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Everything posted by my.heart.

  1. i wish if i win the lottery in the near future i'll be sure to send the aoife express to come pick you up.
  2. nice. i can be there because I WILL HAVE A CAR
  3. i know i'm super behind on this whole idea, but whereabouts would it be? cause, ya know, i'm thurr.
  4. true. can name 10 beatles songs.
  5. will this hit miami?? my dad lives there.
  6. because jpods are against most health and safety regulations. why is skinny-dipping called that?
  7. "where are my sweet potatoes?!"
  8. "ohmygosh hands hi in my pants!"
  9. nope have you ever been on a plane for more than 12 hours?
  10. false D: has seen anyone from the disney channel live?
  11. yes. have you ever been on a pub/bar crawl?
  12. i logged on and we had boosh quotes! i love the chosen one, loving him is lots of fun, we love the chosen one, not as much as me!
  13. my mum's going to a 60's party on monday, so i stole her wig.
  14. win. for me i get excited at latin because i took it for a level.
  15. fair enough :] i have no enticing reward..
  16. am i right in saying that your screenname means 'blood master' or 'master of blood' or something along those lines?
  17. i really need someone to help me out here, i need backing tracks (can be very simple) for the following songs on either piano or acoustic guitar; at last - etta james (piano) my wish - rascal flatts praying for time - george michael our song - taylor swift if anyone could record one and send it to me i would love you for life they won't be used for any kind of commercial gain or anything just to practice with. thanks in advance.
  18. i don't i'm really sorry! i didn't take the picture someone just happened to have the avatar and said i could use it. the original i guess came from some german site - have a look in my sig for the link and maybe you could ask there
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