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Everything posted by thisisaRiot

  1. well, i'm teaching myself guitar. and i mean i'm not doing too bad. but i was wondering if any one had suggestions to help me get better. or if they taught themselves and how they did or something? thankss!
  2. yeah they're a waste of money i think. and hard drugs are like the end. it's sad really
  3. HOLY CRAP I THOUGHT I WAS WEIRD! i'm terrified of paper cuts on my eye!! thank god i'm not aloneee haha i'm also scared of splinters in my eye whenever i walk by like a porch tahts at eye level...
  4. how do people find out about the acoustic shows. and are they free or what. like i'm so out of it right now haha
  5. hahaha thats greatt everyone i talk to is sick of me talking about them - when you look in the newspaper and it says "harley davison" and you think it says Hayley Davis and freak like hayley and Jerm got married or something but then notice that its a motorcycle lol
  6. Ajax told me zac deleted his fan myspace.
  7. yeah i'm sooo happy for all their success and everything. i just am selfish. and wanna hang with them cuz they seem reallly cool
  8. a. whered you find that pic? haha b. what are those animations in your sig from?
  9. were you at a meet and greet or something? or what were you giving them?
  10. but does anyone agree that like. they wish they were still smaller so that they could have more fan contact?
  11. ^ i love the shocked josh
  12. i feel like i'd want them to do a mix btw akwif and riot but then mix new sounds in i feel like it be too drastic if they just went completely different. i also agree that an acoustic album would kick ass<3
  13. but then how do they get to the bus!? lol you know i'm really happy for paramore's success and everything that's going for them. but, selfishly, i'd wish they'd stay a little bit smaller so i'd have a better chance of meeting them haha
  14. wait but then wouldnt' that be april fifth?
  15. basically my friend, whom i'm no longer friends with , came over and we were on itunes and she started looking up paramore, misery business. I immeadiately looked them up and downloaded all their songs lol and i'm obsessed! ahaha the wierd thing is the girl doesnt even like them that much! but i recruted another good friend of mine as a parawhore
  16. So is it on like tonight basically? 12:05 am?
  17. For anyone who has gone to the show or is going soon... did they hang out/meet fans after? and where like just when they were going to the tour bus? cuz i wanna meet them
  18. hahhahaha i saw that before i loooooooooove it hahaha
  19. AHHH i hopeeeeee they play stop this song! ahh<333 if someone could post the setlist for paramore && jimmy i'd be very grateful
  20. luca! i lovee your siggg that was teh funniest interview ever! haha
  21. i absolutely agree with you 100% on that. the popular thing and that i despise fake people. all my friends turned wicked fake in high school and they basically kicked me out of the group. it was total bull. but i mean i guess i cool with it now cuz i have new friends who love me and wouldnt do shit like that. the only thing is they go to a diff school so my school basically sucks.
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