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Everything posted by herewegoagain**

  1. Yet they are responsible for the most number of 14 year old girls turning "emo".
  2. Taking Back Sunday is not emo, and I guess you can blame the ignorance of those people who choose to label them as emo. LN and WYWTB are not masterpieces, but they sure are better than most of the albums released on the same year (2004 and 2006). TAYF will always be awesome The Audition is one of those bands that when you first hear you thought will be very big, and they should be. Then you find out they're on a shit label like Victory and realize that they probably never will get the credit they deserve until they leave the label.
  3. Agreed, though I think this album will give it a run for it's money
  4. Lydia Valencia Taking Back Sunday (They deserve more credit than they already have) The Audition
  5. From what I've heard, Sam and Dave wrote the verse and bridge and Metro Station wrote the chorus
  6. I'm disappointed with myself that I missed it, ATL+The Matches will probably never happen again
  7. 2008's lineup was waaay better
  8. What a bunch of douchebags, WTK are just All Time Low wannabees, they definitely want to cash in on the success of bands like ATL and Boys Like Girls, they don't and will never deserve to co-headline a tour with The Academy Is...
  9. I LOL'ed I guess Subway makes bands sell out nowadays....
  10. Lifetime? Forgive Durden? The Hush Sound? Fat chance And why the hell does everyone here regard AWKIF as a masterpiece? It's a good album, but it's no Tell All Your Friends or Almost Here
  11. I totally forgot about this
  12. Folie A Deux preview here: http://supjustin.com/post/61812973/eat-it-up-folie-deux-preview
  13. Awesome Just when I thought she couldn't get paler
  14. Hayley's part in Say Anything's "The Church Channel" still gives me goosebumps
  15. Exactly what I wanted to say, her legs are still awesome though
  16. LOL @ internet raped I agree the movie needs more Alice!
  17. She said she still has her iTunes folder, and Limewire sucks
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