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Everything posted by ShineBrighter<3

  1. um not sure.. neither Russell brand
  2. ^ hahaha Primark rules. I got to soton primark though. dunon what i'll be wearing probally my red drainpipes to get in a paramore mood.
  3. noyt sure i get this but yay i'l lgo seocnd 1. Band/artist name: Green Day yo 2. Are you male or female: She 3. Describe yourself: american idiot . 4. How do other people feel about you: she's a rebel 5. How do you feel about yourself: walking contradiction 6. Describe current dating status: hitching a ride 7. Describe where you want to be: hoilday (pfft ) 8. Describe how you live: 2000 light years away 9. Describe how you love: dominated love slave 10. What would you ask for if you had just one wish: st.jimmy XDD 11. Share a few words of Wisdom: 12. Now say goodbye: homecomming
  4. omgeee I'll go with basket case - green day wyf film of all time?
  5. nighttime i r a cough- vampire-cough lolz has been ill recently or is ill?
  6. ^ college aswell < has a pounding headache V likes stufed crust pizza?
  7. i ban Lahni forrrrr having awesome pics
  8. woowwww im so going to the porthsmouth guildhall one. Ddin't they say something aobut new found glory being a support band..omg im so excited my first time seeing them live.woot
  9. Um yes a million times. Hye ate something that wasn't food? (what was it?)
  10. ^ I hear people typing and machiene hum < I are very bored waiting for my mates psychology lesson to end \/ loves cats or dogs more?
  11. 9 woo looks fun.. (btw i lurrvve your sig tis amazing)
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