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Everything posted by Jordypord

  1. She looks a bit too young there, how old is she?
  2. I confess china oppening woman only car parks is genious, just shows why they are one of the fastest developing countries in the world!
  3. Her nose isnt that bad i dont think, ive seen worse. Emma Watsons a strange one, shes hot, but incredibly innocent looking to...dunno what to think about her.
  4. New Years rant again, i bloody hate hogmany, I want to do something, but everybody keeps changing their minds, think ill just sit in front of the tv with a bottle of white and mackay, watch only an excuse, moan about how much i hate the turkeynecked presenter to whoever, if anybody, is in the room with me, then fall asleep and wake up to another normal day. Yus.
  5. Now thats a band i could like! As long as their music is good though..
  6. All hail King Kris, henrik who?
  7. My first guitar was a 10 year old jumbo sized acoustic with the strings an inch off the fretboard, i got it because my parents thought i would never stick at it, but i did, i would have loved a proper starter park. I cant offer much tips than has already been said, but whatever you do stick at it! You are going to feel discouraged and want to kill your guitar, but ive been playing for over 5 years and still feel like that sometimes, but if you keep going, you will become a good guitar player, for a starter guitarist though I suggest only playing songs you like, youll be able to dedicate yourself more that way!
  8. Really need to sort out what im doing for new years eve, ah my mates pulling out and changing their plans, pain in the backside, i dont like new years, its just another night out for me, but i dont want to be a loner!
  9. Didnt like them, but thats too young to die, RIP Wonder what happened to him.
  10. Well it cant get much worse than orange just now, nobody in the whole area for about 20 miles is getting anything, a joke really! And are vodafone that bad too?
  11. Really? Are 3 not the only ones who had the iphone for a while, or was that 02? Dunno, how good are their contract deals etc?
  12. Orange (the phone network) are nazi scum. A week with bugger all signal, and any emails they get are just ignored. Im off to Vodafone
  13. They seriously playing at that? If so thats shite, i cant afford to go to both that and sonisphere, balls, they better do a UK tour soon.
  14. Aye were they no advertising it on the big screen at paramore or something? I wonder if they'll play up in Aberdeen anytime soon, might go for the crack if they do, just to feel old, and probably to perve.:shifty:joking:shifty:
  15. Jordypord


    Yup original, well close enough, it was a yellow one, special edition, but it was just the green screen and black lines for the games! It was so bad, if you took it out in bright sunlight it just turned itself off
  16. Jordypord


    Never played crystal, i had one of them original gameboys, so gold worked on that, but they changed the shape of the cartridge for crystal so it wouldnt fit. Bastards.
  17. I felt old at the paramore gig! The average age of the folk around us where we were siting was about 13, including a few guys who got oddly excited over youmeatsix... Where are they playing in march? My sister wants the new album for her birthday, fine by me, saves effort.
  18. Jordypord


    Aye there was a game based on the card game, i got a shot of it from my mate for a while, it was pretty decent. All ive played is the gameboy games. My gold version doesnt work anymore though, apparantly its because theres a small internal battery that keeps the in game clock or something going, so once its gone the game is to!
  19. Thats good though, if they all look like fuds (brilliant word that btw), theres gonna be less girls swooning over them, so itll be safe for me to like them.
  20. Haha ace, well that is the thing though, they do have some good tunes, but aye, girly is the right word i think,which is why ill never be that fond of them... maybe if they all grew beards or something id like them better.
  21. Despite me slagging them off a fair bit, my sister caught me listening to kiss and tell today, which i do like i suppose, but I felt like i had been caught doing something a lot worse...quilty pleasure i suppose.
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