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Everything posted by Damo

  1. James, if you have SkyOne, Happy Gilmore is on tonight! : :willy_nilly:
  2. Denmark - the home of bacon!
  3. New job still absolutely sucks! I really can't believe how much I hate it... Problem is, I can't leave it until something better comes along, and it took me long enough to find this
  4. I've been 20 for 2 months o.0 I feel so old
  5. :rotfl: You, sir, are spot on!
  6. Hey there, welcome to PF! Enjoy!
  7. ^Is the only person I know from Belgium ^^.
  8. I'm torn between that and "Hey, why don't I just go and eat some hay. I can lay by the bay, make things out of clay, I just may, what'd ya say?"
  9. I've never heard such a formal put-down
  10. Yes, yes and yes again. James, you are a legend mate! I know about 2 people that like this film! Can you remember the scene where Adam Sandler sings into the intercom thing? "I wanna kiss you all over, and over again...." God I hope you remember the scene, otherwise things may be uncomfortable
  11. I've got one and have set up a fantastic creatively named league named the "RIOT League" If anyone has a team, let me know and I'll send the code
  12. If it's true, surely they must win... COME ON PARAMORE :hyper:
  13. I've gotta say, I'm quite surprised Chelsea beat Pompey 4-0...I expected Chelsea to win, but expected Pompey to put up a fight at least!
  14. Shanie, that's an awesome collection 0.o
  15. ^ remembered how I like to be greeted! (Tinkril, I feel that I need a cool nickname for you!)
  16. I shall believe that super V is your real name! 10!
  17. Damo


    Scrubs is without a doubt the best TV show ever in the existance of TV!
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