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Is anyone in college?


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I'm in high school, but I'm a part time student at a college. Does that still count?

I can't say which one it is, as I'm paranoid about stalkers, haha.

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i'm also a junior in high school. i just started looking at colleges (have 1 visitation this week and 2 trips in november, and college showcases for softball). and i have no idea what the heck i wanna do with my life :) it all seems pretty pointless to me until i know what i wanna do. :/

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I'm a sophomore in college. I'm a secondary education major and my emphasis is composition and literature, which is the fancy way of saying I'm going to be a junior/senior high English teacher. I actually intended on going to Southern Utah University, and it's a GREAT school for my major. I had a 90% scholarship from them and another for being a caner survivor so tuition was 100% taken care of, I had an apartment reserved, everything and at the last minute I pulled out for personal reasons. I've never told ANYBODY the exact reason why, I just say I got scared which is bull. Anyway I stayed home and I'm okay with it. I'm transfering after the spring semester to another local school, though. Sometimes I regret staying home but this is probably a better course of action in the long run.

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Im only a Junior in high school but hopefully, after I graduate I can move to new york for a little while on an internship at Alternative press as a journalist, then Im going to go to a local college and study journalism for 2 years, and then I plan on going to the academy of art university in San fransico for 2 years and major in fashion merchandising.

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^Just FYI, journalism is RIDICULOUSLY competitive, and the pay is awful. I was heavily into journalism in high school. Pepperdine even requested my work for recruitment. But everybody wants to be the next Barbara Walters and they're just too many dumbasses that think they'll be all over TV if they major in journalism, so I chose to forego that path. I wouldn't have had it hard because I wrote for the largest newspaper in Nevada in high school as well as a local magazine, so I was already in the door, I just didn't want to deal with all the wannabes.

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i'm just about to move into sixth form college at my high school in the UK, where i'll be studying English Literature, Psychology, Philosophy, Critical Thinking and Music.


i'm looking at either Liverpool John Moores University, Cardiff University or University of Sussex to study Forensic Psychology in the future; with the possibility of studying in America (thinking about Boston University or somewhere south possibly) :D

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i'm just about to move into sixth form college at my high school in the UK, where i'll be studying English Literature, Psychology, Philosophy, Critical Thinking and Music.


i'm looking at either Liverpool John Moores University, Cardiff University or University of Sussex to study Forensic Psychology in the future; with the possibility of studying in America (thinking about Boston University or somewhere south possibly) :D


i have a lot of friends that go to BU.

its an amazing university. you should really look into it.

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in a freshman in college...i just going to a community college...for my gen ad class...i will have to transfer to another college around here that has my major....im going for computer repair.....graphic design....and web management


for the college im at you have to take all of these art classes.. that I don't want to take. Im a education major.

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high school is about on average :14-18 It all depends when your birthday is. College about from ages : 18-21ish it depends on what you are going for.


More like 18-23 or 24 for most people. Unless you do summer school it's usually pretty hard to hammer it out so quickly. And I hope you realize that special education is much, much more than kids with ADHD. Like kids with REAL problems such as autism, severe handicaps, mental retardation etc. ADHD is a huge misconception and is probably one of the most misdiagnosed disorders in the world. Most ADHD kids are mainstreamed and put into general education classrooms anyway because they can be medicated. In a real special education classroom, and especially in a self-contained room, the kids will have more severe problems.

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