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New LJ 7-13-07


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alright so theres a new LJ --http://paramoreband.livejournal.com/


hey ya'll!


sorry it's been a ridiculously long time since we've updated.

you'll probably never believe it, but we have had absolutely no internet access for like... way too long.

pretty much since warped began. anyways, we are really sorry.

it shouldn't be this long between updates anymore. i hope?


as always, warped is the most fun we've ever had on tour in a long time. with the record having just been released and us playing main stage, it's been a really busy summer, so far. thanks for your patience with us.

the one thing that has sucked is the schedule each day. we've hardly had any time to hang out with ya'll other than at the AT&T signings and things like that. hopefully, it'll get better but at the same time we should definitely be thankful that we are busy rather than not doing anything at all!


some of you that are really familiar with the history of Warped probably know a man by the name of Kevin Lyman. he is the genius behind the tour and the reason that it's still going today. well, he interviewed us not too long ago on his bus for a little radio thing that he does... asking us questions about our personal lives as musicians and artists. it was cool cause it was a lot different than most interviews. one of the main topics we talked about was stress, busy-ness and how those things can effect our relationship with our fans and even our music. he seems to geniunely care about us as people as well as a band and that feels good. before we left he said to us that he doesn't want to see us get burnt out like so many other bands...


after we left, the guys and i got to talking and just felt like we should reach out to ya'll and make sure you know how much we care about ya'll and how often it's you and your passion that keeps us going. if there's any reason that we never get burnt out, it's you guys. seems like lately a lot of our posts have been following closely along these lines. but after talking with kevin and realizing that we are getting busier and busier, we feel like it's pretty important we keep reitterating it.


well, i think i might go take a nap or something. today was a little exhausting and i'm not feeling amazing. ha. i can hear new found glory playing outside... pretty surreal considering i used to jam out to them in my room! i guess i'll fall asleep to "Understatement". that will be nice.



all of us.



ps. i just sent off the 2nd batch of pics to altpress.com - make sure to check em out soon! :smile:

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