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Everything posted by walktheline

  1. Careful - 16 Ignorance - 9 Playing God - 9 Brick By Boring Brick - 49 Where the lines overlap - 22 Looking up - 17 + Ignorance - Looking up
  2. Terot ajelulla PMmp4.mp4.... don't even ask what that is I don't know
  3. Ylivieska! woohoo back to finnish cities y'all!
  4. http://dauntlessmedia.net/startrek/wp-content/uploads/2008/05/tos-105-the-enemy-within-300x225.gif
  5. Damn there are no cities starting with W in Finland Wakefield!
  6. I always kinda forget about this site, I usually hang out in the Finnish Paramore site these days and I made a huge analysis about "Now" so I'm just gonna sum it up short and sweet here: mixed feelings. Some parts I really like, some parts are just nah. I'm not a big fan of the rap intro nor the "This ain't it, this ain't it" part... But I love the bridge! But my mixed feelings are mostly based on the fact that the clip gave such a different impression of the song. To me, the clip reminded me of that Decode, Monster kinda feeling. So it was a big let down to find out it wasn't like that at all. But I do like the song, glad they're trying something different, and I am excited about the album! I found this different version of Now where there was a slightly different scale degree - I totally prefer that version. Too bad the user deleted the video from YouTube but I'm glad I was fast enough to snatch it and have it on my cell. I think the original version just isn't as good as the differently mixed version I found.
  7. Helloooo Marjanne! It's so nice seeing you here (tho I haven't been here much either)! Glad to hear you're doing okay + hope Maikel is doing well as well (I still remember you mentioning him!) I remember that we talked about ponies too, heheh! =) Ps. I love PLL as well! And New Girl & Glee (... occasionally, it's getting weird) !
  8. That clip sounded different... yet promising!! Especially the last part! CAN'T WAIT!! :hyper:
  9. The Kill and From Yesterday I know pretty much the only songs I've heard.... Madonna?
  10. Prune kissel! A traditional Finnish Christmas food....
  11. ^Hahah epic Betty! *hyper* Tampere (like I'm gonna stop doing it now!)
  12. Hmmm the answer to your wild guess is a..... YES! ps yay that you answered woohoo! *willynilly* The most logical option would be..... Betty?
  13. Sunday. Depressing when it isn't the day we were looking for. These aren't the droids you're looking for... I know I'm a loose cannon.
  14. Milk I know... there's no good excuse.
  15. Took 2 years for anni to get an answer and it's.... noo Since Betty is pretty much the only one here I assume that if she ever happens to check this topic out she would see my long ramble and answer YES?
  16. Waaait... how do you rep people on this new board? I have absolutely no idea! Oh good times, good times.. Yeah I'm feeling a bit nostalgic that's all. Especially now that I checked and Franny still has a better rep than me! Oh that unbeatable goal... Oops I'm sorry. They're likes now. Facebook takes over the world
  17. What has happened to this thread? It used to be my favorite Whoa 10,400 and year 2010 two posts ago? Just passed 10,800!
  18. Traumatized... daaamn youtube. //10,800! Well that worked, feeling better already!
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