. Black eyeliner 74. A compact mirror 75. Anti-depressants 76. A bad mother 77. A bad father 78. No siblings 79. Friends online 80. No xanga layout (what is this??) 81. No pets 82. Chalk 83. Boxes 84. No real home 85. Framed photos 86. A video camera 87. A basketball net 88. Green eyes 89. A small chest 90. A church nearby 91. Braces 92. A stereo 93. Love letters 94. Poems 95. Curly hair 96. Broken bones 97. Popcorn 98. Hair dye 99. A dictionary 100. Old records © Beccy at DarkestStar_Surveys [do not remove] Randomness Survey Bold all that apply. ©Survey made by Sarah at DarkestStar_Surveys 1. I currently take medication for depression or a personality disorder 2. I have had sex in the back of a car 3. I can yodel 4. I watched the Price is Right when I was little 5. Hell I STILL watch it! 6. I have a secret fantasy/fetish that most people or no one knows about... mwahahaha 7. My home is surrounded by trees 8. I refuse to see Brokeback Mountain 9. I believe in God 10. I think God is something made up by humans 11. The color yellow=ewwwww 12. I believe I can fly 13. I have been hit on by a complete stranger 14. I have spent the night in a cemetary 15. I have worn vampire fangs on a day that wasn't Halloween just because I wanted to 16. Most R&B music makes me want to puke 17.I have met a celebrity before 18. I have been to Ireland 19. I have drank blood 20. I think kitty's are the cutest! 21. I've actually had one of those movie romances 22. I've almost died or have been seriously injured in a car accident 23. I have purposely hurt an animal 24. I can't stand people who abuse animals! 25. I prefer cold weather to warm weather 26. I love storms 27. I've worn fishnets 28. I hate wasps 29. I believe every human has something good about them 30. I can't stand most people 31. I have made up a name for myself and had people start calling me that 32. I've cried for a reason other than physical pain in the last three days 33. I've been beat up by an ex or by a current partner before 34. I've had the police called on me before (it was something rather minor...) 35. My house has been broken into before 36. I hate riding a bike 37. My mom is a bitch 38. I love cake! 39. I have abused drugs or alcohol 40. My dad is an asshole 41. I've been to Mardi Gras and shown complete strangers my breasts 42. I wouldn't do that because I'm not a whore 43. I AM a whore 44. My name begins with S 45. I have won a talent show 46. I think I sing good enough to be on American Idol 47. I can play the harp 48. I love salad! 49. Pepsi is better than Coke (they both suck) 50. I want to live in a castle or I want a dungeon in my house 51. I have the weirdest dreams in the world 52. I don't hate anyone 53. I believe in angels 54. I have seen a ghost 55. Plastic bags are better than paper bags 56. I usually stay up past midnight (yay for college schedules!) 57. Snakes are cool! 58. I have more than 3 tattoos 59. I've never gotten a tattoo but I want one 60. I think it's stupid to put a hole in your tongue and pierce it 61. Gauging is STUPID 62. I love piercings 63. My name has a special meaning behind it for one of my parents 64. I listen to polka music 65. Beer is nasty 66. I have used a dildo 67. I don't know what PMS is 68. I am one of those annoying people who wear loony tunes or winnie the pooh shirts 69. I have been struck by lightening 70. I don't like pizza 71. I'm a vegetarian 72. I cry myself to sleep almost every night 73. I think love is for fools 74. I've been in a situation where I had to use survivor skills 75. I know who shot JFK 76. I have met the spawn of Satan 77. I AM THE ANTICHRIST 78. I have purposely lit an illegal fire just for fun 79. I have inhaled lighter fluid 80. I have been snowboarding 81. I OWN at making icons 82. I'm addicted to HTML 83. I actually believed that I would do harm to my eyes from sitting too close to the television 84. I have a familiar ? 85. I have done community service 86. I OWN at paper, rock, scissors! 87. I got milk! 88. I have been fishing 89. I love the smell of those ice cream bags they have in the grocery stores to keep food frozen 90. I laugh hard often 91. I smile alot to mask confusion or when I'm uncomfortable 92. I love black! 93. I like going to the dentist 94. I have a scar from falling off my bike 95. I at one time wanted or do want to work in some branch of the government (at one time) 96. I think it's important for civilians to have gun rights to protect themselves 97. I hate politics 98. I recycle 99. I can't resist looking in the mirror when I walk past one 100. I'm hungry ©Survey made by Sarah at DarkestStar_Surveys Bolding what applies A survey by Beccy at DarkestStar_Surveys I think roses are beautiful I’m always on the look out for survey sites that make their own surveys I have done drugs in the past and I deeply regret it People say I am too immature I listen to country music I have seen the movie ‘Walk the line’ I have too many hairbrushes to count I have visited a doctor this past month I hate the month of February I’m not afraid of the dark I watched Sabrina the teenage witch when I was young I gave in to the temptation of myspace even though I said I wouldn’t I don’t wear socks I wear stripy tights I dislike emo fashion with a passion Fish frighten me I take pictures daily I’d love to be a professional photographer I think changing your xanga layout constantly is ridiculous People who misspell in surveys annoy me to hell I am younger than 20. I am small. I am tall. I am of medium height. All of my grandparents are still alive. I think smoking is disgusting! I pick my nose. =P I have a pair of big fluffy slippers. It is Sunday today. I do ALL the chores around the house. I am a vegetarian. I love eating chicken mayonaise sandwiches. I love the stars! AIM sucks. I have a boyfriend. I am bisexual. I play games on the computer. I have a myspace I don't have my ears pierced. My house is big. I live in a caravan/trailer. The light is on in here. Madonna is awful. I ate pasta for dinner. I am home alone. I had my period last week. I have a stomach ache. I have some really lovely online friends, who I am in contact with everyday. I love to party. I used to read Goosebumps books. Metal: ROCKS! I cause the most arguments in this household. I like to sit in my local park and read. I am so kinky it is unreal. I have inside jokes and they are dirty. I’m scared of all animals with hooves. I love stripy jumpers. I have wet hair. I only ever listen to one genre of music. People who spend all their life on the phone are sad. I ate McDonalds last week. I kiss random strangers at parties and clubs. I can draw anime. Giggly girls can fuck right off away from me. I hate my name. I love my name. It’s alright. I have killed spiders with my bare hands. I have been to the jungle. I never read the newspaper. Bold em; Made by Beccy at DarkestStar_Surveys [do not remove] 01. I reckon today could be the hottest day of the year so far 02. I own clothes with animal print 03. Sometimes I sweat like a pig 04. My parents are very tight with money 05. I hate it when its windy and my hair gets in my face 06. I’d love to pet a penguin 07. I’m drinking Pepsi 08. I should be doing something very important right now 09. Recently I got back in touch with an old friend 010. I like Satsuma’s 011. Pancakes with maple syrup and butter - Mmm fucking right! 012. When I was little my favourite day out would consist of going to the zoo 013. Xanga is WAY better than the likes of myspace 014. I’ve been to the movies in the past week 015. Tonight I’m going to eat fast food for dinner 016. I’m taking this survey because I love bolding surveys, not because I’m bored 017. My cat is fluffy 018. I had the weirdest dream ever last night 019. I have dreamt about someone on xanga before 020. I can fall asleep anywhere 021. I have run out of deodorant 022. I’m sick today 023. I will never drive 024. I want a motorcycle 025. My boyfriend is coming over tonight and we’re going to kiss for hours 026. I say ‘That sucks balls’ every so often (if every so often means every five minutes, then yes.) 027. The commercials for ‘BRATZ’ dolls really get on my nerves 028. My computer has a flat screen 029. One of the socks I’m wearing has a hole in it 030. I’m wearing silver jewellery today 031. I prefer the original Dawn of the Dead to the remake 032. I’m crap at confrontation 033. I rarely ever see my Dad 034. I hardly ever wear jewellery 035. One of my pets is in the room right now 036. It’s staring at me... 037. It is after 12pm 038. I have chubby arms 039. I am not outgoing 040. I think that rainbows are so pretty 041. I make fun of fat people 042. Whoever bolded that, you are one horrible person ;P 043. I’m naturally blonde 044. My name begins with a K 045. I always go by my nickname 046. There is no one online right now 047. I send chain letters to my friends 048. I recently went shopping for food 049. I like pesto i WORSHIP pesto. 050. WTF is pesto ©Beccy, DarkestStar_Surveys [do not remove please!]
  11. What do you have? Nintendo Wii Nintendo DS Nintendo Gamecube Nintendo 64 Xbox Gameboy color Gameboy advanced Gameboy SP Laptop A pet fish Coach purses Dooney & Bourke purses Handcuffs Prom dress Digital camera iPod Cell phone Scrapbook A collection of some sort Studded belts Something with the Playboy Bunny on it Phone charms Posters Deck of playing cards Monopoly Laptop case Uno cards Brown backpack Bookshelf Hula hoop Magazine rack Sudoku books Pokemon cards Yearbooks Desk Ceiling fan Bulletin board Military dog tags A medal of some sort 2009 calendar A white lamp Alarm clock More than 20 stuffed animals Condoms Plain black hoodie Perfume winter coat Your own TV Class ring Flannel bedsheets A retainer of some sort Pepper spray Skinny jeans Pajama pants with cartoon characters on them Plaid pajama pants A piece of clothing with your school's name on it Ankle socks Thongs Lingerie Textbooks Plastic storage containers Piggy bank A hat with Mickey Mouse ears Rosary Religious statues/figurines Nail polish remover Sunscreen Teal nail polish Blue nail polish Magenta nail polish Black nail polish Clear nail polish Purple nail polish Plain white tee Wifebeaters Push-up bra Strapless bra Clothing with fake fur An animal-print scarf Hole puncher Gray eyeliner Black eyeliner Liquid eyeliner Crayon eyeliner Band aids with cartoon characters on them *** I think that shy guys are incredibly cute. A stranger has complimented me before. I always hold the door open if somebody behind me is going through the same door. The last shoes I wore were black. I own a pair of white flip flops. I have a personal xanga. I doodle on my notes during class sometimes. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I actually study for tests. I cannot do a cartwheel. I can do a handstand underwater. I'm physically affectionate toward certain friends. I use AIM. I have the old version of AIM because I like it better than the new one. I've never had the chicken pox. I hate leaving voicemails. I like stuffed crust pizza. People who try too hard irritate me. I have a scanner. I was named after somebody. I do not have a tattoo. There's a piece of jewelry that I wear daily. I shower at night. I prefer the sunrise over the sunset. The walls in my room are a color other than white. I have a picture of myself kissing somebody. My guy friends like to carry me around. I'm constantly misplacing my chapstick. I wear gray eyeliner. I'm not afraid of snakes. I don't get sick easily. I like green tea ice cream. My nails are naturally healthy and strong. I have a job. I have my own car. I still live with my parents. When I was little, I loved string cheese. I have to pee right now. hah! When I'm trying not to cuss, I yell out gibberish. I have freckles. I want a pet chinchilla. I love it when my car has a full tank of gas. We don't have a desktop computer at my house. I have been in a relationship for longer than a year. My parents are from a country that isn't the one we currently reside in. I dislike the wind. I've had 5+ piercings throughout my life. I'm the shortest adult in my family. I almost always do my homework. My name ends in a vowel. I sing and dance obnoxiously when I'm home alone. I like the way mango smells. I prefer silver over gold. I already have plans for my future wedding. My bathing suit is a two piece. I've taught somebody how to swim before. The last highlighter I used was yellow. I know the first three ballet positions. *** I don't reply when people text/message me saying what's up. I know who i want to marry. I have a boyfriend. My eyes water when i yawn, a lot. I love hugs. I love kisses. I'm a virgin. My favorite color is purple. And red. And orange. I have a cat. My hair is naturally curly. My hair is naturally dark brown. It takes a lot to make me cry. It takes a lot to really make me mad. I don't let people know what i get jealous about. I like just laying with my boyfriend instead of going somewhere with him. I like really long bolding surveys. I have a "FiftyFiveFifty New York" hat. I have three broken phones in my room. My room is painted slime green. And my ceiling is orange. I have a lava lamp. And a moonchair. My bed is a queen, and i love it. I take way too many surveys. I go to sunday school. But i don't believe in God. I'm fourteen. Freshman. (in college) I would be taking cosmo in my school if there was really any money in it where i live. I would love to do hair for models. I'm really good at photography. I wear jeans so skinny sometimes, it takes me more then ten minutes to put them on. I actually like going to school most days. (considering i live at school...) I've never been on an airplane. I've been to North Carolina. I wear a promise ring. I'm italian. I'm polish. I have a stack of Pokemon cards on my dresser. I love my life. *** 1. I have over 800 text messages in my inbox now. 2. I'm listening to my favourite radio station. 3. I upload pictures the day I took them. 4. My fingernails aren't painted, but my toenails are. 5. I spent over $20 today. 6. The last person I texted is younger than me. 7. I've done at least 10 surveys today. 8. I have a diary, but I hardly write in it. 9. I'm in a long-distance relationship. 10. I won't be spending Valentine's Day with my significant other. 11. I've had a very, very busy and tiring week. 12. I do my own laundry and dishes. 13. The air conditioner in my room isn't turned on. 14. My favourite Starbucks beverage is the caramel frappucino. 15. I love eating salmon whether it's raw or cooked. 16. The way I talk in real life is very different from how I blog online. 17. My favourite forms of art: Fashion, music, photography. 18. My Myspace layout is pink. 19. My favourite song is something by Taylor Swift. 20. I know another country's national anthem. 21. Sometimes, I'm not very proud of my heritage. 22. I'm a decent singer, but not very good. 23. I think my username is lame, but I don't have enough credits to change it. 24. Nor would I bother starting a completely new site. 25. I love listening to Christian music. 26. I have weird but fun dreams. 27. I use Blogger for my personal blog. 28. I've never read or watched Harry Potter. 29. I don't find Rob Pattinson attractive. 30. I'll probably be spending the rest of today doing surveys.
  12. My Parents They are still together. They are divorced. My mom is older then my dad. They met in high school. My dad is into racing. Sometimes they have really bad fights. One of them has passed away. They are my heroes. Only my dad is strict. They are still as in love as the day they got married. My Best Friend I have more than one best friend actually. They practically live at my house. They eat all my food. We've had a bad fight before. I've known them for over a year. They're older than me. I help them dye their hair all the time. Their siblings hate me. They have never stabbed my back. I love them as my family. My Siblings I have a brother. I have a sister. I have more then one of each. I am an only child. One of them smokes pot. They are all older than me. I'm the middle child. We fight a lot. They "get around." I don't speak to them anymore. My Boyfriend/Girlfriend I don't have one. We've been together over a year. They can be a real asshole/bitch. We have nicknames for each other. I have never cheated on them. They have the prettiest eyes. We get along great, most of the time. We've had silly break-ups. I like to wrestle with them. I think I can truly say I love them. My Exes They are non-existant. They totally still want me. I totally still want them. We ended on bad terms. We still talk regularly. I broke up with them. They have a new boyfriend/girlfriend now. It's been awhile since we broke up. We hooked up while broken up before. I hate their guts.
  13. i'm confused... how did paramore get 3mil votes last round and only 200k in this round so far? and losing to papa roach? that's pretty sad...
  14. 1. ONE OF YOUR SCARS, HOW DID YOU GET IT? i don't have any scars 2. WHAT IS ON THE WALLS IN YOUR ROOM? posters, lights, not nearly enough stuff. 3. DO YOU SNORE, GRIND YOUR TEETH, OR TALK IN YOUR SLEEP? i don't think i do any of those things 4. WHAT TYPE OF MUSIC DO YOU LISTEN TO? rock/alternative 5. DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME YOU WERE BORN? 11:07 a.m. 6. WHAT DO YOU WANT MORE THAN ANYTHING RIGHT NOW? for it to be easier to food shop at college XD that's probably not accurate... 7. WHAT DO YOU MISS? my doggy! 8. WHAT IS YOUR MOST PRIZED POSSESSION(S)? iunno 9. HOW TALL ARE YOU? 5'2" 10. DO YOU GET CLAUSTROPHOBIC? yeah 11. DO YOU GET SCARED IN THE DARK? only if i know someone's there and they're trying to scare me lol 12. THE LAST THING TO MAKE YOU CRY? laughing i think 13. WHAT'S YOUR WORST FEAR? that's a toughie. 14. WHAT KIND OF HAIR/EYE COLOUR DO YOU LIKE ON THE OPPOSITE SEX? i don't really care 15. WHERE CAN YOU SEE YOURSELF BEING PROPOSED TO AT? i'm not with anyone right now so i wouldn't know 16. COFFEE OR ENERGY DRINK? coffee 17. FAVOURITE PIZZA TOPPING? pepperoni 18. IF YOU COULD EAT ANYTHING RIGHT NOW, WHAT WOULD IT BE? pizza or chicken parm or chinese food. god my eating habits have become very american. gross. 19. FAVOURITE COLOUR OF ALL TIME? i don't know 20. HAVE YOU EVER EATEN A GOLDFISH? a live goldfish? 21. WHAT WAS THE FIRST MEANINGFUL GIFT YOU'VE EVER RECEIVED? who knows, i was probably really little 22. DO YOU HAVE A CRUSH? i dunno... 23. ARE YOU DOUBLE JOINTED? nope 24. FAVOURITE CLOTHING BRAND? i just like to pick up whatever 25. WHO IS YOUR FAVOURITE FEMALE/MALE CELEBRITY? i don't care so much for celebs 26. DO YOU HAVE A PET RIGHT NOW? i have 3 dogs but i'm at college so i don't see them like ever 27. WHAT KIND IS IT? black lab mix, golden retriever, jack russel terrier 28. WOULD YOU FALL IN LOVE KNOWING THAT THE PERSON IS LEAVING? i probably would 30. SAY A NUMBER FROM ONE TO A HUNDRED. 29 31. BLONDES OR BRUNETTES? brunettes 32. FAVOURITE QUOTE? "hockey puck, rattle snake, monkey, monkey, underpants" 33. FAVOURITE PLACE? disney world 34. HAVE YOU BEEN OUT OF THE USA? i've been to canada 35. YOUR WEAKNESSES? why would i point those out? 36. MET ANYONE FAMOUS? yeah 37. FIRST JOB? camp counselor 38. EVER DONE A PRANK CALL? nope 39. DO YOU THINK EVERYONE OUT THERE HAS A SOULMATE? no 40. WHAT WERE YOU DOING BEFORE YOU FILLED THIS OUT? watching tv and editing a paper 41. HAVE YOU EVER HAD SURGERY? no 42. WHAT DO YOU GET COMPLIMENTED ABOUT MOST? hair, eyes, sense of humor 43. HAVE YOU EVER HAD BRACES? yeah 44. WHAT DO YOU WANT FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY? haven't even reached my "half" birthday yet 45. HOW MANY KIDS DO YOU WANT AND THEIR NAMES? 2, 3 max. and idk yet. 46. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? christ. how's that for inspiration. 47. WHAT IS THE BIGGEST TURN OFF OF THE OPPOSITE SEX? laziness 48. WHAT IS ONE THING YOU LIKED ABOUT HIGH SCHOOL? jeez... i don't think i can even think of anything 49. WHAT KIND OF SHAMPOO DO YOU USE? some sebastian crap... i just got it it's new. 50. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? yeah, my friends call it smallcaps 51. WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE LUNCH MEAT? turkey 52. ANY BAD HABITS? idk 53. ARE YOU A JEALOUS PERSON? no 54. IF YOU WERE ANOTHER PERSON, WOULD YOU BE FRIENDS WITH YOU? if i were me i would be friends with me... 55. DO YOU AGREE WITH FRIENDS WITH BENEFITS? not really, but we'll see where i am on the subject in a few weeks... 56. DO LOOKS MATTER? not a ton. they're literally the last thing i look for in a person. 57. HOW DO YOU RELEASE ANGER? hit things. =D 59. WHAT'S YOUR MAIN GOAL IN LIFE? do something i like and have a family. 60. WHAT WAS YOUR FAVOURITE TOY AS A CHILD? legos 61. HOW MANY NUMBERS ARE IN YOUR CELL PHONE? i'm not sure, over 70 62.WERE YOU A FAN OF BARNEY AS A LITTLE KID? so much, yes. 63. DO YOU USE SARCASM? all the effing time 64. MASHED POTATOES OR MACARONI AND CHEESE? both! mixed together! 65. WHAT DO YOU LOOK FOR IN A GUY/GIRL? i like to be friends first, get to know somebody, and usually if they're pretty gentlemanly and funny i'll just go for it. 66. WHAT ARE YOUR NICKNAMES? chris 67. IF YOU HAD A SUPER POWER WHAT WOULD IT BE? who knows 68. WHAT'S YOUR FAVOURITE TV SHOW? so you think you can dance 69.WHAT'S THE BEST WAY TO DEAL WITH YOUR ENEMIES? act like you don't care what they do, it's hilarious to see their reaction. 70. WHAT'S YOUR FAVOURITE ICE CREAM FLAVOUR? americone dream 71. DO YOU HAVE ALL YOUR FINGERS AND TOES? yes 72. DO YOU HAVE A COMPUTER IN YOUR ROOM? i have a laptop 73. PLANS FOR TONIGHT? watch sytycd, eat, floor meeting, sleep 74. WHERE DO YOU WANT TO LIVE WHEN YOU ARE OLDER? new york city 75. DO YOU WANT EVERYONE TO ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS? they can do whatever they want 76. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO? the tv 77. THE LAST THING YOU DRANK? orange soda 78. LAST PERSON YOU TALKED TO ON THE PHONE? my mom briefly 79. THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE IN THE OPPOSITE SEX? smile 80. WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO DO IN YOUR SPARE TIME? play bubble spinner, listen to music, hang out with people 81. FAVOURITE THING TO HATE? the new disney channel, stupid people 82. FAVOURITE SEASON? spring and fall 83. WHAT'S YOUR FAVOURITE TYPE OF CANDY? reese's or jelly bellies 84. HAVE YOU EVER REALLY AND TRULY HAD A BEST FRIEND? yes awhile ago. 85. WHAT IS YOUR HAIR COLOUR? brown 86. EYE COLOUR? brown 87. SHOE SIZE? 10 88. FAVOURITE FAST FOOD PLACE? subway 89. FAVOURITE RESTAURANT? brown derby/capital grille 90. DO YOU LIKE SUSHI? soooooo much. eat it 2+ times a week. 91. WATCH TV TODAY? yep 92. FAVOURITE DAY OF THE YEAR? christmas eve 93. PLAY AN MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS piano and guitar 94. REPUBLICAN OR DEMOCRAT? moderate 95. KISSES OR HUGS? kisses 96. RELATIONSHIPS OR ONE NIGHT STANDS? relationships 97. WHAT WAS THE LAST THING YOU BOUGHT? food 98. WOULD YOU EVER BE A HOUSEWIFE? doubt it 99. WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING? none atm. no time for reading. 100. DESCRIBE YOUR LOVE LIFE? i'm conflicted. XD
  15. no i can't stand green day. they're so monotonous... in like every way.
  16. —YOUR BOY SIDE—- [x] You love hoodies. [x] You love jeans. [x] Dogs are better than cats. [ ] It’s hilarious when people get hurt. [ ] Shopping is torture [ ] Sad movies suck. [x] You own a car racing game. I never really play it though [x] You played with Hot Wheels cars as a kid. [ ] At some point in time you wanted to be a firefighter. [x] You owned a DS, PS2, N64,or Sega. [ ] You used to be obsessed with Power Rangers. [x] You have watched sports on TV [ ] Gory movies are cool. [ ] You go to your dad for advice. [ ] You own like a trillion baseball caps. [x] You used to collect hockey cards. [x] Baggy sweats are cool to wear. [ ] It’s kinda weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people. [x] Green, black, red, blue, or silver are one of your favorite colors. [x] You love to go crazy and not care what people think. [x] Sports are fun [x] You talk with food in your mouth. [ ] You sleep with your socks on at night. [x] You have fished at least once —-YOUR GIRL SIDE—- [ ] You love to shop. [ ] You wear eyeliner [ ] You wear the color pink. [x] You go to your mum to talk. [ ] You consider cheerleading a sport. [ ] You hate wearing the color black. [x] You like going to the mall. [ ] You like getting manicures and/or pedicures [x] You like wearing jewelry. [ ] You cried watching The Notebook. [ ] Skirts are a big part of your wardrobe. [ ] Shopping is one of your favorite hobbies. [ ] You don’t like the movie Star Wars [x] You are/were in gymnastics [ ] It takes you around one hour to shower, get dressed, and make-up [x] You smile a lot more than you should. [ ] You have more than 10 pairs of shoes. [ ] You care about what you look like. [ ] You like wearing dresses when you can. [ ] You like wearing high heel shoes. [x] You used to play with dolls as little kid. [ ] You like putting make-up on others. [ ] You like being the star of everything. [ ] Pink is one of your favorite colors. Appearance • [ ] I have many scars. [x] I tan easily. [ ] I wish my hair was a different colour. [ ]I have friends who have never seen my natural hair colour. [ ] I have a tattoo. [ ] I am self-conscious about my appearance. [x] I’ve had/have braces. [x] I’ve been told I’m attractive by a complete stranger. [ ] I have more than two piercings. [ ] I have / had piercings in places besides my ears. • Embarrassment • [ ] I’ve slipped out a “lol” in a spoken conversation. [ ] Disney movies still make me cry. [x] I’ve snorted while laughing. [x] I’ve laughed so hard I’ve cried. [ ] I’ve glued my hand to something. [ ] I’ve laughed ’til some kind of beverage came out of my nose. [ ] I’ve had my pants rip in public. • Health • [ ] I’ve gotten stitches. [ ] Broken a bone. [ ] I’ve had my tonsils removed. [ ] I’ve sat in a doctor’s office with a friend. [ ] I’ve had my wisdom teeth removed. [ ] I’ve had serious surgery. [ ] I’ve had chicken pox. • Traveling • [x] I’ve driven / riden over 200 miles in one day. [x] I’ve been on a plane. [x] I’ve been to Canada. [ ] I’ve been to Cuba. [ ] I’ve been to Niagara Falls. [ ] I’ve been to Ottawa. [ ] I’ve gone to Sudbury. [ ] I’ve been to the Caribbean. [ ] I’ve been to Europe. • Experiences • [ ] I’ve gotten lost in my city. [x] I’ve seen a shooting star. [x] I’ve wished on a shooting star. [ ] I’ve seen a meteor shower. [x] I’ve gone out in public in my pyjamas. [x] I’ve pushed all the buttons on an elevator. [x] I’ve kicked a guy where it hurts. [x] I’ve been to a casino. [ ] I’ve been skydiving. [ ] I’ve gone skinny-dipping. [ ] I’ve drank a whole gallon of milk in one hour. [ ] I’ve crashed a car. [ ] I’ve been skiing. [ ] I’ve been in a musical. [x] I’ve caught a snowflake or snow on my tongue. [ ] I’ve seen the Northern Lights. [x] I’ve sat on a rooftop at night. [x] I’ve played a prank on someone. [x] I’ve ridden in a taxi. [ ] I’ve seen the Rocky Horror Picture Show. [x] I’ve eaten Sushi. [ ] I’ve been snowboarding. • Relationships • [x] I’m single. [ ] I’m in a relationship. [ ] I’m engaged. [ ] I’m married. [x] I miss someone right now. [ ] I’ve gotten divorced. [ ] I’ve told someone I loved them when I didn’t. [ ] I’ve told someone I didn’t love them when I did. • Honesty / Crime • [x] I’ve done something I promised someone else I wouldn’t. [ ] I’ve done something I promised myself I wouldn’t. [ ] I’ve snuck out. [ ] I’ve lied to my parents about where I am. [ ] I’ve cheated while playing a game. [x] I’ve ran a red light. [x] I’ve witnessed a crime. [x] I’ve been in a fist fight. [ ] I’ve been arrested. • Materialism • [ ] I own over 5 rap CD’s. [ ] I have an unhealthy obsession with anime / manga. [ ]I own designer bags, costing over $100 a piece. [x] I own something from Pac Sun. [ ] I collected comic books. [x] I own something I got on E-Bay. • Random • [x] I can sing well . Idk i've been told so. [ ] Stolen a tray from a fast food restaurant. [ ] I open up to others easily [x] I watch the news. [ ] I don’t kill bugs [ ] I sing in the shower. [ ] I am a morning person. [ ] I paid for my cell phone ring tone. [x] I am a sports fanatic. [ ] I twirl my hair. [x] I care about grammar. [ ] I have “?”’s in my screen name. [ ] I love spam. [ ] I’ve copied more than 30 CD’s in a day. [ ] I bake well. [x] My favourite colour is either white, yellow, pink, red, blue, black, purple, or orange. [ ] I would wear pyjamas to school. [ ] I like Martha Stewart. [ ] I know how to shoot a gun. [ ] I am guilty of tYpInG lIkE tHiS. [x] I laugh at my own jokes [ ] I eat fast food weekly. [x] I’ve not turned anything in and still got an A in a certain class. [ ] I can’t sleep if there is a spider in the room. [x] I am really ticklish. [x] I like white chocolate. [ ] I bite my nails. [x] I’m good at remembering faces. [ ] I’m good at remembering names. [x] I’m good at remembering dates. [ ] honestly have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life. [x] All my answers were totally honest
  17. reviving this thread. felt like a survey . Is the person you have feelings for at least a bit cute? i don't have feelings for someone at the moment i don't think... Do you know what you want to be when you grow up? music producer/something in music business Would you prefer a kiss on the cheek or neck? neck Do you have a member of the opposite sex you can tell everything to? yeah sure Is there someone who meant a lot to you at one point, and isn't around now? yes Does being in love make you nervous? i've never been in love Last person you kissed calls you, what are they calling for? to meet up probably Are all of your friends virgins? no Could you go the rest of your life without a cigarette? yes Missing someone? my momma Who did you last see in person? megan (i see a lot of people in my dorm...) If your boyfriend or girlfriend smoked pot, would you care? nah that's their choice. as long as it didn't affect me i'd be ok with it. Have you lost contact with someone you wish you didn't? several people Is there someone you just can't imagine your life without? yes Do you trust anyone completely? my mom Random number texts you at 4AM and says "come outside." What do you do? fuck that i'm sleeping Whats your favourite thing to do in the summer time? chill at the lake Has anyone laid on your bed besides you? tons of people lol Is anyone mad at you right now? perpetually... it's the nature of people. What month were you born in? may Does anyone know every little detail about you? physically? yes... XD Do you like to cuddle? so much Is there someone you'd really like to hang out with and just talk about stuff? mhm Do you know what the last person you kissed is doing right now? at the radio station where we work doing god knows what Would you beat up anyone at the moment, if you absolutely had the chance? no too tired/too much work on my plate right now How's this summer been? it was kinda boring What do you want right now? to not have to do homework If you could change your eye colour what would it be? i don't want to change my eye color Do you think you have made a difference in anyone's life? some peoples' lives Is there anybody you just wish would fall off the planet? no cuz that would suck. Have you ever crawled through a window? no What do you hear? tv, people talking Who's the last person you shared food with? everything's communal here... Has school started for you yet? i'm always at school... If you were travelling around the world, who would be with you? it wouldn't honestly matter as long as i didn't hate them because i'd be traveling the world Is something bothering you? i have some things on my mind When was the last time you got stung by a bee? when i was like 12? A word that rhymes with DOOR? floor Would you be willing to live with your best friend? i dunno If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you? i always want someone to tell me when they like me Has someone ever made you a promise and broke it? oh yeah Do you think anyone's lying to you right now? who effin knows Do you think a lot before you fall asleep? i try not to So far today has anyone told you that they loved you? my mom Do you sleep on a certain side of the bed? i have a twin... What is a compliment you receive often? people like my clothes Why did your last relationship end? distance Do you like funny people or serious people? funny by far Are you happy right now? yeah Who did you last shoot a dirty look at? eh, there's a lot of people who get those Do you have any tan lines? not right now Do you like your parents? yup What was the last thing you said to someone? "forty-six" Who has hurt you the most? that's hard to say How many good friends do you have? here? four? Are there some songs you can't listen to because they remind you of someone? no Have you ever cheated on a partner? no Have you ever told someone you loved them and meant it? family members Do you know anyone who has gotten an abortion? yes Do you like to spend time with people? i am a people person Three feelings at the moment? stressed, content, excited Done anything you regret so far in life? not really Are you thinking of someone right now? yes Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity? yeah but they're always celebs from the 20's-40's so i have no idea who they are If you could have anything in the world, what would you want? to be able to afford college life lol Is there a difference between the word 'best friend' and 'friend'? yes... "best friend" has the word "best" in front of the "friend..." Can you recall the last time you sincerely liked someone? i can Who is your celebrity crush? joseph gordon-levitt Who were you with friday night? mike... What language do you want to learn? i know italian but i want to be fluent Is anything wrong? nope Who's making you feel the way you are right now? institutions. Do you think abortions are horrible? it depends on when/why it happens When was the last time you had your heart broken? never had it broken What do you dislike currently? Charles effin Darwin Do you read your horoscope? no Have you ever wanted someone you can't have? considering i've never really had anyone i've wanted... yes Do you consider yourself religious? i do go to church and believe in god but i'm no jesus freak Who is getting on your nerves right now? some people... What song are you listening to right now? not listening to music right now What's the last thing you put in your mouth? twizzlers Was yesterday better than today? no today was better than yesterday When was the last time you were extremely disappointed? idk Do you hate anyone? no Has anyone ever told you you have pretty eyes? mhm Can you handle the truth? always Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with? no Have you ever loved someone? no Do you know anyone who is pregnant right now? no Would you hit a member of the opposite sex? yeah i don't have a problem with that How many credit cards do you own? one Would you rather be rich, or famous? rich Are you hurting anywhere? no Are you depressed? no Have you done something bad today? no Do you still talk to the person you had your first kiss with? yes Do you consider yourself bi-polar? no Have you ever felt betrayed by your best friends? sorta Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is okay? cheating is never ok Would you ever take someone back if they cheated on you? i doubt it Where is the person you gave your heart to for the first time? i didn't do that ever... that's really stupid wording Reason behind the last time you cried? laughing i think Reason behind the last time you laughed really hard? today Do you believe that there's good in everybody? uhh... idk So the last person you kissed asks you to marry them, you say? no effin way...
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