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Everything posted by Jeneram

  1. yeah i love how john mayer talks so greatly about them, but he's just so creepy to me haha
  2. do you think you could post the fullsize picture of this? pretty pretty please! i wasn't able to get very many good pictures that night. thanks!
  3. does anyone have bigger versions of these? thanks!
  4. ps. can you put up crushcrushcrush acapella as well?
  5. you just right click then click save target as and then you choose itunes as the program
  6. y101 posted pictures on their site heres the link http://y101rocks.com/inside/photos.html
  7. i serously hope they loved richmond and want to come back in the future! it's so lame how bigger bands hardly come to richmond!
  8. zac and taylor kept coming out to watch silversun pickups and army of me it was funny haha. but yeah that was a rough show, there were so many people who kept pushing it was so annoying oh and anyone for silversun pickups!? holy crap they were amazing too bad army of me sucked big time! and of course paramore as ah-mazing! and i'm so jealous you got to meet the band! did anyone stay after to see them?
  9. dude the one that says "crushx3 hayley only" is really cool because you can hear like every little background vocal. its like on the side
  10. yeah did anyone record it? because i only caught the grape smushing part. was there more?
  11. so is it the same every night? or do they change it up?
  12. so everyone who has seen paramore on this tour so far what has the setlist looked like? like how many songs from riot and how many songs from awkif? highlights of your favorite songs, stuff like that.
  13. toad's place is a really nice venue. it's right on the canal walk which was built back in the early like 1700's i think. its really awesome. i think it holds a capacity of about 1400 so it's pretty much the same size as the NorVa. i just hope that it's still a good show and that there's still good merch since a radio station is hosting it. but other than that...i'm so stoked! haha plus i think theres a thing like at the Norva with kelly's tavern where you can get in early if you eat at that restaurant. but i can't remember the name of the restaurant. i'm sure you can find it on toad's place's website or something. anyways, can't wait to see you guys there! wahoo! yeesh sorry for rambling
  14. yeah i got mine online so i guess maybe the tickets online are spelled correctly
  15. this has nothing to do with this thread but i just wanted to ask you what video is your sig from?
  16. i don't know i seriously bought my ticket like a month ago that's so weird though ahha
  17. whoa that's weird, how did they spell it? on my ticket it's spelled correctly
  18. yeah i called Toad's Place and the lady was like "Yeah Paramore's headlining so they'll be doing a full set. Army of Me and Silversun Pickups are going to be opening acts." i was like SWEET!
  19. hey did anyone see paramore on trl like 3 minutes ago (november 13) i was flipping channels and there they were! it was funny they were like teaching these kids how to be a rock band or something. hayley was teaching the girl how to head bang it was funny. haha anyone else catch it?
  20. hahahaha that was funny i wish we had a show like that in the US haha "this is like a bad episode of degrassi!"
  21. ps. no offense to avril lavigne fans, i'm just stating my opinion, not trying to directly attack anyone
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