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Everything posted by Harry

  1. Edit: Nevermind, I wasn't sober when I posted.
  2. Thanks =) Edit: Oh and James, who the fuck is that guy you posted on the previous page that seems to bear a slight resemblance to me? Is it actually someone that I should be aware of (hence I'm an idiot for not knowing) or just some random picture lol?
  3. An old pic of me from last year. Me being embarrassing and really emo boy like and being bored at what I think was like 2 am in the morning with nothing to do except take embarrassing photos of myself in my bedroom.
  4. Woops, forgot this, but this is my Line 6 POD X3 Live. This pic was taken the day Australia Post courier brought it to my house, before I even plugged it in and set it up, hence why the power cord was still coiled up. It's not a very good pic, you may as well go to their website to see a much clearer pic. It serves as my preamp, my recording interface and also 50 per cent of the time my computer sound card (since recording interfaces can be used as sound cards). I also have it plugged into 2x Behringer B2030A active studio monitors for my sound, which I might post later, but honestly they are nothing special looking, but they get the job done and sound fairly good for budget monitors.
  5. Okay, so here is some of my gear. My camera is not working at the moment, no batteries, so no chance to get it all in a family shot, so just individual pics. Here is my Brian Moore Guitars I12000 Series. THE best Korean made guitar I've ever played and the playability is quite seriously up there with American made Jackson Soloists for playability, which speaks volumes because American made Jackson Soloists are amazing guitars. The neck is super fast and anyone that plays metal would enjoy playing this guitar. Seymour Duncans give it amazing tone, as does the Mahogany body. My crappy photography does not do this guitar justice as to how beautiful it is. And a shot of the headstock, which is sexy because the finish matches the body. Lastly, a picture of the neck through design, makes it's so comfy to play. I'm probably selling it though, because it doesn't get enough use to justify owning it. I'm a player, not a collector, so even if I regret selling it, I have to if I don't play it enough. Here's my 7 string, the guitar I play most. The pictures are of garbage quality because I took them late at night and didn't bother setting up the camera better. A pic of the bolt on design, known as All Access Neck Joint (AANJ) in Ibanez terms. Much easier to play in the higher registers than a clunky, chunky Fender bolt on design. I didn't bother posting a pic of the headstock because you can just google "Ibanez RG 7321" and my guitar has that exact same headstock basically. Some info: It's a 1999 model, Japanese made Ibanez RG 7421 in Cherry Fudge finish. The pickups are still stock, but they sound reasonable for what they are, and I disconnected the tone pot to increase the clarity of the sound and I don't use the tone pot anyway, I always left it on full. They are discontinued unfortunately, which is a shame because the playability is amazing and the neck is incredibly comfy. It was replaced by a piece of crap RG 7321, made in Indonesia, which are garbage compared to the RG 7421 quality, construction and playability wise. The finish is not exactly stunning, but I bought it because it's a good, reliable work horse guitar. I'll post up the bass guitar later when I get pics, and also the drum kit later too.
  6. I tell it like it is because this world is full of shit and I think we could all benefit from being more honest and open.
  7. ^Would like to see a thread on the progress, for sure.
  8. Ice Monster- Minus the Bear The most addictive chorus of any song I've been listening lately.
  9. Stripped the finish already, woa. Good score man, congrats.
  10. Geekiness is awesome, it shouldn't even be considered a negative thing.
  11. Know how that feels. Both my parents know I am a depressed person but they still make me feel like shit a lot.
  12. I need to rant and I feel like complete shit, and I found this thread. Well let's see if I can compare my stuff to the OP. 1. I'm not a virgin, but I haven't had sex since 2007. So now I'm scared to have sex again because I fear I've forgotten how to do it correctly and will just embarrass myself and have a girl laugh in my face or just tell their friends how much I sucked in bed or something. 2. Sometimes I'm totally extroverted. I can make new friends fairly quickly because I have fairly good social skills. Other times I'm a complete recluse and want to stay away from everyone completely and just stay at home. 3. I'm a super fucking honest person that doesn't tell people what they want to hear if I dont' believe in it. As a result, I will tell my friends to their face if I think they are ugly, if they have been a sleaze, if they have been a complete dickhead, whatever. I've been told I'm too honest. 4. I'm about as subtle as a car crashing into your house. I am upfront, direct and to the point and because sometimes I'm an idiot, it means I say some totally dumb shit that makes people get angry at me. 5. I am super scared of the future. I'm 20 years old, don't have a job, I'm a high school drop out and have zero qualifications. I tend to think I'll become a drug addict and a homeless bum in the future. 6. I take drugs. No, I am not an addict, I am not a junkie, I am a recreational user and I firmly believe drugs have made me more open minded and a better person. I DO NOT want to hear from holier than thou straight edge kids telling me "Drugs are evil". Water can kill you in excess. Junk food can kill you in excess. Guns can kill people in the hands of an idiot. Drugs in excess will kill you. However drugs in moderation, in my case no more than once a month at most, and usually only a few times a year, will not instantly ruin your life. 7. I drink alcohol. I used to be an alcoholic. Yes, I was drunk every single day at one point in my life. 8. I most likely have bi polar disorder. What I am sure of though, is that I have had a history of anxiety and paranoia disorder. I used to sit on my computer for 12-14 hours a day because of those 2 disorders, I was unable to leave my house without getting anxiety attacks. Mental illness nearly ruined my life completely. 9. I have the music taste of a metalhead for the most part (obviously it's not all I listen to, since obviously I'm a member of this forum board because I love Paramore). But I don't dress like one. I am not a "metal tough guy" at all. In fact I am much more akin to the stereotype of an emo boy in my moodiness and how I display my emotions. I go through periods where I cry a lot, I like to have girls hug me a lot , I like to actually dress nicely when I go out (most metalheads I've known do not know how to dress well, quite frankly, not all of them, but most of the ones I've known), I openly talk about the way I feel to girls the same way girls would to another girl, I care about my appearance and I even plan on getting rid of most of my old, crappy clothes so I can buy a lot of new clothes so I can look better in general. All of which is generally not accepted as "troo heavy metal" among my metal obsessed friends, but screw them because I don't care to keep my fashion tastes in line with what my favorite music is. 10. I'm a pussy. rather than fight someone in the street if they came up to me, I'd most likely just run. In 2007, I nearly got stabbed by someone at a party because he was on drugs and thought I was lying to him something, and I cried afterwards when the guy left. It was the first time I cried in front of my male friends. Now I just don't care if people think I'm a pussy or not. I could not be in the armed forces, because seeing one person get killed in combat would probably be destroy me mentally. 11. I never kissed a girl until I was 17. I never had a girlfriend until I was 18. I've never been in a relationship over 2 months, because I generally get cheated on or something like that. 12. Unlike most "metalheads" I have a serious thing for the emo girls/scene girl look. I find it to be incredibly hot when a girl does it right. I also like Jimmy Eat World and Dashboard Confessional, which gets me a lot of shit among my metal friends because they are known as emo bands. 13. I generally look like a straight up male. No make up, I don't have a side fringe or anything like that either. I don't wear tight pants, nothing that is suggestive that I like to wear stuff that would make me somewhat feminine in appearance. But sometimes when I get drunk by myself I put on girls clothing and often when drinking with friends, I will put on a dress just for the hell of it. So there you have it, a bunch of stuff I'd never admit to people I've met for the first time, and a lot of stuff I wouldn't even let my family know about. Hooray for the internet.
  13. Inside It All Feels The Same-Explosions In The Sky
  14. "uhhmm...so this is me. sitting behind my computer, all tired and shit...ew" I have to say, eww does not come to mind at all. Very pretty in fact.
  15. Harry

    Hi everyone!

    Remember this quote? You posted that in my welcome thread. I had to bump this, because it's just so uncanny. Now, it gets even scarier. Okay, so no, I didn't hate Paramore with a passion in the beginning, I in fact had never heard of them until a few months ago and never had heard them, so neither hated nor liked. But guess what song got me into the band? Yep, it was Decode as well. I used to hate ALL pop music basically, pop punk, pop rock whatever. All I listened to was metal, jazz fusion and classical music. Even today I'm still known as the progressive metal nerd among my friends (to top it off, every heard of Progarchives.com? I am a "Progressive Metal Team" collaborator there, meaning I'm responsible for writing biographies for prog metal bands that get added to the database and other duties, so I truly was/kinda still am the prog metal nerd). But hell, time was a changin'. At the progarchives.com forum board and various other boards, I was getting sick of the elitism. I was also getting sick of the jazz fusion snobbery, the classical snobbery, the heavy metal elitist bullshit and the "we are hardcore punk so we hate emo" snobbery/elitism. I had been listening to nothing but complex, often virtuosic music. Avant Garde music and progressive metal was just constantly replaying in my memory. I was in desperate need of a contrast to this music. A friend of mentioned Paramore one day. I finally decided to bite the bullet and gave them a listen, telling myself I would hate them. I listened to a song on youtube thinking " THIS IS GONNA SUCK HARD", but no, I sat through the whole song. Didn't listen to them again for a few weeks. Listened to Decode again and was HOOKED, UTTERLY HOOKED. I was listening to Decode 10 times a day after for a while. I decided to get their other two albums. I am now super hooked to Paramore and prefer to listen to them over most metal bands any day of the week. I had to learn their stuff on guitar, it was that amazing. I too am deeply ashamed of my elitist attitude I had in the past and I've never been happier about my music taste now that I'm so much more open minded. Yes, I remain a metalhead at heart. Metal is what I love to listen to most, what I love playing most on guitar, what I understand most, but I learnt you can be a metalhead and be open minded and not be one of those "ANTI EMO" "ANTI POP" retards. I swear to hell we were bros separated at birth, it's uncanny. Now just get a 7 string guitar and we truly are the same person, just from different countries:rotfl:
  16. ^More random chicks eh? I would say straight away that she's cute but she looks like she's about 15 and I'm 20, so it's not a good look to be saying girls that are possibly that young are good looking lol. For all we know she could be older than me, you never know with girls these days.
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