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Everything posted by musicplaya

  1. ---p-------n----- --------i-------g----
  2. i dunno...i just thought of a random name that i hoped wasn't taken yet. i'm not very original.
  3. sweatpants, yellow shirt, and black hoodie.
  4. Man, the weather sucks and school starts again on Monday. stupid psp adapter. i can't find it and now i have to buy a new one.
  5. I'm a Catholic although sometimes I question it.
  6. it's just funny to me how people like doing that even though it's annoying. i didn't mean that i liked it that things keep getting thrown at her. i'm sorry if that's what you thought i meant. and yeah it's cool how she didn't make a big deal about it.
  7. haha things keep getting thrown at her during performances.
  8. Jack's Mannequin is awesome! I first heard them in One Tree Hill and I've been listening to them since. I don't really know which song's my favorite because I think they're all great.
  9. I think flyleaf is a great band. I've been listening to them a lot lately and I think Lacey has a great voice. Their songs are pretty cool too. I especially like Cassie and I'm So Sick.
  10. haha it's so funny reading the dreams here well, i had a dream about paramore too. basically, we went to see some movie. once the movie ended, we all got into the car and drove away. while driving, we realized that we left hayley in the theater so we drove back. i got out of the car and found her inside a box. i don't really remember what happens next. it was a weird dream for me.
  11. musicplaya


    Hello! I'm new here. My name is Marie and I'm from California. I'm a big fan of Paramore even if I just found them a few months ago. So, yeah...
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