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New LJ 2.19.07


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back from the almost dead



well it's been since the video update and it's time that you heard from us.

sorry to keep ya waiting.


just to let you guys know, we're sort of in the middle of this whole process.

josh is doing some guitar tracks and hopefully i'll be starting vocals sometime this week.

with every day we get more and more excited about it all.


alright, so i wanna get a little bit personal for a second... i have nothing to do anyhow, so here goes nothing.


sometimes i'm better at hiding behind smiles than other times. you know what that feels like?

most of the songs goin on this record were written in the last few months of 2006 after we got back from England. we were sort of on a high. we hadn't really been home in a while and home was like... another day sheet, another shirt out of the suitcase, another cup of scorching hot tea...another show... just a different type of show. when i got back... i just realized a lot about myself. i spent a lot of time with my thoughts - by myself. it really was amusing, to me, to think of all that we've been through and how many great things we've had the opportunity to do, the people we've met... and then to realize... "i'm home and i'm still the same little ol' me." i guess, before it all started, i thought that going off on tour and being semi-successful would make me forget it all. anything that bothered me would just disappear and i'd come home and sleep peacefully in my own bed. well, that's not really how it happened. everything i left i came back to. some things had changed but it was more like growth than change. i felt the same feelings... a lot of the same pains... none of it had disappeared. it forced me to learn a lot about life and the way i've approached it as opposed to other ways i could've approached it, if i'd only looked at things from different angles. the guys have gone through a lot of similar things since coming home. we've been through a lot together and learned a lot from each other. i think what i have learned most is that... i'll never be perfect. i'm not talking about just looks or things like that... but in every part of life... i'll always be flawed. i'm sure a lot of girls feel that way too and i know that dudes do cause i live with a bunch of em. the greatest feeling is knowing that i don't have to be right. i've been ashamed and am still ashamed of things i've felt. hate. jealousy. lust. fear. pride. self consciousness. pure anger. pity. just plain hurt. but instead of hiding it all... i feel like i need to talk about it. you might hear a lot of this on the record - more detailed in some songs than others. it's important to us that fans of ours know that's how it's going to be before anybody else. you guys knew us first... so... you'll know a little more of us first, now ;-)


to sum this all up...

everyone in this band has been through painful, shameful times... some of which have left scars.

but we feel like that's okay

cause they make us who we are.




well actually - this is from all of us.

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Lisa, i thought about you when I read it. and how I thought you'd react. I was totally correct. but i think it's awesome. (o, and go read my second post. it's on the first page. just attached to my first one. please? i think you'd get it more than a lot of other people)


Thank you. :]


And yeah, I am ashamed of that too. It's just that I hope they understand our reasons why.

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