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Fire At Will

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Everything posted by Fire At Will

  1. we just had a federal election (I'm assuming no one heard about)...it was called and then over with in about 6 weeks haha
  2. wasn't America technically attacked by people from Eygpt and Saudi Arabia? Again, I'm neutral in the whole McCain Obama dealio but...yeah.
  3. Just to clear things up (and this isn't directed at anyone particular or even this thread but I'm tired of being defenceless) For the most part every staff member is on atleast once a day. I am on here for at least an hour a day but choose to remain appear offline for my own reasons. It hard when people are crying out about too much cencorship or and at the same time not enough so you have to find that balance. I've read that thread and chose not to delete it because it was simply posting an article. I have not made a point to read that thread daily therefore it is hard to know when things get out of hand. That is when we need the help of people such as Ross who informed Ross that there was an issue. We're here to deal with issues that come up but we need the help of everyone to do so. It's unfortunate that people are not mature enough to handle posting constructive things but you cannot expect much more of the internet... With that I personally invite you to PM me to complain/imform/ask about anything I can guarantee you it will read it and respond at some point during the day.
  4. I'd take it as a compliment. How is writing stuff that is appealing to a lot of people a bad thing? It's not like he said it's all they tried to do, it's just their level of talent. Just because you have a "hit" doesn't mean there is no meaning or emotion behind the song.
  5. Mr.Patrick Wolf, the sexiest flamboyant man ever.
  6. haha I watched the debate this evening
  7. it is, but it gets sent to our gmail account which is rarely checked haha
  8. We're doing the best we can...I personally do not go through every single thread everytime I'm on here so please like I said in the other thread if you come across one PM and I'll get to it asap.
  9. I've found one...and marked him as a spammer so that's taken care of, if you come across any others pm me asap, and I'd say I'm on here, or signed on to my email enough to get a PM within the hour.
  10. I say why not post here and I'm pretty sure he has figured out it's a fansite by now as he's made over 500 posts and been a member since May 2006 haha I'm not sure if they still come on here though...they did, but that was pre-Riot, even then they probably barely had enough time, just enough to read a spammer posting stuff about Hayley having vampire babies...good times
  11. um hellz no, the better not be sending me a bill...
  12. tabs are illegal, but there a loop holes websites use when threatend to be shut down.
  13. lucky lucky lucky, I was talking to a couple people about going but we never got around to it.
  14. I'm not going to bother, I didn't use it once haha I still have access to the site though, so I don't think it's quite over yet.
  15. I totally watch track,swimming, diving, cycling and the triathalon.
  16. Yay for new threads Old thread ended here: http://paramorefans.com/boards/showthread.php?t=7954&highlight=Picture+thread&page=417
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