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Everything posted by shaniali

  1. Coucou bienvenue à toi un Français de plus Hey welcome, one more French guy
  2. Seriously ? What a dickhead, I will never listen to one of his "show" ever again I don't even understand that they will be coming back in June...
  3. I just sent him a mail in French in which I am giving him a piece of my mind very politely of course ^^
  4. Yeah not everyone is able to make her feel comforable ( cf the other dickhead in NRJ :nono: )
  5. I apologize in the name of all French people this show sucks, other shows are not like that
  6. Yes she gave them today to Taylor
  7. I don't really understand the hate about them, to me they're a pretty decentt band, sure it's not original but it's pop punk rock and this genre is not renowned for it's originality... That being said, Josh is a really good vocalist and a great lyricist, I like when lyricists write about all they feel even if it's negative emotions, it's more genuine...
  8. I discovered them yesterday, Hayley is always talking about them si I decided to take a listen and I like them so far, I love Josh's voice and lyrics " I got one good reason to keep you on your feet I got another in the back, home in a seat " No idea what that means but it's stuck in my head ^^
  9. Contact- Falling Up It's even the music I wake up to
  10. I love them so much, they split though what a shame but we'll always have their music Jessy is a really great vocalist and lyricist
  11. I want Vanessa and Dan together I love Serena/Nate and Jenny/Nate
  12. In pain My tooth hurts so bad and i'm gonna have to go to the dentist and I hate going to the dentist cause I'm scared....
  13. Right now it's very close with BBBB I love them both very much...
  14. for those who have the Hayley show theory hey guys thanks for all the support and the nice comments. to clear things up for the guys in the band: i came up with this treatment with brandon (director, friend) and we all knew that it was going to be more personal to me than anyone else. the dudes don't feel run over, nor do they really even care that i'm in every shot and they're not. it's our favorite video that we've ever done. source : absolutêpunk hope it will be enough to make you stop looking for drama when there is not
  15. I hate to admitit but I'm too selfish and self-centred
  16. Dear Charlotte I hope you will understand and forgive me some day
  17. Your artwork is amazing keep it up
  18. never wished speaking Spanish so bad, desepserately tring to decipher Fisica O quimica
  19. How long will Chad and Hayley have to go through this ?
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