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Ask me anything Thread #2


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I could only narrow it down into two.


1. Graduation from senior high. I didn't know what to expect beforehand, but when I finally got to wear my own "white cap", I was overwhelmed with emotions. 12 years of anticipation, 12 years of devotion, 12 years of self-discovery, 12 years of friendships. It felt great! I didn't cry, but this was the first moment I thought of when I saw the question.


2. "Squad leader march" in the army. 50 km (31 miles orsmt) on foot, with full combat gear, anti-flak vest, and a backpack plus two flak mines (10kg each), resulting in about 60kg of weight to carry. We were dropped in the middle of nowhere and had to figure our way back to the barracks in the pitch black night. When the last miles were on, I can only remember the excruciating pain everywhere in my body. All that mattered in the end was the willpower to carry on, no matter what. I pretty much fell unconscious on my bunk when we finally got to the barracks, only to wake up 5 minutes later to the morning roll call. -.- After that, I discovered that the boundaries that I thought I had, are actually nowhere near the actual borders of my ability. The feeling of finishing the march was unbelievable, I'll never forget it.


I'll just repeat Shannon's question. I want to hear more of these!

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Wow. Amazing!


Mine aren't as interesting...

1.) The first time I saw my favourite band- My Chemical Romance- live. This current tour was revolved around a concept album and on the opening track, the lead singer and pretty much my hero, Gerard Way, came out on a gurney, hidden beneath a blanket. Thousands of eyes trained on that bed for what felt like hours until he crept out from the bed and began to sing. Before the chorus kicked in, Gerard ripped off the white hospital gown and had the usual onstage uniform on. I'm sure wherever you were in the room, it would have been spectacular, but I was in the second row, off to the left, I was SO close and could see over all those standing's heads. I actually cried it was that great a moment.


2.) This was actually pretty recent.. I think late February/early March but I'm not sure. It was break-time in school and everything was covered in snow. All my friends were together, tripping and slipping on ice, throwing snowballs and just having a good laugh. The reason this was of the greatest moments was because I kind of have paranoia issues, I'm never quite sure if someone is laughing behind my back or pitying me, whatever, but right then, I was just having fun with my friends without a care in the world. LOL, how corny.


3.) Gorge-walking! There was this "swot convention" were some kids with great potential were just taken for a fun day. We played games, went in this mine and then went gorge walking, I went with my friend David and it was just amazing. We had these crazy wet suits on and were just flopping about in the water, jumping from (minor) water falls and allsorts. We usually stand in a big-ish group so it was nice just to have the day with David and we had a blast!



Same again, but, if Pekka answers then tell me your worst moment.

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Graduating high school; It shouldn't have been a huge moment but I had a horrible Junior year where I decided everything except for school was important. I had to take 2 summer classes, 3 classes through the mail and pass everything that year. It was a ton of work, and not having any free time to myself. It wasn't the best year of my life, but accomplishing it all made me feel good about myself. My parents were extremely happy for me (my dad never finished high school because he got my mom pregnant and had to start working full time), and I was glad I could do that for them.


Watching my little sister drive in the game winning run in her softball game, even though she didn't know the situation at all (she was 10). It was exciting, the last inning (due to the time limit) and they were undefeated until that point. Just seeing her hit the ball and run to 1st base, then afterwords the team on the bench running out to congratulate her.


Same question, with the same caveat for Shannon and Pekka (if they answer, share their worst).

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Worst it is!


1.)Being admitted to hospital and having to idea what the hell was wrong.. At that point, I hadn't been able to eat for a week and I was pretty worried.


2.)Waking up to a phone call last month and having one of my best friends tell me her mam had died. I had no idea what to do or say. She's been through so much already.




Share your worst moment.

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Being told that my grandpa died while we were driving to surprise him (knowing he was going to pass soon), they live in Maryland, we had just moved to Michigan the year before. I was just completely depressed for a month.


If you had to die your hair either green or bright orange, which would you choose?

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